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July 15, 2012

EPSE 585 Social and Emotional Development in Education Class 9: Puberty and Hormones What I found most interesting and somewhat sad was the observation that early-maturing girls had poorer body image satisfaction than on-time or late-maturing girls. Compare that to the body image satisfaction ratings of early-maturing boys and you get a fascinating statement on what cultural values children are exposed to in Canada. On the one hand boys who physically mature early get a head start on meeting expected adult physical appearance. Probably more importantly, these boys are able to use their bodies more successfully in a variety of environments judged to be of high value and status among males. That feeling of superiority most likely contributes to a strong sense of self-worth. On the other hand, girls who physically mature early get a head start on dealing with the apparently ever-present quest to look like the images in the popular media. Unfortunately, very few actually ever look like the images, much less feel like they look like them. I dont know if it comes from the media (nurture) or elsewhere (nature) but girls and womens habit of comparing themselves to each other with such seemingly negative tones must make it harder for these young women to go through adolescence. There is danger that poor body image might contribute to lower self-esteem which might lead to these girls choosing risky behaviour just to fit in with their peers. It is more than unfortunate that a process in which these girls have no control can affect their lives so significantly. Early maturing girls seem ill equipped to deal with the early transition from girl to woman in that their sense of self has not had time to develop. This dissatisfaction with body image in early maturing girls appears to extend throughout adolescence. Hopefully, these young women are able to adjust their values of self worth and body image as they mature into adulthood and perhaps have girls of their own.

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