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Vegetables crunch: 1 courgette onion 1 red pepper 1 sweet potato 3 garlic cloves Olive oil Salt to taste Breadcrumbs

eadcrumbs Fresh cilantro to taste 100g Parmesan cheese 1 jar yogurt Crunchy vegetables How do step by step: First, we have to wash and chop all the vegetables into small pieces Next, preheat oven to 180 Then, put the pieces of vegetable in a baking dish, add olive oil, stir all the ingredients and bake for 40 minutes at 180 After that, grate crust ingredients - bread, cheese and cilantro. When they are grated, mix it with 1 jars of yogurt, stir all, and the result is like dough. Finally, make the crust: put the dough on a flat surface and roll it until you have a thin dough, put on top of the vegetables and put back in the oven for 20 minutes more enjoy with red wine

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