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FACULDADE FASAM DATE ____ / ____/ ________


STUDENT: _________________________________________

Sun's New Java Importance of Java Certification

Java continues to be a big industry, and Sun rolls collaborates with a new Java
development, questions about compatibility with various systems and the necessity for new
Sun Java training and certification. But Java offer very much computer work for
everybody and Java will continue to help people work in good companies because it is a
very important program today and will help the population involved with informative in
the future.
Sun's New Project
Java technology transformed in an essential component of the information technology
industry, especially for networking and database systems. Recently, Java's creator has
developed the "OpenJDK" project and will help the future development of Java and how
to use to involve over 6 million lines of new code and promote Java's compatibility with
other "open-source" platforms.


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