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Krizia Ann M.

Reyes BA Art Studies Reaction Paper on the Film: An Inconvenient Truth

L Arch 1 Prof. Espina

The first necessity of life is shelter, shelter against nature. Urban living has always tended to produce so many factors that affect the nature Beauty of nature can be preserved The evolution of natural forms and the evolution of human perception have coincided to produce the phenomenon of a potential recognition Brief hope offered by nature -introduction of the film: dry land, ice caps melting, typhoon, disaster, pollution, air Global warming Atmosphere- most vulnerable, thicken by pollution Greenhouse gasses Nature is taken for granted save it/ preserve for our children Technology period of consequence: luxurious mindset of the people Bacteria/ disease that develops Concern about problems related to nature not only terrorism We are witnessing a collision between our civilization and the earth -population = more pressure on earth with natural resources and food Old habits + New technology = Consequences

Industrialization and developing Production of cigarettes Accept the problem : Denial despair without doing something to solve the problem We know everything Use efficient electricity We have everything we need We have ability to do it Everyone can be factor who distribute pollution to the earth hence anyone can also do something and avoid hurting mother earth We have to make choices Ability to live in planet earth Seize this issue and do something about it -going to live your life The climate crisis can be solved

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