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An abstract method can NOT be declared static, synchronized, (SCJP forum at JavaRanch)

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An abstract method can NOT be declared static, synchronized,

posted 10/20/2001 5:53 PM

leena rane Ranch Hand Joined: Aug 13, 2001 Posts: 280

An abstract method can NOT be declared static, synchronized, native(!!!),strictfp...... Why not synchronized.....? ----------also An interface method can NOT be static, synchronized,............ why not static or synchronized? --------------Thanx in advance

Jose Botella Ranch Hand Joined: Jul 03, 2001 Posts: 2120

posted 10/20/2001 8:42 PM

From JLS 9.4 "Note that a method declared in an interface must not be declared static, or a compile-time error occurs, because static methods cannot be abstract. Note that a method declared in an interface must not be declared strictfp or


An abstract method can NOT be declared static, synchronized, (SCJP forum at JavaRanch)

native or synchronized , or a compile-time error occurs, because those keywords describe implementation properties rather than interface properties. However, a method declared in an interface may be implemented by a method that is declared strictfp or native or synchronized in a class that implements the interface." I guess an abstract method can't be static, native, private, final or native because of all them would prevent it from being overriden in a subclass.
SC JP2. Please Indent your code using UBB C ode

I agree. Here's the link:

subject: An abstract method can NOT be declared static, synchronized,

Similar Threads Native Methods Modifiers why interface methods cannot be declared as native or synchronized? Native Methods abstract method and synchronized clause
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