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Henry gave a slightly edited version of events he skipped over the night spent in the pool house with

Archie, because what did that matter? and cobbled together a few images of the attack on their car and the subsequent captivity at the motel. When he reached the point of the rescue and his father s death, Henry began to choke up. Agent Feller wrote a few more notes, then nodded. Can I ask you about your father s staff? Who are the people closest to the day-to-day operations? UhMaria DeClavo, his assistant. Shes been with him for thirty years. Davids his right hand. Hes also been with the company since the beginning. At the house? Magnus, the butler. Hilary Keys is the housekeeper. Drivers? Henry thought longingly of Archie, shuttered away in another room. Paul Darden drivesdrove my father. And then theres Archie Banks. A pause in the writing, and Agent Feller s gaze locked onto Henrys. Your bodyguard. Wellyes. Thats his title. Henry shrugged. Though until today, weve never had an issue. An issue. That was the understatement of the century. Hes armed, though. Yes. Father insisted. Ironic it had done absolutely no good. The agent made a small noise in the back of his throat. Mr. Bankshes worked for you for six years? Well, hes been my bodyguard and driver that long. Before that, he worked at the estate. Hehe grew up there. His mother was the housekeeper. So hes very acquainted with the way things work during any given day both at the house and at the office? Henry blinked up at the man. Yes, of course. Its common for him to drive your father? No, not really. Henry felt his face contorting into a frown. It wasit was just how things turned out. My father asked me to come to dinner, so I stayed over at the house. In the morning, we had the meeting. So Archie drove everyone. And the route? The? I dont know. He was taking the back roads to avoid traffic. The headache was coming back at full strength, nausea rising. Why are you asking these things? Just gathering information. Agent Feller closed the portfolio, tucking the pen in the side. Ill leave my card if you think of anything else. But Ill be in touch with some follow-up queArchie nodded, cutting through the swarms of cabs and commuters to get into the left lane. Are you staying over at the house, or am I waiting? Archie made a quick right as soon as the light turned green, heading toward West End Avenue, where Henrys apartment building was.

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