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Vanity Fair William Makepeace Book report by Laura A.

De Alba The story tells the life of Rebecca Sharp, an orphan who only cares about values of Vanity Fair, and her friend Amelia, who doesnt stem them much. First, Rebecca tries to marry Joseph Sedley, but George Osborne (Amelias fianc) ruins Rebeccas plans because he doesnt want a governess as a sister-in-law. When Rebecca finds his plans frustrated, she goes to work as a governess for Sir Pitt Crawley. Soon afterwards, Sir Pitts wife dies, so he asks Becky to marry him, but she has to refuse because she has already married his son. Georges marries Amelia despite being disinherited by his father ought to her lack of fortune, these thanks to William Dobbin, who is in love with Amelia. George dies in Waterloo when Amelia is pregnant, leaving her without a penny to raise their child so little Georgie goes to live with his grandfather. Becky also haves a son, who she hates. One day she meets Lord Stayne. He gave her money and diamonds, and even presented her in court in exchange to having an affair with him. This remained until Rawdon discovered them. He leaves Rebecca and dies of yellow fever in Coventry Island. Rebecca wanders through Europe after losing all respectability until she meets Joseph Sedley again, leaves him penniless, and hastens his death. Rebecca finally found a place in Vanity Fair

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