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Trivrut in Ayurveda Trivrut literally means having three parts possibly referring to its twisted vine.

It is a useful laxative that effectively treats constipation, colic and haemorrhoids. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Pungent, bitter, sweet, astringent Vi-rya (energy) Hot Vipa-ka (post-digestive effect) Pungent Gun.a (quality) Light, dry, penetrating Dos.a effect PK-, V+ Dha-tu (tissue) Plasma, blood Srotas (channel) Excretory, circulatory CONSTITUENTS Glycosides Turpethene Volatile oil Resin AYURVEDIC ACTION Virecana Laxative Bhedani-ya Purgative and accumulationbreaking A mapacana Clears ama Raktapitta Alleviates bleeding diseases Vimlapana Anti-inflammatory BIOMEDICAL ACTION Laxative, purgative, circulatory stimulant, alterative INDICATIONS Digestion Its penetrating property enters purisavahasrotas and purges the bowel of all stagnant accumulations. It should be used in individuals with a mrdu kostha, a soft bowel that has become constipated. It is used in conditions with deep-seated toxins that cause inflammation and swelling such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout and inflammatory bowel disease. It purges pitta and kapha from the bowel. It is very useful for haemorrhoids. Skin Trivrut drains inflammatory watery accumulations from rakta and medas-dhatu and this helps to alleviate chronic skin conditions. It is pitta sodhana and clears pitta from the system. Obesity Its affinity for the fat tissue enkindles medas-dhatau-agni and clears cholesterol. COMBINATIONS * Always include antispasmodic herbs to prevent griping.

* Triphala for haemorrhoids. * Manjishtha, kutki, punarnava, neem for skin problems. * Guggulu, ginger, turmeric for high cholesterol and weight problems. CONTRAINDICATIONS Pregnancy; high vata. SAFETY No drug herb interactions are known. DOSAGE 10 30mg per day of the powder. NOTES Trivrut is a creeper growing all over India. Caraka mentions two varieties, white and a black. The white variety should be used as a mild laxative as the black variety is a violent purgative. The central part of the root should be removed and the root bark should be used. It is used as part of virecana purgative therapy in pan~ca karma to clear kapha and pitta and prevent seasonal disorders. It is used with salt, ginger and amalaki for va-ta; sugar and raisins for pitta; hot water for kapha.

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