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Safed Musali in Ayurveda Like most members of the Asparagus genus safed musali is considered to be a fertility tonic which

nourishes the tissues of the mind, nervous and reproductive systems. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Sweet, bitter Vi-rya (energy) Cold Vipa-ka (post-digestive effect) Sweet Gun.a (quality) Moist, unctuous, heavy Dos.a effect VP-, K+ in excess Dha-tu (tissue) All tissues, especially plasma, reproductive Srotas (channel) Reproductive, digestive, lactation CONSTITUENTS Glycosides Asparagin Saponins Sarsapogenin, diosgenin AYURVEDIC ACTION Rasa-yana Rejuvenative, especially to the reproductive system Ji-vaniya Prolongs life Va- ji-karan.a Aphrodisiac S ukrala Increases sperm production Ojovardhana Increases ojas Pittasamaka Cools and alleviates pitta Stanya Increases breast milk and eases the flow BIOMEDICAL ACTION Adaptogen, demulcent, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, galactagogue, diuretic INDICATIONS Reproduction As it directly nourishes the sukra dhatu it is used as a sweet tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. It treats infertility, premature ejaculation, impotence and low sperm count. It also nourishes artavahasrotas and promotes healthy ovulation in women (Bhavaprakasa). Gynaecology Useful during pregnancy as a nutritive tonic for mother and fetus. Post-partum it replenishes lost fluids, prana, ojas and improves the quantity and flow of breast milk. It is also used in chronic leucorrhoea. Digestion Its sweet and unctuous properties treat intestinal inflammation caused by dysentery and

food intolerances. All cases of high pitta benefit. It softens the stool and may be helpful in pittaja types of haemorrhoids. Urine Its cooling and soothing effects are beneficial for mutravahasrotas and conditions involving aggravated pitta with painful and malodorous urination. COMBINATIONS * Ashwagandha, bala, kapikacchu, frankincense, gokshura, guduchi for male reproductive problems. * Shatavari, turmeric, bala, licorice for female gynaecological conditions such as discharge, dryness and infertility. * Fennel, ajwain for improving lactation. * Amalaki, manjishtha, licorice for intestinal inflammation. CONTRAINDICATIONS With excess mucus, congestion, kapha or ama. SAFETY No drug herb interactions are known. DOSAGE 3 15g per day dried or 3 15ml of a 1:3 @ 25% tincture.

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