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J202 Write a 200 to 250-word inverted pyramid news story using the following information.

Fire last month in neighboring Lexington County; burned 3,500 acres of forestland and woods; several trailer homes burned; fire burned for three days, while firemen from several states came to fight the blaze; fire was helped by dry conditions; its only rained 1 inch in the last month; winds also helped the fire along. Estimates of damage from the Lexington County Sheriffs Department: $3.5 million, a lot of money by anybodys standard. Sheriff James Metts: This is the worst fire were had in this county in more than a decade. We appreciate the fine work of our own fire departments in the county in putting out this blaze and the help we received from our neighbors. About 25 people from outside the area came to help in putting out the fire. Sheriff says they suspect arson, they are investigating. Today two boys, along with their parents, showed up in the sheriffs office saying they the boys had been the cause of the fire; fire had begun as a campfire; sheriff says signs had been posted saying that camp fires were illegal. Names of the boys are not being released because they are juveniles. They are 14 and 15 yearsold. Sheriff says boys have been charged with misdemeanors violating sheriffs notices concerning public safety and have been released to the custody of their parents; a hearing in juvenile court has been scheduled for two weeks from today. Sheriff: Im glad we got this cleared up. I believe that our investigation would have eventually produced those who started this fire. Now we wont have to go through all of that. What will happen to the boys? That will be up to the juvenile judge to decide. I would hope that if they are held responsible, they will have to do some type of community service to get them to realize the seriousness and the consequences of their actions. Sheriff says boys claim they thought they had put the fire out when they left the campsite; they thought they had smothered it with pine needles, but apparently it had smoldered after they left. Boys were old enough to know better, but you know how kids are these days. Fire burned trees and land and other assorted stuff from 2 miles East of West Timbercrest Dr. to the edge of the Ponderosa Valley subdivision, across the southern part of the county.

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