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Solar Thermal FuelUsing grapheneazobenzene hybrid


Solar Thermal Fuels

Solar fuels photoactive molecule stores solar energy in molecules that change state in response to light.

Best example :tetracarbonly-diruthenium fulvalene ruthenium rare and expensive volumetric energy density smaller

Fig:1:- generalised solar fuel using Carbon nanotube

how photoactive molecules store solar energy

Azobenzene -Carbon Nanotube

Why Azobenzene- carbon nanotube
Right balance between H & Activation Energy

higher energy-storage capacity and a longer storage lifetime can be designed into the Azobenzene system

a single layer of carbon in which the atoms are arranged in hexagons.

Why Graphene
rough and wrinkled surface texture of Graphene surface area geometry

Computations were performed using Quantum Espresso code convergence of total energies & electronic properties for Azobenzene adsorbed Graphene is done generating Azobenzene Graphene hybrid structure in material studio

All atoms in the Graphene & the adsorbate are fully relaxed until the force on each is less than 0.01 eV/.

An effort was made to propose a new approach to the design of solar thermal fuels so that the photoactive behavior of well known photo isomer with the structural stability and nanoscale properties of Graphene, one obtains a set of highly tunable hybrid nanostructures that exhibit large increases in both the energy storage capacity per molecule and the number of photoactive molecules per volume.

References tube-solar-battery/ Azobenzene-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes As High-Energy Density Solar Thermal Fuels published by Alexie M. Kolpak* and Jeffrey C. Grossman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States =en&biw=1366&bih=643&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch& tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=jjeMT5ymFa2aiQext OTiCQ&ved=0CF4QsAQ

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