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things you have been through have been preparations. You are like an arrow in the arm of a warrior. You are coming into your wealthy place. Whatever you achieve or do is not by your power but by the annointing of God. You are not the one that will do it but God is. DEuteronomy1:6, where you are is no longer fit for your status aim higher what you have is not an achievement but you are still going higher. You will go from minus to plus because of the hand of the Lord, he has prepared a place of joy, success, provision, peace etc for you so enjoy it. God aims to give you your just desertand you will achieve it. You have deployed the thoughts of reason and huan help but that will not help only God will. Exodus12:33, before you were born God perfected you. He created us for good and not evil. You are not the one fighting the battle but God is, you cannot win on your own, Isaiah45:1-2, Deuteronomy1:8, God has set establishments for you, go in and proclaim it, own it. 2Chronicles2:8, the challenges in your life have been using the arm of flesh but with you is the magnificient omni-potent arm of God. To be able to go forward you need to carry the presence of God, the Jews did not need to fight because they had the presence of God, and the presence of God brings grace. The worldly connections will fail you, but God's grace will keep you, it will never fail you, the grace of God follows those who fear him and love him. You must not consider iniquity in your heart, 1Corinthians2:1-9. The testimony God has planned for you is going to change lives for the better, God will give you the wisdom that will teach you patience, believe that God has proclaimed it and so will fulfil it. God will give you a wisdom that will set you free from anxiety and wisdom that will instill faith and belief in you.

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