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There is a lack of constitutionalism

No clear politics, encourages contempt and cynicism

Constitution is clear already

Already written down, just not in one place. Also, a codified constitution is so precise it is sometimes unclear.

Useful educational aid

May encourage a better awareness of politics with improved clarity, decrease voter apathy

Constitution is flexible and organic

Allows executive to take control in times of crisis Reform is easy Labours reforms of 2005 would arguably not have been possible without a parliamentary sovereignty.

Legitimation of the political process

Would show politics as a process governed by rules and subject to control, rather than a game played by politicians.

Strong executive
Un-codifed constitution allows a strong executive

Written constitution would be entrenched

Protected from easy amendment But does not mean inflexibility either would just require a careful and considered process

Weak judiciary
Unelected and unaccountable, why should the make judgments on the constitutionality of political decisions.

Subject to judgments of a constitutional court

Actions of the executive or legislature could be judged on their constitutionality.

Humans rights are protected

Only a technical difference between entrenchment.

Better protection of H.R

Rather than simply a declaration of incompatibility, a complete strike down of acts that contravene the HRA.

Who would write it?

Parliament would be binding their successors, breaking the key point of parliamentary sovereignty. Judges not elected. Independent body same problem.

Conventions and customs would become clear

Precise role of monarch Powers of the Cabinet and P.M Status of the civil service Hung parliament

Not the right time

Vernon Bogndanor No dramatic change of circumstance i.e. revolution such as France and USA.

Out of step with Europe

Difficult to integrate with our own peculiar institutions.

Growing support for reform and codification

Now even more so with a coalition, lib dem government.

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