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December 30, 1899

WorkCard #:

Squat This!
. BUY IN * 15 WALL BALL BURPEES (20lbM, 12lbF) * 30 DOUBLE UNDERS ( 5 singles for every double under) Jump Rope * 2 ROPE CLIMB WORKOUT Superset LEG CURLS x 8 with SQUATS (P.B., Band, or machine) 60% of 1RM SQUAT x 8 70% of 1RM SQUAT 75% of 1RM SQUAT 75% of 1RM SQUAT x6 x6 x6

20110819 Sqt, back, bi, slide lunge step ups Todays Performance

Goal: ______ lbs - 8 reps Goal: ______ lbs - 6 reps Goal: ______ lbs - 6 reps Goal: ______ lbs - 6 reps

reps reps reps reps

4 ROUNDS of: > Lateral Slide Lunge + Step up Combo: with 20lb weighted vest: Place foot on towel, lateral slide lunge, when you stand, perform a lateral step up. ( Do both legs each round)

Lateral Slide Lunge + Step Up Combo ROW (Select. Low Row - Close Grip)

Goal: ______ lbs - 6 reps Goal: ______ lbs - 8 reps

reps reps

METCON 6 Rounds for TIME: * RUN 100yd shuttle ( 5 and back, 10 and back, 15 and back, 20 and back) * 30 KETTLEBELL SWINGS (70lbHM, 53lbM; 35lbF) * 12 PULLUPS

Curls: 5 x 6-8


"For me, life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer." - - Arnold Schwarzenegger

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1RM Barbell Back SQUAT

Goal: ______ lbs - 1 reps


Scott Swanson, MSCC:


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