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-----------------------------------------------------------EDO'S YU-GI-OH! PC GAME HISTORY FILE CURRENT VERSION 12/19/02 -----------------------------------------------------------Yu-Gi-Oh! is a copyright and trademark of Kazuki Takahashi.

Use of that trademark in this file and game is not a challenge to that trademark. Yu-Gi-Oh! is distributed in the United States and Canada by 4Kids Entertainment. The Yugioh Trading Card Game is distributed in the U.S. by Upper Deck Entertainment. -----------------------------------------------------------==========| KNOWN BUGS / ERRORS - Sometimes a card in your collection will have a negative value, and purchasing copies of that card will have no effect. I have dubbed this the "Blue Eyes Bug", since it seems to happen with the Blue Eyes card, rather than other cards. I thought this was corrected in 06/01/02, but some people still encounter this bug. - Sometimes, Runtime errors will happen during the execution of the program (most of the time, this will happen during a Duel, or at the end of a duel). This is because this game is sloppily programmed. They don't happen that often, but sometimes they do. Please grin and bear it. - On some computers, when you start a new game, if you answer "No" to Anzu's question, the program will lock up. The full reason is unknown, but it has been dubbed to be a memory problem. Please view the README.TXT file for more details. - ANDROID PSYCHO SHOCKER still doesn't fully work at the current time (currently prevents activations of a number of Trap cards, not ongoing ones). - DECK DESTRUCTION VIRUS OF DEATH still doesn't fully work at the current time. - Some rulings are not 100% similar to the real card game. This is due to time and programming constraints. Please grin and bear them. - Sometimes your opponent will have no Monsters on the Field, but when you try and attack, it will ask you for an attack target. This is a bug that happens when certain Monsters are removed from the game. I am still tracking down some of the problems, so please bear with me. ==========| REAL CARD GAME DIFFERENCES At the current time, there are differences that Edo's Yugioh PC Game has when compared to the real card game. A few examples include: - Fusion Monsters are kept in your normal deck; there is no Fusion Deck in this game. This is because...well, that's a secret. - Only Monsters on the Field can be used for Fusing. This is offset by the fact that they can be played from your hand OR deck.

- Only Monsters on the Field can be used for sacrificing to a Ritual. This is offset by the fact that they can be played from your hand OR deck. - Magnet Valkyrion can only be summoned by sacrificing Alpha, Beta and Gamma that are on the Field. - Gaining control of an opponent's Monster destroys all cards attached to it. ==========| FIXES Version 12/19/02 ---------------* NOTE: There are several more bugs that were sent to me that are not reflected in this version that was just released. They will be addressed and corrected in future versions. BLACK PALADIN's effects are now active. DESTRUCTION RING's effect is now useable during your turn. DICE POT's effect is now active. DON ZARUUG's effects are now active. DRAGON-CALLING HORN's effect is now active. DRAGON-REVIVING LUTE's effect is now active. FEEDBACK's effect now increased to 400. KINGS KNIGHT's effect is now active. RAZOR ANGEL's effect is now active. READING OF THE DEAD's effect now increased to 400. TORTURE WHEEL's effect now active. XY-DRAGON CANNON's destruction effect is now active. XZ-CATERPILLAR CANNON's destruction effect is now active. YZ-CATERPILLAR DRAGON's destruction effect is now active. XYZ-DRAGON CANNON's destruction effect is now active.

- 7 CARD's effect now active for the opponent. - TEN-THOUSAND REFLECTION's effect now active for the opponent. - Fixed BRAIN CONTROL / CHANGE OF HEART Bug (BUG: Could control multiple Monsters.) - Fixed DRAGON-SLAYING SWORD Bug (BUG: Wasn't able to play it correctly.) - Fixed REVIVAL OF THE SOUL Bug (BUG: Would think your Cemetery has no Monsters in it.) - Fixed REVOLVER DRAGON Bug (BUG: Having multiple Revolver Dragons out wouldn't let you use all their effects in one turn.) - Fixed 7 CARD Bug (BUG: Was listed as a "Fusion Monster" and could be summoned by a MISTRESS OF DISGUISE.) - Fixed TIME CASTLE Bug (BUG: Wasn't working correctly.) - Fixed [another] Opponent Playing Ritual Bug (BUG: Opponent could play Ritual Monsters with effects as normal Monsters.) - Fixed Monster Reset Bug [internal coding] (BUG: Empty slots would keep a Sub-Type. Prompted by a BUSTER BLADER Bug.) Thanks to all of the players for the bug reports for version 11/01/02.

Version 11/01/02 ---------------* NOTE: There are several more bugs that were sent to me that are not reflected in this version that was just released. They will be addressed and corrected in future versions. CRY OF THE LIVING DEAD is now active. DARK NECROPHIA's "summon" effect is now active (other effect is not). HOLY SHINE SOUL's effects are now active. SPIRIT OF AIR - GARUDA's effects are now active. SPIRIT OF FIRE - EFREET's effects are now active. SPIRIT OF ROCK - TITAN's effects are now active. SPIRIT OF WATER - AQUERIA's effects are now active.

- Fixed AGIDO Bug (BUG: Wrong Main-Type.) - Fixed ASCENDING HORN Bug (BUG: Could negate Sets.) - Fixed ATTACK NULLIFICATION Bug (BUG: Wasn't removed from the Field when negated.) - Fixed BLACK MAGICIAN GIRL Bug (BUG: Wasn't displaying / powering-up correctly.) - Fixed BLESSING OF GOD Bug (BUG: Would give Life Points for each card drawn.) - Fixed CHAOS WIZARD Bug (BUG: Wasn't fusing correctly.) - Fixed CHIBI BLACK MAGICIAN GIRL Bug (BUG: Wasn't displaying / powering-up correctly.) - Fixed DARK ELF Bug (BUG: AI would pay Life Points, even if it would lose.) - Fixed DARK NECROPHIA Bugs (BUG #1: Wrong Sub-Type.) (BUG #2: Couldn't be Summoned correctly.) - Fixed DEATH GREMLIN Bug (BUG: Wrong Sub-Type.) - Fixed DEMON AXE Bug (BUG: Wasn't displaying modifier correctly.) - Fixed EMISSARY OF OBLITERATION Bug (BUG: System still thought a Monster was still on the Field.) - Fixed GENERAL OF IMPENETRABLE DEFENSES Bug (BUG: Could not attack while in defense mode.) - Fixed HANE-HANE / PENGUIN SOLDIER Bug (BUG: Sometimes would put blank cards in hand.) - Fixed HEXAGRAM CURSE Bug (BUG: Could not be negated by the player.) - Fixed KELBEK Bug (BUG: Wrong Sub-Type.) - Fixed KELDO Bug (BUG: Wrong Sub-Type.) - Fixed MAGIC REMOVAL (BUG: Would not be removed from hand if a Trap card was revealed.) - Fixed MONSTER EYE Bug (BUG: Wasn't working correctly.) - Fixed NUCLEAR WARHEAD Bug (BUG: No description, but was working correctly.) - Fixed PIT TRAP Bug

(BUG: Could destroy Special Summons.) - Fixed SAINT MAGICIAN Bug (BUG: Opponent couldn't use it.) - Fixed SANGA / SUGA / HYUGA Bug (BUG: Didn't work the way it should have.) - Fixed SWORD OF TENACITY Bug (BUG: Would REPLACE the top card of your deck, rather than put it on top.) - Fixed TIME MAGICIAN Bug (BUG: Opponent could use it when face-down.) - Fixed WHITE THIEF Bug (BUG: Didn't discard when used by opponent.) - Fixed Control Bug (BUG: Couldn't change modes the turn Monsters were gained control of.) - Fixed Fusion Display Bug (BUG: Some Fusion Monsters had their Fusion-Material Monsters displayed incorrectly.) - Fixed Opponent Drawing Cards Bug (BUG: Game could freeze if opponent "decks out" when using a card that allows him or her to draw cards.) - Fixed two Negation Bugs (BUG: Weird infinite loops with Counter Traps.) (BUG: When a negation card is negate, the original card played would still be negated.) - Fixed Summon Negation Bug (BUG: Monsters could be negated by certain cards when returned to their previous controller through cards like Change of Heart.) - Fixed three Toon Bugs (BUG: Toons could be played with Toon World face-down.) (BUG: Opponent couldn't attack them with Normal Monsters.) (BUG: The four original Toons are Special Summons. They still require sacrifices to summon, however.) Thanks to all of the players for the bug reports for version 09/01/02. Version 09/01/02 ---------------- BLADE KNIGHT's effect is now active. - Added the SIDE BATTLE area - Fixed BLACK FOREST WITCH / CRITTER Bug (BUG: Was not showing cards correctly when going through deck.) - Fixed CHANGE OF HEART / BRAIN CONTROL Bug (BUG: Would take control of the opponent's Monster in attack mode.) - Fixed CHAOS POD Bug (BUG: Would not track the Monsters correctly.) - Fixed two HANE-HANE / PENGUIN SOLDIER Bug (BUG #1: Could return more than the specified number of Monsters to their owner's hands.) (BUG #2: Could show your opponent's face-down Monsters.) - Fixed INVALIDATE Bug (BUG: Was not destroyed when used.) - Fixed PIT TRAP Bugs

(BUG #1: Wasn't being displayed correctly, and wasn't working correctly.) (BUG #2: Could be used when controlling an opponent's Monster.) Fixed SALVAGE RUN Bug (BUG: Added "blank" cards to your deck.) Fixed SEDUCTIVE SHADOW Bug (BUG: Would crash game when used.) Fixed TIDAL WAVE Bugs (BUG: Could be used when controlling an opponent's Monster.) Fixed AKIRA Bug (BUG: Sometimes after defeating him, the game would freeze.) Fixed Opponent's Various Trap Picture Bug (BUG: Typo of which picture to use.) Fixed Opponent Fusion/Ritual Bug (BUG: Opponent could play them illegally.) Fixed MODE CHANGE Bug (BUG: Some cards could change their modes during the turn they were played.)

Version 07/15/02 ---------------* NOTE: I had not planned to release an update so soon after the last one, but some fatal bugs were found to impede the enjoyment of the game. - Fixed CHAOS POD Bug (BUG: Sometimes would discard all of the cards in your deck.) - Fixed ARUDISU Bug (Bug: After defeating, game would crash with a runtime error.) - Fixed CHARACTER Bug (BUG: Some Character files could not be found.) Version 07/10/02 ---------------- PIT TRAP is useable. - NYUDORYUA's effect is now useable. - DARK JELLOID'S effect is now useable. - Fixed KARATE MAN Bug (BUG: Would not be destroyed at the end of the turn.) - Fixed BLACK FOREST WITCH and CRITTER'S Display Bug (BUG: Didn't show cards as going through deck correctly.) - Fixed MAGNUM REVOLVER Bug (BUG: Didn't always work when activated.) - Fixed CHAIN DESTRUCTION Bug (Still doesn't work "totally", but you're not asked to use it constantly.) - Fixed GRAVEKEEPER'S FAMILIAR Bug (BUG: Didn't work against opponent.) - Fixed SEAL DEFENSE Bug (BUG: When played by opponent, didn't turn your Monster face up.) - Fixed FORTRESS WHALE Bug (BUG: Opponent could play it as a normal Monster.) - Fixed INVALIDATE Display Bug (BUG: Showed wrong card.) - Fixed TIME MAGICIAN Bug (BUG: Did damage to opponent when heads.) - Fixed CHAOS POD Bug

(BUG: Didn't work correctly.) - Fixed LESSER DEMON Bug (BUG: Didn't decrement Monster counter.) - Fixed COPYCAT Bug (BUG: Um, did some REALLY weird stuff.) - "Sort of" Fixed CASTLE THE SPREADS THE DARKNESS Bug (BUG: Weirdly didn't work.) - Fixed TRAP REMOVER (BUG: Didn't work correctly.) - Fixed Character Bug (BUG: Trying to get to a Character that you have exactly 14 wins against caused the game to crash. [Gee, not incrementing one value screwed it all up.]) - Fixed Non-Picture Magic and Trap Card Bugs (BUG: Some cards that didn't have pictures wouldn't show their "Picture Not Available" picture in the Magic/Trap slots.) - Fixed Trading Bug (BUG: Didn't reduce the correct card that was traded.) - Fixed Stage Bug (BUG: Sometimes there would be errors with Characters when going from one stage to another) - Fixed some Ritual Bugs (hopefully) (BUG: 1. Some didn't work for the player. 2. Opponent could play them without a copy of the Monster) Corrected GIL GARS' Sub-Type Corrected LESSER DEMON'S Sub-Type Corrected GOBLIN ZOMBIE'S Sub-Type Corrected RIVER CURRENT MERMAN'S Main- and Sub-Type Corrected FOLLOW WIND Corrected DARK JELLOID'S statistics Corrected some Monster derivitives (Prompted by BOMB BUG not destroying Monsters that it should.) Slightly corrected SEIFU'S deck Slightly corrected ESPER ROBA'S deck Slightly corrected GHOST KOTSUZUKA'S deck Slightly corrected RYAN THOMPSON'S deck Slightly corrected DINOSAUR RYUZAKI'S deck Slightly corrected SETO KAIBA'S deck Slightly corrected KOJIROU'S deck Made a different Battle Record form (click the Duel Record box in the Status form). Fixed some references

Thanks to all of the players for the bug reports for version 06/01/02. Version 06/01/02 ---------------* Fixed GIGA CYBER Bug (BUG: When played through its effect, was not removed from hand.) - Fixed DARK KNIGHT GAIA OF THE GALE Bug (BUG: When played through its effect, was not removed from hand.) - Fixed MURDER CIRCUS Bug (BUG: Returned Monster to hand, but didn't decrement Monster counter.)

* Fixed TEMPTRESS NUVIA Bug (BUG: Could summon in face-up attack mode.) * Fixed SALVAGE RUN Bug (BUG: Could lock up game when used.) * Fixed HURRICANE Bug (BUG: Return M/Ts to hands, but didn't decrement M/T counter.) * Fixed SWORD OF TENACITY Bug (BUG: Returned to deck, but didn't decrement M/T counter.) * Fixed CYCLONE Bug (BUG: Could not destroy Field cards.) - Fixed MONSTER RETURNAL Bug (BUG: Returned Monster to deck, but didn't decrement Monster counter.) * Fixed EMISSARY OF PEACE Bug (BUG: Opponent's Monsters with ATT >= 1500 could still attack.) * Fixed MONSTER BOX Bug (BUG: Could be activated while still face down.) - Corrected RA's second ability - Added OSIRIS' "Summon Lightning Impact" effect. - SWORDSMAN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION is "pretty much" working. - Changed TOON WORLD to its current "Pegasus Deck" wording. - Toon Monsters still "pretty much" working. - DECK DESTRUCTION VIRUS OF DEATH's time limit is NOT working yet. - Special thanks to redbaron2 for a majority of the bug reports for version 03/22/02, indicated by the "*" fixes above. Version 03/22/02 ---------------- Initial version. -----------------------------------------------------------Fin.

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