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Using Time Perspective


Asking your client to see themselves in the future and imagine what it would be like is strikingly powerful in increasing compliance and gaining agreement.

ine what it would be like is strikingly powerful in increasing compliance and gaining agreement. In 1996, I developed a psychotherapeutic tool to be used in hypnosis called the Time Track Therapy Intervention (see my New Hypnotherapy Handbook).This intervention focuses in large part about having a client go into the future and imagine in detail some of the good things their life might offer them. The handbook instructs therapists to create a positive, believable, and realistic future from which they can look back toward the present and see how they took the steps toward this new and compelling future.The results of this intervention have proved to be healing and dramatic in ways I never would have imagined.The e-mails and testimonials are abundant. However, they dont represent scientific proof that the intervention is successful. Case studies are useful, of course, but they may or may not represent the norm. Returning to the more traditional settings of influential behavior (directed at the goal of gaining compliance) we have always wanted documentation as to what specifically is effective and what is not.The need for external and reliable validation now appears to be near completion for the experience of having individuals see the future, good or bad, to gain compliance, and this is where I truly appreciate the work of Sherman, Crawford, and McConnell. In addition to the aforementioned influence researchers, Robert Cialdini has discussed the notion that the principle of scarcity (see The Psychology of Persuasion or Selling Yourself to Others for detailed information about scarcity) is similar to the notion that people lose freedom (choices) in the future if they do not comply with a proposal today.This is in line with the anticipated regret model. Scarcity has certainly proven to be an effective principle for gaining compliance. So is the utilization of fear.

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