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Edgette and Edgette (1995, pp. 145158) have also discussed several techniques for developing adaptive dissociation. For example, a client with habitual unadaptive dissociation can be trained to adopt adaptive dissociation, which help to Counter unadaptive dissociation Break continuous pattern Halt a sense of pessimism and a sense of helplessness Associate with success Integrate different parts Detach from toxic self-talk.

Session 14: Social Skills Training:

Youngren and Lewinshon (1980) have provided evidence that lack of social skills may cause and maintain depression in some clients. One session (or more if required) is therefore devoted to teaching social skills, and the client is advised to read the appropriate bibliography.

Session 1516: Ideal Goals/Reality Training

Under hypnosis the client is encouraged to imagine ideal but realistic goals, and then to imagine planning appropriate strategies and taking necessary actions for achieving them (forward projection with behavioral rehearsal).


Cognitive hypnotherapy as outlined above normally requires 16 weekly sessions. Some clients may, however, require fewer or more sessions. After these sessions, booster or follow-up sessions may be provided as required.

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Cognitive hypnotherapy (CH), based on the model described, appears to provide a pragmatic and multimodal psychological ap-

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