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An amplifier is an electronic device that increase the voltage current or power or a power of a signal.

Amplifier is use in a wireless, Communication and broadcasting, and in audio equipment of all kinds. Amplifier can be categorized as either weak signal amplifier primary in wireless receiver. They are also employed in acoustic, pic-ups, audio type player and compact disc player. A weak signal amplifier or power amplifier is design to deal with exceedingly small input signal in cases measuring only a view nanovolt. Such amplifier mush generates minimal internal noise while increasing the signal voltage by a large factor. The most effective device for this application is the field effect transistor. The create example is the power amplifier this example are use in a wireless transmitter, and hi-fi audio equipment the most frequency. Use device for power application is the bipolar transistor. However vacuum tubes once considered absolute, are becoming increasing popular especially among musicians. Many professional musicians that the vacuum tube. An amplifier is look like a SCR or a inverter but different in process as you can see all major component in this system are essentially translator. They take the signal in on form and put into another in the end the sound signal is translated back into its original form. The part of the amplifier is the transformer, power supply, power transistor, main board, heat sink, tone control, switch and fuse. The transformer is stepping down the current into a low voltage, power supply is a device that supply electric power to the electrical board, power transistor it control the output voltage, the transistor can amplify a signal. The heat sink it controlled the heat of the transistor, fuse control the current that flows on the device, and the switch are use to put on and off the device. An amplifier works a more powerful version of the audio signal. Amplifier can be very complex device with hundred tiny pieces but you can get a clear picture of how amplifier works by examining the most basic component, Amplifier has became generic and its often thought to a mean for driving amplifier.

Technical report In

English 16


Prepared by: Arzadon Orlan G. IV-E Presented to: Mrs. Raiza E. Mones Teacher

Technical report In

English 16


Prepared by: Natividad, Inel P. IV-E Presented to: Mrs. Raiza E. Mones Teacher

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