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Truths volume 1 Gods plans for your life are too numerous to count.

Ps 40 The Lord is always with you. ps 16 The Lord delights in you. ps 18 May God show you the right path for your life. Ps 25 May God direct you along the best path for your life. Ps 32 The Lord is completely trustworthy all of the time. Ps 33 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. ps 37 God delights in the details of your life. Ps 37 Look for God daily in creation. Pray about the big and the small things in your life. May God fulfill his purpose for your life. Ps 57 Trust in the Lord at all times. Ps 62 Find something to be thankful for each day. Take responsibility when you mess up. God does not ever expect perfection from you. The Lord wants to help you each day. Ask him. You belong to the God Most High. Ps 73 The Lord is always for you. Ps 118 The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go. Ps 121 God thinks precious and good thoughts about you. ps 139 God holds everything together. God is your helper. He loves to help you. Nothing can separate you from Gods love. The Lord watches over you. Give generously. Be a blessing to others. Build others up. Be an encourager. Refuse to gossip or talk about others. Each day is a gift. Keep company with god. Look for things to be thankful for. God has a good plan for your life. Jer 29 Pray often for Godly friends. God hears every prayer. If bad companions tempt you, dont go along with them. Prov. 1 Love God more than anything. Prov 1 Choose wise friends. Prov 2 Trust God always. Prov 3 Honor God with all you own. Prov 3 Hold wisdom tightly. Prov 3 Dont squander or waste your life. Prov 5 Be a hardworker. Prov 6

A wise heart takes orders. Prov 10 Keep a cool head. Prov 11 Dont lead a life devoted to things. Prov 11 Wise people take advice. Prov 12 Be slow to anger. Prov 14

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