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Requirement Analysis 1) list requirements I. System generated PO number with User and location component coded. II.

PO can be viewed/saved in PDF form from the application. Same can then be printed III. Every PO raised for a particular project is routed to that projects PM for approval. He can also consolidate orders for the same supplier before forwarding them. IV. Every change to a PO(by PM/supplier) raised as a separate ticket and needs to be approved as well. V. Master list of prices and suppliers. VI. Bill generation against an order. PO closed upon payment receipt. VII. Report generation w.r.t. supplier payments and open/close Pos. 2) Prioritise requirements Requirement System generated PO number PO in PDF form Approval Change ticket Master List Bill generation Payment report PO report Business Value High Business Risk High Implementation Likelihood of difficulty success Low High Priority 1

High High Medium Medium High High(cash flow management) high

Medium High Medium Low Medium Low

Low Low Medium High Low Medium

High High High Low High High

4 2 3 8 5 6




Based on above analysis, we feel that implementing the master lists is too time consuming and cumbersome given that this solution is a temporary one. Hence, we choose to incorporate the supplier and price information in the PO and leave it to the manager to croos check before approving. Rest of the requirements will be included in this solution. Proposed solution: Use case diagram Please make for user, Project manager and supplier FlowChart

ER Diagram


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