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CORONA SCHOOL 5 Bsicos Miss: Leslie Gutirrez T.

Name: ____________________________________________ 5B (24/05) Class : ___________ Date: 5A(24/05) 5A(24/05) 5B(24/05)

CORONA SCHOOL 5 BSICOS Miss: Leslie Gutirrez T.

Name:__________________________________ Class:_______ Date:5A(24/05)

I.Read the text.

I.Read the text.

Activities: 1. Write a vocabulary list from the text ( 12 words) 2. Develop Reading comprehension activities at page 28 28

Activities: 1.- Write a vocabulary list from the text ( 12 words) 2.- Develop Reading comprehension activities at page

3. Read and study the text for the test.

3.- Read and study the text for the test.

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