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using it as any other predicate.

In such case, the complexity that the category carries out is expressed as two opposed and and equally valid predicates of one and the same subject. In this version of the argument, there is two equally valid opposed predicates because the category that is predicate of the subject contains immediately in itself the two opposed terms as its itself. Thus, the idea of a determination of the essence works in the same manner as the quantity, in the case of the second antinomy (n) giving the fundament for the availability and the equal validity of the two opposed terms that this category begets. Equally, the solution of the antinomies, in this version of the argument, pass through the correct understanding of what the antinomies bring forward, and of their proper ground. This adequate understanding of the antinomy is to comprehend that neither of the two terms opposed terms has validity by itself and conceived as autonomous, but that they only have such when grasped in their unity and in the ground in which they 'are' (the concept according the terminology of the previous passages, the categories as determination of the Essence in this appendix. Thus the adequate comprehension of the problem advanced as antinomy is the overcoming of the unwarranted articulation (unwarranted for Hegel anyway) of the problem into a simple dichotomy, where the: terms can be affirmed one against the

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