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Left-wing nationalism (occasionally known as socialist nationalism, not to be co nfused with national socialism)[43] refers to any political movement

that combin es left-wing politics with nationalism. Many nationalist movements are dedicated to national liberation, in the view tha t their nations are being persecuted by other nations and thus need to exercise self-determination by liberating themselves from the accused persecutors. Anti-r evisionist Marxist-Leninism is closely tied with this ideology, and practical ex amples include Stalin's early work Marxism and the National Question and his Soc ialism in One Country edict, which declares that nationalism can be used in an i nternationalist context, fighting for national liberation without racial or reli gious divisions. Other examples of left-wing nationalism include Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement that launched the Cuban Revolution ousting the American-ba cked Fulgencio Batista in 1959, Ireland's Sinn F?in, Wales's Plaid Cymru, Scotla nd's SNP, the Awami League in Bangladesh and the African National Congress in So uth Africa.[citation needed]

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