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Autoimmune Reaction

Body produces antibody against itself

Antibody attacks bodys own proteins Initial reaction The Body starts to produce B-lymphocytes B-lymphocytes will start producing antibodies S/sx: fever and body malaise Neurologic - Headches - Depression - Seizures and cognitive dysfunction - Mood swings - Cerebrovascular dx - Polyneuropathy - Anxiety - Psychosis Integumentary - Butterfly rash (malar rash) - Red scaly patches on skin (discoid lupus) - Alopecia - Mouth, nasal and eyelid ulcerations Musculoskeletal - Joint pain - Pain upon movements (muscles and small joint) - Late complication: Osteoarticular tuberculosis Urinary - Hematoria - Proteinuria - Acute or chronic renal failure - Ulcerations in the urethral tract

These antibodies will attach to any protein and nuclear-related proteins Late reaction: destruction of cells in the body Damaged cells exposed their DNA components, histones and other complex proteins Systemic Cellular Damage due to the antibodies Systemic - Fatigue - Anemia - Hypothyroidism - Edema - Weight loss

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