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Edited Imaged

EDUC 6307 Summer II 2013

Black & White

In this edit, I used 3 layers: Black & White, Hue/Saturation, & Adjusted Levels. To balance the colorization I used the original colors of the red jacket. And used the magnetic wand to crop out the color of the jacket and inverse the selection to get the black and white layer to separate.

Visually Altered

In this edit, I used 4 layers: Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast, &Curves. I cropped the original picture and zoomed in. I Copied the background and focused on the midsection. I flatened my stomach, gave a slightly toned curve to my arm and smudged out the wrinkles in my dress.

Freestyle A

In this edit, I used 4 layers: Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, Blue Sparkles, & Neon Glow. I inversed the original picture, cropped and zoomed in. I used a filter to give it a night club glow with the circular overlay. I used the blending with inner and outer glow with a dropped shadow.

Freestyle B

In this edit, I used 5 layers: Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, Blue Sparkles, & Neon Glow, Original Picture. I inversed the original picture, cropped and zoomed in. I used a filter to give it a night club glow with the circular overlay. I used the blending with inner and outer glow with a dropped shadow.

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