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Electrons at work

Are the carrier particle of energy - a bundle of energy . Have no mass (pure energy).



The Electromagnetic spectrum

Short wavelength Long wavelength

Shells, Energy Levels and Orbitals

Each energy level = a shell.

Each energy level has one or more types of orbitals

Orbitals are also called sub-shells

Tracking Electrons
Can know how fast an electron was moving

Can pinpoint an electrons location a second ago.

But cannot know both & location at the same time = Heisenburgs uncertainty principle:
CAN calculate probability of it being in a given spot at any given time.

Orbitals are fuzzy represent areas of probability for electron to exist.

Shape of orbital not necessarily spherical

Energy, Shells & Orbitals

Put it all together:
Energy level 1 has only 1 orbital in it

Energy level 2 has 4 orbitals in it

s plus a triplet of p

Straighten out the circles for a different view of the same thing

Re-visualize atom:

Electron are waves too

Electrons Wave-Particle Duality

Photons do too!
What does that mean???

Electrons act as particles and waves at the same time!

What happens when an electron absorbs more energy than highest energy level?
Becomes an ion The electron escapes the pull of the nucleus
and the atom becomes charged.
Another atom might pick up the electron and it too becomes charged.

Ion = atom with a charge


What is the difference between an energy level and a shell? What is the relationship between an energy level and an orbital? What is the difference between the 1s and 2s orbitals? Why is an orbital fuzzy?

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