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3 Branches of Celiac Trunk

Splenic, Left Gastric, and Common Hepatic

Celiac Trunk Position

Originates from abdominal aorta at T12. Lies posterior to stomach and lesser sac

Left Gastric Artery branches

Gives off esophageal branches to supply lower esophagus.

Left Gastric Path

Ascends to cardiac region of stomach Then descends along lesser curvature Anastomoses with right gastric artery

Splenic Artery Path

Runs left along superior border of pancreas, posterior to stomach and lesser sace Reaches hilum of spleen within splenorenal ligament Terminal branches enter spleen through hilum

Branches of Splenic Artery

Short Gastric Arteries Pancreatic Branches Left Gastroepiploic Artery

Short Gastric Arteries

Reach stomach in gastrosplenic ligament and supply fundus of stomach

Pancreatic Branches
Supply Tail, Neck, and body of Pancreas

Left Gastroepiploic Artery

Originates near hilum of spleen Runs along greater curvature of stomach, between layers of greater omentum. Anastomoses with right gastroepiploic artery

Common Hepatic
Runs anteriorly to the right to reach superior aspect of 1st part of duodenum. 2 branches: Proper Hepatic and Gastroduodenal Artery

Proper Hepatic Artery

Branch of Common Hepatic Divides in right and left branches (right gives off cystic artery) Gives off Right Gastric Artery

Proper Hepatic Artery Position

Ascends between 2 layers of lesser omentum to hilum of liver. Within lesser omentum, proper hepatic lies anterior to portal vein and left of common bile duct.

Right Gastric Artery

Originates from Proper Hepatic Descends in lesser omentum to pyloric end of stomach. Runs along lesser curvature. Anastomoses with Left Gastric Artery

Gastroduodenal Artery
Descends posterior to 1st part of Duodenum Gives off Right Gastroepiploic Artery and Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries.

Right Gastroepiploic Artery

Branch of Gastroduodenal Runs along greater curvature of stomach between layers of greater omentum. Anastomoses with Left Gastroepiploic Artery

Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery

Supply Duodenum and head of Pancreas Anastomose with inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries

Stomach Blood Supply

Short Gastrics: Branch of Splenic Right Gastroepiploic : Branch of Gastroduodenal Left Gastroepiploic: Branch of Splenic Left Gastric: Branch of Celiac Right Gastric: Branch of proper hepatic

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