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SEMESTER SPRING 2013 Leadership and Team management (MGMT623)

Assignment No. 02 Due Date: 8 July 2013 Marks: 20

The topic of leadership has been important since the dawn of time. History is filled with examples of great leaders such as Quiad-e-Azam, Nelson Mandela and Bill Gates. These leaders likely possessed some of the leadership traits discussed in this course. You are required to go to the internet home page for leadership values ( and select the subheading 4Es from the title bar of the website. This section provides an overview of leadership and suggests four essential traits/ behaviors that are exhibited by leaders: to envision, enable, empower and energize. After reading the material go back to the home page, and select the subheading featured leaders from the main title bar. Next choose one of the leaders, Kofi Annan or Dorothy Emma Howell (later Rodham) from the list of historical figures and read the description about his or her leadership style and answer following questions: Was this leader successful in using the 4 Es of leadership? Describe how he or she used the 4 Es. (Marks 10) Using any of the theories discussed in your course, how would you describe the leadership style of the chosen historical figure? (Marks 10)

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution. Deadline: Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor. Formatting guidelines: Use the font style Times New Roman/ Arial and font size 12. Use black and blue font colors only. Solution guidelines:

Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an analytical assignment. Give the answer according to question. For acquiring the relevant knowledge dont rely only on handouts but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also. Rules for Marking Please note that your assignment will be graded as Zero (0) if: It has been submitted after due date The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt It is in any format other than MS. Word It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc

Only in the case of Assignment, 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

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