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Doing Your Own Name Change



Will Bontrager

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Doing Your Own Name Change with Numerology

by Will Bontrager Published August 26, 2011 Updated August 28, 2011

Copyright 2011 by Will Bontrager Software, LLC As some remuneration for the time and research involved to provide this document, we use affiliate links when we can. Whenever we link to something not our own, you should assume they are affiliate links or that we benefit in some way. You are encouraged to give this entire document to friends or tell them where you got it so they can get it for themselves. Don't sell the document. Don't change it in any way. Don't publish the content in any other medium. But you may give this document to others. And you may make copies.
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Table of Contents
Doing Your Own Name Change..........................................................................................4 Overview......................................................................................................................... 4 Taking the Easy Route.....................................................................................................5 Marriage Name Changes.................................................................................................6 The Date of Birth Effect..................................................................................................7 Determine the Right New Name (and Whether or Not to Proceed with the Change)....8 1. Decide what you want from the name.................................................................... 8 2. Obtain a numerology reading of your birth name and become familiar with your life path as determined by your birth date................................................................ 10 3. Make a list of acceptable names........................................................................... 11 4. Narrow the list down to no more than three......................................................... 11 5. Get a full, in depth numerology reading for each name remaining on the list.....14 6. Compare the readings and make a determination.................................................15 Let People and Businesses Know Your New Name and Insist On Its Use...................17 Make it Official............................................................................................................. 19 Thank you......................................................................................................................20 Appendix........................................................................................................................... 21 Things To Do.................................................................................................................21

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Doing Your Own Name Change

Your name has huge and long-term effects on your life. Still, your name does not run your life. You run your life. Unless you provide no self-determinism at all. Names bring personal tendencies and inclinations and a likelihood that certain events or situations will manifest. A name change is a crucial decision. It will change your life. Perhaps subtly, perhaps drastically. For better or for worse. Yes, the change can be for worse. That is why it is crucial to get it right, if you're going to do it at all. There are three major steps to changing a name. Determine a correct new name (and whether or not to proceed with the change). Letting people and businesses know your new name and insisting on its use. Making it official.

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Taking the Easy Route

An easy route is unlikely to work as hoped. One easy route is to just tell your friends to call you by a new name. And leave it at that. But that would have only the effect of a nick name. A nick name generally has little effect compared to the effect of a complete name change. Another easy route is to try different names until the right one is found. (Instead of doing the work to determine a correct name before the first name change is done.) It is dangerous to change one's name very often. It is a trap. The more often you change your name, the more confusing your life. That's because all past names are still with you. Every time the name is changed, additional vibrations are loaded onto the character. After enough name changes, the life can become thoroughly confused because of all the conflicting characteristics. Previous name vibrations are never deleted. Old name vibrations can not be discarded, although they may gradually have less effect as the years go by with a new name.

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As an analogy, consider the name at birth to be the foundation of a house. Name changes may be likened to painting the house a different color. Every new name paints the house a different color. The foundation will always be there. The colors of all the previous names are still present under the current color. Old names can not be gotten rid of. New names add characteristics, they don't remove old characteristics. Choose the right name. Make sure the name does not seriously conflict with your birth name or with your birth date. Change your name the least number of times as feasible. Or change it not at all.

Marriage Name Changes

When a person changes their name to a married name, it is a real name change. Tendencies, inclinations, and likelihoods change just like any other official name change. When a person gets married, there are many changes all at once. Specific changes brought about by the new name may not be seen for what they are. Instead, being attributed to the life changes that marriage generally brings. The new name characteristics are there. Just generally unrecognized in the midst of all the other changes taking place at the same time.
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The Date of Birth Effect

The date of birth does have an effect on the person. Generally, the date of birth reveals the life path. The name at birth generally reveals personal characteristics. However, both affect the other. In depth numerology readings reflect that. The name/birth date relationship is generally addressed only in the best paid readings. Rarely in free readings. The calculations are rather involved and the results have some effect on most aspects of the reading. Because both effect the other, people with the exact same name will still have different in depth numerology readings. Because they have different birth dates. When you get a full, in depth complete numerology reading, the date of birth effect is taken into consideration.

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Determine the Right New Name (and Whether or Not to Proceed with the Change)
There are six steps to determining a correct new name. 1. Decide what you want from the name. 2. Obtain a numerology reading of your birth name and become familiar with your life path as determined by your birth date. 3. Make a list of acceptable names. 4. Narrow the list down to no more than three. 5. Get a full, in depth numerology reading for each name remaining on the list. 6. Compare the readings and make a determination.

1. Decide what you want from the name.

Before a new name is decided upon, decide what you want from the name. Some names are better for scientific endeavors, others are better for accounting or finance careers, and still others are better for travel and entertainment. Some names are good for family and health. Some are good for teaching.
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To find a name that will be conducive to your success, first determine what success means to you. Some names are better for successfully raising a family. Others are better for successfully managing corporations. Decide what accomplishment is equivalent to success for you and choose a name that supports it and makes it more likely. If your success means being wealthy, determine what wealth means to you and then choose a name that supports it. Perhaps it means the ability to travel where and how you please, or the freedom to experience anything you wish, or the ability to attract a high-society spouse, or the ability to buy and run any company, or something else altogether. No name is good for everything. No name is perfect for everyone. If you just want a name that is good, you will need to decide what good means to you before you can know whether or not a certain name is good. Because your old name's inclinations will always be present, the more specific you are with what you want from the new name, the more likely it is to give it to you. Broad, general wants are less likely to work. When you have decided what you want, write it down. You will refer to it often in most of the following steps.

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2. Obtain a numerology reading of your birth name and become familiar with your life path as determined by your birth date.
Get a free numerology reading at this web site and print it out. Use your birth name and birth date for the reading. Notice that the reading has a section labeled "Your Life's Path." That section is determined by your birth date. Birth date interpretations do not change when a name changes. Therefore, it is important any new name does not conflict with the life path. The birth date is a indication what your life path will be. You'll generally do best when your name resonates with your birth date. For example, a life path to bring many new experiences will clash with a name for doing one special thing well. It would be a life with an undertone of stress and much indecision. Therefore, understand your life path interpretation before deciding on a name. The part of the free reading above the "Your Life's Path" section has to do with your current name. Because the influence of names are never removed, it is important to be aware of this interpretation when deciding on a new name to avoid conflicting characteristics. It is not good to introduce conflicts - unless what you are looking for in a new name requires tension.
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When you print out the free numerology reading, keep it at hand. You will consult it in later steps.

3. Make a list of acceptable names.

Write down several or more names that are acceptable to you. This is the time to list every name that appeals to you. It is prudent to be thorough so you have every acceptable name you can think of at hand for consideration. Web pages or books with names compiled for reference may be consulted to see if any appeal to you. It is acceptable to take several days or longer for this step. Add names to the list as you think of them.

4. Narrow the list down to no more than three.

When your list of acceptable names is complete, it is time to narrow the list to no more than three names. To do that, get a free numerology reading at this web site for each of the names on your list. Include your birth date with each reading. Print each reading so it is easier to compare them side-by-side.

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When you have a reading printed out for each name on your list, grade them for: How well you like the name. Score a number from 1 to 10 10 for "like it very much." 5 for "like it but not very special." 1 for "like it only a little". Write the score on the printout. How well it resonates with your birth name. Some dissonance is expected, otherwise there would be no desire to change the name. Score a number from 1 to 3 3 for "resonates well on everything." 2 for "some conflict, but nothing serious." 1 for "conflicting on everything". Write the score on the printout.

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How well the name resonates with your life path. Score a number from 1 to 6 6 for "resonates well on everything." 3 for "some conflict, but nothing serious." 1 for "conflicting on everything". Write the score on the printout. How well the interpretation aligns with your reason for a new name. Score a number from 1 to 10 10 for "aligns perfectly." 5 for "about half of the reading aligns well." 1 for "no alignment". Write the score on the printout. Each of those items are important. Be honest when you grade the names. When each item has been graded for a name, add up the scores. Write the score on the printout. Do each of those steps for every name on your list.

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When every name on your list has a total score, select the two, three, or four of the best ones. Put the other printouts aside and mark their names off your list.

5. Get a full, in depth numerology reading for each name remaining on the list.
Get a full, in-depth, complete numerology reading for each name. The quality of your life depends on it. Making a wrong decision can be a miserable mistake. You'll need much more than the abbreviated and incomplete free readings on the Internet that provide interpretations for only some numerology aspects. You'll need a full, complete numerology reading for each name remaining on the list. It is important to get a complete numerology reading for each of the names in this step. Otherwise, you will be guessing. And guessing is not a good way to determine the course of the rest of your life. Get the complete readings here. Use your birth date with each name you are getting a reading for. If you have a professional numerologist in your area that you trust, the numerologist may be willing to provide the complete readings for you. Take good notes, as you'll be comparing readings later on. Do not skimp on this. The readings will be used to make the final selection of which name to use. This determination is critical.
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6. Compare the readings and make a determination.

You now have a full, in depth, complete numerology reading for each name on your list. And you are ready to determine the best name for you. Compare each reading. Look for 3 things: i. Your personal preference for the name. Personal preference can be an instinctive knowingness of things not yet considered. Preferences can generally be trusted at this point. ii. How well the reading does or does not align with what you want from the name determined in the "Decide what you want from the name" step. iii. How well the reading does or does not resonate with your birth name and birth date. After reviewing each of the readings, you will have the information needed to make a final determination for your new name. This final determination step is important. For the best decision, you must have a complete numerology reading for each name under consideration. If two or more names have equal resonance with what you want from a name, and equal personal preference, make your decision based

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on how well the reading does or does not resonate with your birth name and birth date. If you still have two or more readings that are equally preferred, it may be time to consult a psychic or tarot reader for feedback. If none of the complete readings are acceptable, go back to the "Decide what you want from the name" step and do the full exercise again. Perhaps this time you will think of the perfect name. Before continuing, decide whether or not you really want to change your name. Change your name only if it feels like the absolutely correct thing to do. Realize that your own determinism, your own actions, and your persistence are stronger than any name. The name can help or hinder, but it can never take over.

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Let People and Businesses Know Your New Name and Insist On Its Use
If you decided to go ahead and change your name, assume the new name and let people know. It can not be a name change unless the new name is used. Foremost, you need to identify yourself as that name. In all actions and thoughts, be the person with that name. The more you identify with the new name, the more it's numerological influence can be effective. Everybody and every business who uses your name needs to be informed of the change. Family, friends, acquaintances. Bank accounts, contracts and written agreements, postal mail delivery, Facebook account, all those and others need to be informed of the new name and records updated. Insist your new name be used. After all, you are no longer the old name; if someone addresses you by the old name, it is not you. The more others identify you as being the person with that name, the easier it is for you to identify yourself that way. A name change notice in newspapers, blogs, and other publications may help.

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The more you assume your identity as the new name and the more others see you as the new name, the more effective your new name will be. Signatures, titles on property, identification cards the more things that identify you as the new name, the more effective the name is. Still, it may take months or years for the new name to become as effective as it will be. Much depends on how well you assume your new identity. Some depends on how others see you because that can have an effect on how you see yourself.

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Make it Official
Making your new name official gives it more power. Depending on where you live, making it official may be publishing your name change in a public newspaper. In other areas, it may entail a recognition of the new name through a proceeding in a court of law. Unless you have a compelling reason not to, make your new name your official name. Your name has huge and long-term effects on your life. However, it does not run your life, unless you provide no self-determinism at all. Names bring personal tendencies and inclinations and a likelihood that certain events or situations will manifest. A name change is a crucial decision. It is crucial to get it right if you're going to do it at all.

Thank you
Thank you for reading this document. I wish you the best of all there is.

Will Bontrager

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Things To Do
[click] Use numerology tools for special calculations (career, marriage compatibility, lucky numbers, personal months, et cetera). [click] Take a 21-lesson free course on numerology. [click] Put a free numerology form on your web site. [click] Read answers to numerology questions people have asked. [click] Ask your own numerology question. [click] Get a free numerology reading. [click] Get a full, in depth, complete numerology reading.

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