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Executive Director -

Executive Secretary

Project Patron/Advisors

Fundraising Director

Planning Director

Regional Cordination Director

Finance Director

Communication Director

Events Director

Volunteers Manager

Online Fundraising Manager Corporate Fundraising Manager

Organizational Fundraising Manager Direct Fundraising Manager

Regional Representative: Emirate Regional Representative: Africa Regional Representative: Sweden Regional Representative: Canada

Regional Representative: KSA Regional Representative: USA Regional Representative: Asia

WEB Manager

Print Media Manager

Television Media Manager

Regional Representative: Denmark

Regional Representative:


In order to ensure simplicity and transparency of financial management and more importantly to comply with applicable laws in the UK and elsewhere, all donations shall be deposited in Samotalis Library Project Limited official Bank Accounts. 1. Individual donors/fundraisers - should deposit in one of the bank accounts provided in and then send their particular details (name, amount of donation from self/others) to or call to confirm their donation is registered. 2. Country teams/Partner NGOs Groups/NGOs are advised to register their partnership with Samotalis Library Project to allow their names/logos to be included in the project publicity material. All donations managed by the group/NGO for the benefit of Somaliland National Library should be deposited to the official accounts, names and contact details of all donors submitted to Samotalis Library Project Limited and the amount announced in any of the existing Somaliland media outlets TV, Newspapers, Online blogs after confirmation of receipt. These guidelines are to ensure transparent and legal process of fundraising for the project. Remember all donations shall be acknowledged in a special web page on the project main website.

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