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"Long Years apart can make no" By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

Long Years apart can make no[1] Breach a second cannot fill [2] The absence of the Witch does not[3] Invalidate the spell [4] The embers of a Thousand Years[5] Uncovered by the Hand[6] That fondled them when they were Fire[7] Will stir and understand [8]
Poem 1383 [F1405] "Long Years apart- can make no" Analysis by David Preest [Poem]

Emily declares that after the longest of absences the return of her lover can in a second rekindle the fire which has all the time been smouldering in her heart. The spell has continued to work in the absence of 'the Witch.' Poem 1132 beginning 'The smouldering embers blush' explores the same theme. Judith Farr observes that for Emily 'no passion ever died.'

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