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Lord Balto 1 scene to voice *Note: These are snippets of scenes, just to get a sense of your voice, but

t may not be the entire scene, or even all the lines your character has in an episode. -The "//" symbol in a character's line denotes that there is a context change before the next part of the line. -If there is a word in brackets before a character's lines, it means that that word is describing the kind of inflection they will have in their voice for that line, or their state of mind while saying that line. --Balto: Hey, are you even taking this seriously? See? I win again. Im kind enough to play with you once every month, yet you fail to improve whatsoever, Pixis. Pixis: Im still far below your level, Lord Balto. Balto: (laughs for about 5 seconds) [repeats him, mocking] Im still far below your level, Lord Balto. *takes a bite of what appears to be pizza* Youre the commander in charge of the Southern District! How do you expect to win against the titans with those skills and smarts? *scene dialogue about the wall being breached, Pixis gets up to leave* Balto: [desperate] Hey! Wait, Pixis! *they leave* Pixis! I said wait! You cant just leave! Gather your men and focus on defending my property! Thats your duty, isnt it?! (he gasps when Pixis stops and turns) Pixis: Balto, right now soldiers are putting their lives on the line in Trost. (pause) Many of them have probably died already, even at this moment while we speak. Balto: Who cares about their lives? Just let them die! Not to mention, you cant even win on the chessboard! Going there yourself would change nothing! <> *As Pixis and the others leave* Balto: Hey! Pixis! [yelling out] Come back, Pixis! [dramatically yelling] Pixis!!!

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