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Name ___________________

I READ FOR ________ MINUTES... (Goal = 100 minutes/week)

in the living room (25 mins)

with a stuffed animal (15 mins) with my brother or sister (25 mins)

on a Saturday (25 mins)

before breakfast (15 mins)

in my pajamas (25 mins)

to my pet (15 mins)

in my room after dinner in the bathtub (25 mins) (25 mins) (15 mins)

out loud to a family member (25 mins)

In a chair (25 mins)

in the kitchen (25 mins)

on the couch (25 mins)

Lying on the carpet (15 mins)

with the TV off (25 mins)

while eating a snack (25 mins)

on a with a friend Wednesday (15 mins) (25 mins)

while wearing on a beach a hat blanket (25 mins) (15 mins)

in my bed (25 mins)

Chewing gum (15 mins)

sitting on the floor (25 mins)

When I hit "Bingo" I get a PRIDE PAW. When I hit a "Blackout" (fill every square), I get a ____________. Parent Signature __________________________ Return by Friday, April 26, 2013.

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