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EndEnd-Term Examination
Second Semester [B.Tech] Paper Code : ETCS 108 Subject : Programming and AutoCAD Note : Attempt any 5 questions questions in all. Also give examples of identifiers.


Q1 ( a )What do you mean by keywords and identifiers? List all keywords.


Time : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

Q2 ( a )What do you mean by precedence of operators? Illustruate your

( b )Write normal and their equivalent C++ math library functions. Atleast Q3 ( a )What are control structures available in C++? What is entry 10.

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answer with suitable example.


( b )What do you mean by Operators? How many operators are there?

7 8 5 10 7 8 7 4 4 7 5 5

Q4 ( a )Explain the usefulness of object oriented programming over ( b )What are the differences between a structure and a class? Q5 ( a )What is an inline function? Illustruate your answer by writing a ( b )What is a friend function? Write a program to demonstrate the use Q6 ( a )What is default settings of an AutoCAD program? of a friend function. program in C++. procedure oriented programming.


( c ) Explain different types of inheritance.

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( b )How skipping a part of loop is done? Explain with example.

controlled and exit controlled control structure?

( b )Differentiate between the following: 1. Line & pline 2. Mtext & dtext 3. Rectangular & polar co-ordinates Q7 Write the commands to generate a solid box of size 8"x8"x8" centred at (5,5,0) co-ordinate. On the top of the above box a hollow cylinder of height 6" and inner radius of 1" and outer radius of 1.5" is resting.


(b) What do you mean by uploading and downloading in internet (c) How search engine works?


Q8 (a) Explain the meaning of different component of a TCP/IP address.

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