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By completing this 30-Day Challenge, you will:

Get at least 7 phone numbers from new women that you approach and meet. Begin dating at least 1 new woman. Make new friends. Improve your social skills, confidence, conversation skills and ability to approach women. Become more attractive and appealing to women. Have sex with a new woman.

Getting Started
We recommend that you listen to 21 Great Ways to Meet Women before completing this Challenge. Listen closely to the flirting and conversation examples that we provide during the 7.5 hours of audio, as they will help you during the Challenges. Imagine yourself interacting with women in the ways that we do and picture yourself getting what you want with women. Once you have listened to 21 Great Ways to Meet Women, you are then ready to complete each of the missions in the 30-Day Challenge. We recommend that you attempt to complete all of Challenges in the required timeframe. Completing the Challenges quickly ensures that you get maximum results in minimum time. You will find that many of the Challenges can be worked in and around your daily life. However, if you are too busy, try to fit in as much as you can as soon as possible and simply make it a 60-Day Challenge. One thing is for sure: The sooner you get dating, the better Im sure youd agree!

Increasing Difficulty of Challenges

The 30-Day Challenge has been set up to start EASY and then become more and more difficult as you progress. Youll notice that you are not required to actually get a phone number until the 10th Day of the Challenge. Weve set this up purposely to ensure that you build your confidence and skills gradually, rather than having you potentially fail on Day 1 and then give up. By following the path of the Challenge properly, you will end up with at least 7 phone numbers, 1 date with a new woman and plenty of new friends. Chances are, you might even have sex with a new woman before the Challenge is over anything can happenand it usually does! Our best advice on this Challenge is to follow it through and complete it properly. You will be absolutely amazed at how much your life with women will improve if you do.

6 Advanced Missions
Once you have completed the 30-Day Challenge, you can then attempt the 6 Advanced Missions. If youre quite new to approaching women, you probably wont succeed with the Advanced Missions until youve completed the initial Challenges...because the Advanced Missions are, well advanced! Pace yourself, stay on course and follow it through until the end. If you can promise yourself to do that, then you will go from Dateless to Dating in 30 Days or Less. Good luck and lets begin! Cheers Dan, Ben & Stu

Day 1 Youve got style.

The Challenge Chat to a clothing store assistant, break her out of transaction mode and then find out something personal about her. Background When you walk into a clothing store, you will usually be greeted in much the same way every time, Hi, how are you doing? Are you looking for something in particular? ...or a variation of that. Women who work in these stores need to be in transaction mode with you (i.e. you are a customer and they are a sales assistant) so they can do their job. It doesnt mean that the woman isnt interested in you - she is just doing her job. Her focus will be on making sure you purchase something in the store and little else. To break her out of transaction mode (so you can find out something personal about her, such as: What she does outside of work, if she went out and partied last weekend, if she has seen the latest movie), you need to switch her into interaction mode. Only then will you be able to have a real conversation with her and find out something personal in order to complete this first Challenge. Preparation This is one of the most BASIC Challenges and simply involves you being relaxed and casual when it comes to striking up conversations with girls. Once you are able to do this, the remaining Challenges will become easier and easier and you WILL begin getting end results with women (i.e. phone numbers, dates, sex, relationship). The key to this Challenge is to break the sales assistant out transaction mode and into an interaction with you. You are not required to get a phone number. In fact, we recommend that you dont even try to get a phone number.

21 Ways Quotes Simply use the opportunity to get the ball rolling for yourself as well as improving your conversation skills and confidence around women. Remember: This is Day 1 of the Challenge. You are not required to get a phone number at all. On Day 27 of the Challenge, you will be required to get a phone number in this situation. So, for now, just focus on improving your skills and preparing for all the fun youll soon be having with women. Completing the Challenge
Approach a girl during a quiet time of the day...usually before lunch or after lunch. Ben Its turning everyday transactions into friendly, natural conversationsYou need to break her out of that (transaction mode) and communicate to her that youre a friendly guy who she can talk to on a personal level and not on a customer level. Stu You need to have playful, teasing conversationand avoid hiding the fact that youre flirting with her. Ben Youre being lighthearted...youre being cool...youre not standing there trying to pick her up. Dan

Enter the store with the goal of browsing for at least 10 minutes. o This may involve you buying a shirt, a pair of shoes or something similar. However, you shouldnt buy something if you dont want to.

Take your time and be relaxed. Break the assistant out of transaction mode and into an interaction with you for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Find out something personal about her, unrelated to her work. Leave the store. Challenge complete!

Day 2 Yes, Chef!

The Challenge Sign up to an evening course and get to know at least 50% of the people (women and men) there. Note: Get this booked in for yourself today and then move onto Day 3 of the Challenge. Background Evening courses present a great way to learn something useful, while also meeting new people. Women often attend these courses alone, which will make it easier for you (i.e. her friends wont be around to slow you down). There are many courses that you can do for free, or you can pay to learn from specialized training centers. Preparation The internet, your local newspaper or the pin-up boards at your local community center will advertise loads of courses for you to choose from. It shouldnt take you long to find something that youd like to attend. If youre cooking isnt quite up to scratch, then it may be worth while taking a cooking course. If youve got two left feet, then try Latin dancing. Other options include art classes, massage classes, public speaking, holistic wellbeing (e.g. aromatherapy, herbal medicine) or any type of learning that will improve your life just find the one that youll enjoy the most. At the course, introduce yourself to guys and girls. Get to know at least 50% of the people there. Talking with guys on the course will not only help you potentially make more friends, but it will also show everyone that youre not there just to pick up women. You will be getting phone numbers and dates later in the Challenge (from Day 10 onwards), but for now just focus on being more social, confident and talkative in these environments. Trust us: It will help you greatly later in the 30-Day Challenge.

Warning: Dont fall into the trap of going after one girl and spending all your time and energy trying to talk to her. If you spend too much time focusing on her (and ignoring almost everyone else), people will notice your pick up attempt and potentially resent you from then on. Opt instead to be one of the popular guys that usually solves everything. Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes
Find a good balance between socializing and learning. Stu If you can be that guy that comes in and helps relieve the tension across the board by helping people connect with each other ...the influence and reaction that will have on women will be amazing. Ben You need to take your timeyou need to establish and build a relationship. Dan

Find the right course for you and sign up. Get to know at least 50% of the people attending the course. Talk to the women, without trying to pick them up. Help people have a good time and feel comfortable around each other. o Do this by being cheerful and positive and by including people in discussions.

Attend the full course.

Day 3 Speedster!
The Challenge Attend a speed dating event and get at least two Yes matches. Note: Get this booked in for yourself today and then move onto Day 4 of the Challenge. Background Speed dating is the perfect way to put your social skills to the test in a fast paced environment and get the ball rolling in your dating life. Speed dating is great if youre not that good at approaching women yet, because you dont actually have to approach any women. You just sit down and both of you start talking to each other. Another good thing about speed dating is that it speeds up the process of you developing the advanced, alpha male mindset of Is this girl good enough for me? rather than the usual Am I good enough to get this girl? That simple mindset switch will have a dramatic impact on your self-confidence and results with women...and this Challenge is a great way to start practicing it! By the way: A Yes match is when both you and the woman select Yes about each other, on your tick sheet that is provided. When you hand in your tick sheet, the event organizers will give you the contact details of the women who said Yes to you. Preparation Speed dating events can be found in local newspapers and on the internet. Type speed dating and your location into Google. For example: Speed Dating New York. You should get a good list of results consisting of a mixture of organizations that specialize in speed dating events and local groups that might be doing one off events to raise money for charity. The key to success with this Challenge is to stand out from the crowd. This requires you to demonstrate self-confidence, personality and a good sense of humor. Refer to 21 Great Ways

to Meet Women to hear Dan demonstrate 7 different examples of how to start the interactions with women in a confident, funny way. You must create a good first impression and keep it rolling for the entirety of each date (usually 2-5 minutes depending on the size of the event). Use what youve learnt so far in the first 2 Challenges and work on keeping the date fun AND light-hearted. Dont be too serious about it all, but do approach it seriously. If you take it too seriously, the woman will smell the ugly odor of desperation and select No next to your name. If youre not interested in some of the girls, still keep up the fun element as it will impress the other women and spark their interest in you. Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
You want to be giving relaxed eye contact with a subtle cheeky smile... Dan The quicker you can make the girl feel comfortable, generally the better your success is going to be with women... Ben

Avoid the interview questions a all cost Stu

Research and sign up for a speed-dating event. Use the conversation and interaction techniques from 21 Great Ways to Meet Women to create a great first impression.

Ensure that each girl enjoys her date with you. Get at least two Yes matches.

Day 4 Computer Genius

The Challenge Set up an online dating account and get at least one phone number or date from it, within the next 30 days. Background The internet is becoming an increasingly popular place to meet women. While online dating means that you dont actually have to approach women in the traditional way, dont be fooled: It isnt as easy as click and get a girlfriend. Online dating still presents its own obstacles to success (or else EVERYONE would use it and almost no-one would go out). The trick to succeeding with online dating is to make your profile stand out from the crowd in a fun and charming way. From there, you need to spark the womans interest when you contact her, so she wants to reply to you. Preparation Enter the term dating into Google and it will provide you with a lot of different websites. You need to be selective and take the time to find one that suits you. Try to choose one that does in some way limit how many women a guy can contact. Why? This ensures that the woman: 1. Isnt being bombarded by messages from 1,000s of guys each day. 2. Knows youre not just contacting every woman on the site. From our experience, the sites where you have to pay to contact are way more effective because women arent being spammed by 1,000s of guys per day. However, if you cant afford it at the moment just practice on the free sites.

Set up an attractive account that explains what kind of women you are looking for. Be light-hearted about it, but the more specific you are about what kind of woman you want the better.

Make sure that your profile includes pictures of you with other people, especially women.

Never, EVER put up photos of you alone, holding the camera back and taking a photo of yourself. Its okay to be alone in a photo on holidays, or doing something, but not when you have taken the photo yourself.

21 Ways Quotes
Make sure you are really specific on the types of girls you like because then youll increase your chances of getting with those kinds of girls Ben You dont want to communicate in a feminine way Ben Put up great pics that show that youre a cool, social guy Ben

Tailor your contact message based on the girls profile so youre not sending some generic message that the girl will have received a hundred times before.

Completing the Challenge

Find a suitable dating website. Create an attractive profile. Contact women using personalized messages to start conversations. Get the womans phone number. o You can simply copy what Ben said in his example in 21 Great Ways to Meet Women.

Talk to her on the phone. Arrange a date. Enjoy!

Day 5 Friendly Competition

The Challenge Take up a mixed sport and get to know everyone in the team while being a confident, fun and socially outgoing guy. Background Mixed sports present a great opportunity to mingle with new people, improve your fitness and have fun all at the same time (it also gives you something interesting to talk about if a woman asks, So, what have you been up to lately?) Like some of the previous Challenges, this will involve researching local sports clubs on the internet and in local newspapers to find something youd like to pursue. Most recreational teams are based at sports centers and so if you contact your local one, they should be able to give you a list of sports organized there. Mixed sports that you might consider include: Indoor volleyball, indoor soccer, baseball, tennis, 10-pin bowling, archery, badminton or fencing. Preparation First and foremost, this Challenge is about fun rather than joining a team to beat everyone else and behave like John McEnroe when you lose. As you may realize, doing so will put people off you quickly...however, dont go to the other extreme and act like a goof who cant play! The key is to be competitive, but easy-going at the same time. Unlike the Challenge on Day 2, this time around you will need to get to know everyone (not just 50% of the people there) and ensure they are having fun being around you.

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes

Most people join a mixed sports team in order to meet people. Stu Youre not under pressure to meet and get a phone number from a woman in five minutes, ten minutes, half an houryouve got time on your side and you can really be relaxed about it and really enjoy yourself along the way. Stu

Find out what mixed sports teams are available in your area. Sign up for the one that interests you the most. Introduce yourself to everyone when you first start. Gradually get to know every member of the team on a more personal level. Lead by example and have fun when you play. o This will help ensure others have fun and enjoy your company.

Play to win, but be light-hearted about it. Flirt with the women on the team and in the venue when you have the chance.

Day 6 Time for Coffee!

The Challenge Chat with a waitress in a caf. Background For this Challenge, the focus is still on being fun and sociable (rather than trying to pick up), as we return to the woman working at her job theme. This time its the waitress in a caf. The key to this Challenge is recognizing the difference between a waitress being nice to you as a customer and being nice to you because she likes you. Learning to distinguish between the two is one of the many important skills needed to become super successful with women. Preparation Like with the clothing store assistant Challenge on Day 1, you will want to go into the caf at a time when its not too busy. The waitress is not going to be comfortable have a lengthy chat with you if there are 10 people behind you waiting to place their order. When talking to her, make sure that you engage her with an upbeat, lively attitude. If she responds immediately then you can start chatting, quickly complete the Challenge and then leave. The goal is to get her feeling comfortable with you as soon as possible and to break her out of transaction mode (i.e. so she is talking to you as a person, rather than a customer...and you are talking to her as a person, rather than just a waitress).

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Engage a caf waitress in conversation. Break her out of transaction mode. Make her feel comfortable. Try to chat for 1-5 minutes, depending how busy the caf is.
A lot of waitresses will take the job because they want to meet a guy, they want to meet people Dan Its being cool, being relaxed and then helping her get engaged with and get involved in the interaction in a fun, interesting way Ben Just because youre talking to a girl and shes not responding well, doesnt necessarily mean the fault lies with youA lot of guys are very quick to blame themselvesit can be the girls fault Stu

Day 7 Youve Earned a Break!

Take a Day Off Congratulations on getting this far in the Challenge. If youve been completing the Challenges, then you will feel a big boost in confidence. Success with women is just around the corner! Today is your opportunity to take a breather from the Challenges and reflect on what youve achieved so far. Think about what you did well and what could have been done better. If you have time, go back and listen to 21 Great Ways to Meet Women again and youll notice that you learn new things that you missed the last time you listened. The Challenges will continue to get more difficult. However, as you keep up with the advice given, you should find that each additional level of difficulty is actually only a small step up from the previous one. By the time you reach the end of Day 30 you will be amazed to see how much improvement you have made with women. Many of the skills you are now learning can be adapted for use in other scenarios for meeting women. In fact, you will NEED the skills when you attempt the Freestyle advanced mission after completing the 30-Day Challenge. For now its back to the Challenges and were heading to the gym!

Day 8 Iron Man

The Challenge Sign up to a gym and start building relationships with women and making new friends with the guys there. Background While its main purpose is for fitness and muscle-building, most people are surprised to learn that the gym can actually be a very social place. Once you know the rules of how to interact with women in the gym, it can also be a great place to get more dates. Preparation If you are joining a gym, take advantage of an introductory session with an instructor to help you set up a regime. He or she will also let you in on the culture of the place, so you know what people are like there. Its important you start building your social status in this new place quickly. The best way is to take the time to get to know the staff so that woman can see youre confident, fun and sociable before you even approach them. A lot of people maintain a routine around their gym workouts, going at the same time each week. Take advantage of this and get to know different women over the course of a few weeks by going at the times they do (if you can). You are not required to get a phone number yet. This will happen from Day 10 of the Challenge onwards. However, if you hit it off with a woman at the gym go ahead and get her number.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
You need to have very short interactions with her initiallyand youve just got to throw these in at particular occasions when youre walking around the gym. Ben Dont try to criticize their technique in any waykeep it very playful and the things Id talk about would generally be things from outside the gym. Stu

Sign up to a gym. Get to know at least two of the gym staff. Begin chatting with at least three women on a regular basis.

Day 9 Extend Your Social Circle

The Challenge Invite some friends out and encourage them to bring other people with them. Background What you invite people out to do is completely up to you in this Challenge but examples might be: Go out to a great bar and have some drinks. Have a BBQ at your house or one of your friends houses Go to a comedy club. Go to a sports event.

If youre running low on people to invite, try inviting people youve met at the previous Challenges. From our experience, most people are interested in meeting new people and doing fun things, but are simply shy (yes even the ones you think are confident), so it may take a little push to get them to come along. Preparation The goal of this Challenge is to meet new people - especially women through your existing social network. Completing this Challenge now will help you on Day 24 of the Challenge when you organize a house party. If you meet a woman that you find attractive at this outing, dont hone in on her and spend the whole day/evening chatting to her. Make sure you spend time chatting with all your friends. The ability to maintain friendships is very attractive to women and will reflect better on you. If there is a woman at the event (who is outside your group) talk to her, but dont forget about your friends.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
Show an interest in everyonelook involved while a conversation is going on. Stu One of the best social skills to develop is to take a genuine interest in other people. If you can do that, its mostly done for you.Dan One of the most unattractive qualities is a guy who speaks and expects everyone else to listen and then, when its his turn to listen, just switches off. Ben Nobody wants to go and talk to the guy whos sitting alone and waiting for people to come and talk to him Stu

Invite your friends out somewhere. Encourage them to bring friends and people they know. Chat with as many people as you can. Arrange to meet some of the new people youve met again. o You may want to mention that youll be having a house party soon. (Its on Day 24 of the 30-Day Challenge).

Day 10 A Good Book

The Challenge Strike up a conversation with a woman in a bookstore and get her phone number. Background This is a slightly different Challenge to those you have completed so far. While women are quite likely to be approached in a bar, it is fairly unusual for a guy to approach in a bookstore. This is also the first Challenge in which the goal is to get a phone number. It is of course likely though that through the first 9 Challenges you may have already gotten a phone number. Either way, you deserve a big congratulations for getting this far! Note: No matter how good a guy is with women, he often needs to approach several women in a bookstore environment before he gets a phone number. Dont see that as a rejection, because its not its normalnot every woman will be single and looking. Put it this way: If you can get a phone number in a bookstore, you are GUARANTEED to get a phone number in a bar, or at a house party. So, go ahead and test your skills with this Challenge. Its an amazing feeling to just start talking to women in this environment, even though everyone else is just keeping to themselves (out of shyness, fear and social conditioning). Preparation To calm your nerves, go to the bookstore with a few books in mind that you want to check out. That will give you something to do while casually looking around for some women to chat to. Once you see a woman that you find attractive, just casually walk over and start a conversation with her. Make sure you dont approach and stand directly in front of her, or

face her completely when you start the conversation. You want to have more distanced body language until she opens up, otherwise it will be too confronting in this environment. Try some of the tested conversation starters discussed in 21 Ways, such as, Hey, I was just walking past to check out the __________ section and saw you and thought stuff the books for a second, Im going to come over and say hi, Im __________ whats your name? Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
The reality is that it does not matter how good you are with women, if you approach a woman in a bookstore, many a time, they will sort of freak outpeople dont usually talk to each other in that environmentyou just need to understand that going in. Dan You just need to be able to be comfortable, stand there, be relaxed and continue. Dan The best approach is to be honest, slightly playful and chilled out. As opposed to being intense and high energy. Dan In that situation, you do need to move things forward a lot quickertake a risk; give it a go Dan

Casually walk over to a woman in a bookstore. Strike up a short conversation with her in a casual, relaxed and slightly playful way. Either invite her to join you for coffee in the bookstore caf, or get her phone number and leave.

Day 11 Bus Tour

The Challenge Organize a bus tour with friends that will happen within the next couple of months. Background In 21 Great Ways to Meet Women, we talked specifically about a winery tour but you can use the techniques we discussed on any bus tour. Bus tours are usually associated with fun as theyre an opportunity to hang out with friends, go to new places and meet new people. Youre all going to do something fun and can enjoy each others company on the way there and back. Preparation Again, trusty old Google will help you find what you need here. Type in things like Bus tours or fun bus tours followed by your location. Youll find that there will be things like: Interstate tours, trips to theme parks, national parks and reserves, sightseeing tours, wineries, breweries, distilleries, historical places, haunted houses, pub crawls and fun places to go. Come up with a list and then get friends involved in choosing which one to do. On the way there, make sure everyone is having fun without overdoing it. Vary your conversations between something everyone can have a good laugh about and normal conversations. Take the opportunity to find out what everyones been up to. At the destination, take an interest in what youve come to see/do. Note: Usually you will get some single girls attending the tour at the same time, but you should definitely rally some up just in case. Use Dans trusty method: When out meeting women in bars, mention the upcoming event and inviting them along. Then, get their e-mail or Facebook details to invite them later.

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Organize a bus tour for your friends. Get each of your friends to invite as many people as they can. Ensure that plenty of women will be on the tour. Lead the way by being in a fun, positive mood on the trip. Let the sexual tension build while on the trip between yourself and a woman you like. Move things to a physical level with a woman, or just get her phone number.
On the bus, get everyone talking to each other. Include people who are being left out. Dan On the way home, dont refine yourself to one seatso move aroundget the phone number when youre nearing the drop off point at the end of the day. Dan

Day 12 Strangers on a Train

The Challenge Sit next to a woman on the train (or on some other form of public transport) and start a fun conversation with her. Background People often comment on the bizarre social situation that exists on public transport; almost everyone avoids talking and making eye-contact with each other. Youve probably been in a situation where youve seen an attractive woman on public transport, but felt unable to chat to her because of the social pressure you felt in this situation. This Challenge is about breaking through and being one of the rare guys who can charm women in this interesting situation. Preparation This Challenge requires a more delicate approach than usual, because most women dont feel comfortable talking to people on public transport. Its best done by using a newspaper and pointing out a funny article to the woman youre sitting next to. Newspapers often have a good fluff piece of news which you can laugh about with a total stranger. Something stupid that someone has done, something funny or best of all something interesting a celebrity has done. To succeed with this Challenge, you need to be relaxed and casual. Enjoy the tension that will exist in the air, rather than getting freaked out about it. This is one of the times where you need to let the conversation progress slowly, in between pauses and silences. Coming on too strong will freak a lot of women out, because yes they too feel anxiety and social pressure in these situations. You may also need to acknowledge the obstacle when talking to her. For example: Casually and light-heartedly acknowledge the fact that most people dont talk to each other on public transport, because it can be a pretty tense environment.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
When youre sitting next to a girl, youre both neutral, youre both facing forward, youre not actually facing her so its a very relaxed, comfortable position to start a conversation with her.Ben You need to be relaxedyou dont want to be leaning into her too much; you dont want to be fidgeting. Dan Dont see silences as awkward silences, theyre just what has to happen in those situations. Dan

Sit next to an attractive woman on public transport. Use a prop to start up a conversation. Acknowledged the obstacle. Have a relaxed, but playful conversation with her over the course of your journey. Get her phone number about 1 stop before you have to get off.

Day 13 Lets Talk Shop

The Challenge Approach and chat to 3 different women in a shopping mall, over the course of 1 hour. Note: Weve set this time limit to get you to take action quickly. You should time yourself and get right into it. Background Continuing along the theme of meeting women in places outside the norm, lets go into a major shopping mall near you. Beautiful women walk around shopping malls all the time. Usually they are alone and have never (or rarely) been approached in this environment. When approached in shopping malls, most women are flattered by the attention as long as you do it right. Shopping malls are a great way to meet women, but most guys dont know how to do it so today you will be embarking on a journey that most men fear and avoid. As you will discover, it can be a lot of fun and can lead to getting phone numbers quickly and easily. Preparation The 3 most important things to remember when undertaking this Challenge are: 1. How you conduct yourself in terms of body language. Be confident, relaxed and open. Smile, make relaxed eye contact. Dont dart your eyes around. Dont look apologetic for approaching.

2. Acknowledging the obstacle.

Light-heartedly mention that you realize most people dont talk to each other in these environments, but you thought you would stop for a moment and say hi.

21 Ways Quotes
By acknowledging the obstacleit helps set her mind at ease, it helps set your own mind at ease and it does demonstrate a lot of social intelligence. Ben Avoid being too intense and seriousId be very relaxed, laid back, light-hearted and happy Stu

3. Putting the woman at ease. You need to make each woman feel at ease and to do this you need to be casual, confident and relaxed. Like in the bookstore Challenge, some women simply wont be confident and relaxed enough to talk to you. Dont take it as a rejection just talk to the next woman. Completing the Challenge

Approach 3 different women in the shopping mall, over the course of 1 hour. Light-heartedly acknowledge the obstacle in each case. Engage each woman in a brief, interesting conversation. Invite at least one to get some coffee or juice with you right then and there.

Day 14 Challenged Yet?

Take a Day Off Now that youre almost halfway through the 30 Day Challenge, its time to take another break and reflect on what youve learnt and how you can do things better. So far, you should have seen the following improvements in yourself: Becoming better at making conversation with random women. Displaying more confident, relaxed and attractive body language. Increasing self-confidence and feelings of control over this area of your life.

You may have also: Gotten a phone number or two Had fun in some new places and situations. Made some new friends.

At this point we recommend going back and having another listen to 21 Great Ways to Meet Women. You will find that you sometimes hear what we say in a completely different way. New meanings will emerge from some of the passing comments we made in the recording. As you listen, pay attention and give yourself a pat on the back when you come across things that youve done right. When you come across things that need improving, give yourself another pat on the back and use a bridging mindset like, This is great! Im getting better and better at this. I know what I need to improve and I know how to do it!

Day 15 Half Way There

Take Another Day Off The upcoming Days in the Challenge are going to be a lot of fun youll be going to a bar, a party, finding out how to take advantage of your lunch break and increasing your popularity at work (or university). Youll be getting more dates and will soon need to invest in a diary to keep track of your social life. However, even the most sociable guys need time to get their laundry done and pay their electricity bills. So, take a break today then get back into the 30-Day Challenge tomorrow. Youll be Mr. Popular in two weeks time.

Day 16 Everyone Likes Lunch

The Challenge Get to know everyone in the shop where you buy lunch (or some other cheap item) regularly. Background No doubt, you buy lunch or food at the same places every now and then (possibly even daily)but do you take advantage of this seemingly mundane task as a way to meet women? Like most of the ways of meeting women that youre learning about, most guys dont take advantage of the opportunity. This means there is less (or often NO) competition for the girl from other guys, which makes it so much easier. Its a good time when you walk away from a store with some food and a phone number. Its an even better time when she comes over to your place and cooks some dinner with you on your 2nd date. But, were getting ahead of ourselves here! Lets prepare for this Challenge and make sure you succeed Preparation This Challenge will involve separating yourself out from the crowd in a shop that may see 100s of customers each day. By doing so, youll have the opportunity to get a phone number from a woman who works there, or from a customer. Customers will see you interacting with the staff and will be much more open to talking to you after that. Whichever way you go with it, this is about building relationships with the staff over the course of 2 to 3 weeks. You dont have to go and buy your lunch there every day but two or three times a week would be good. Each time, aim to strike up a conversation, make an impression and find out something personal about the staff (or share something personal about yourself).

That way, on a subsequent visit, you can enter with something along the lines of Hey Mary, hows the marathon training coming? or Hey Mary, I bombed out on the marathon I only ran half off ithow was your weekend? This can have a tremendous effect as it shows that youre capable of taking an interest in other people and that you have a life of your own. Make a point of remembering a womans name and using it (we cant stress the importance of this enough). Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes

You want to try and time it so youre buying lunch after the rush. Ben Girls look for approval from their peer group to a great extentshell want her peer group to approve of you as wellyou need to talk to her friends on the same level so they develop respect for you as well. Stu Choose your moments to interact but make sure you do build rapport and connect with these girls over a period of time. Ben

Start buying lunch (or some cheap item) from a shop on a regular basis. Get to know all the staff there on a personal level. Try to have longer conversations (1-2 minutes) with the women who work there when its not busy. Chat to female customers that are open to talking to you. Eventually get a phone number from one of the women working at the store. Or, from a female customer.

Day 17 Cocktail
The Challenge Chat with a female bartender. Break her out of transaction mode and into an interaction. Get her phone number. Background Bartenders are in the centre of the social world when working in popular clubs and bars, so getting their attention tends to be more difficult than in other scenarios. However, you have already practiced Transaction/Interaction in previous Challenges, so this shouldnt be too difficult for you now. Dan worked in the hospitality industry for a number of years in his early 20s. He discovered that a lot of women get jobs in this industry to meet people. Many of the women he worked with, although beautiful, were often lonely and looking for a boyfriend. Preparation In this Challenge, you have to stand out from other guys who hit on her in pretty much the SAME way every time, Hey, can I get a beerand youre phone number? or Hey, youre beautifuldo you have a boyfriend? It almost never works. Your approach will be radically different, so youll have a lot more chance of getting her into a conversation over the course of the night, building up the sexual tension and then getting a number. This Challenge also represents a good opportunity to hang out with some friends (and invite some of your new friends that you met while doing previous Challenges) and have a good time. Female bartenders pay attention to how you behave around your friends, so focus on being the confident, cool guy that you are and everything will be fine.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes

Make a great first impression with a female bartender. Break her out of transaction mode. Build sexual tension through flirting. Find out her name. Tell her yours. Use her name the next time you order a drink. If shes showing lots of signs of interest, call her aside and get her number. o If shes too busy, come back during a quieter time on another night, chat to her and then get her number.

If you can establish a unique connection, youll be able to develop a relationship between you a lot quicker. Stu Have fun with the girl behind the bar but dont take up her timeInteractions with her are going to be 15-20 seconds tops. Stu

You may even want to invite her to your upcoming house party.

Day 18 9 oclock Lecture (or Relax its Friday!)

The Challenge If youre a university student: Get to know a girl in your class and get her number after a maximum of 3 lectures. If youre not a university student: Invite your work colleagues out for a drink after work and get to know one of the women you find attractive and get her phone number (or get her to set you up with a female friend of hers). Note: The work example is totally your call. If you think it will get you in trouble, you can skip this one. Background University is an easy way to meet women. You basically just need to build your social status, talk to women and move things forward. If youre doing this Challenge at work, then you need to ensure that dating a colleague is acceptable. If its not, try getting one of your female colleagues to set you up with one of her friends. Preparation In the Challenge, you will be using the group-interaction skills that youve been honing in previous Challenges. You should be feeling a lot more confident and socially outgoing in these situations. Lecture theatre: Dont overdo it and start chatting to the girl constantly as youll interrupt the lecture and probably come off as quite needy. Use short interactions over the course of the lectures. After work drinks: Keep in mind that you want to be engaging with everyone. It will look weird to your colleagues if it seems that youve just invited them out so you could hit on one girl.

Completing the Challenge University Student

21 Ways Quotes

Start chatting to a girl in one of your lectures. Get to know her over the course of 2-3 lectures. Get her phone number. Invite her to catch up with you outside of the university.

Its important to not single out one girl particularly on, its very important to socialize with other people. Stu A few harmless little quiet, quick interactions can be fun. Stu Theres already a little bit you have in commonmore than a stranger off the street. Stu I would definitely avoid talking about work. Stu

Non-University student

Invite your colleagues out for a drink after work. Chat with all of them. Get the phone number of a colleague you particularly like, or get her to set you up with one of her friends.

Day 19 Life of the Party

The Challenge Attend a party and try and drum up the sexual tension between you and a woman with as little direct contact as possible. Background Along with bars, parties are the most traditional of testing grounds for your social skills. In this Challenge you are going to do better than youve ever done before and use what youve learnt so far to drum up sexual tension between yourself and a girl. You need to make her want to be with you with as little direct contact as possible. Preparation Once you arrive at the party, you first want to touch base with the people you know by seeing what theyve been up to and how theyre doing. If you dont know anyone, look around for people who arent really chatting and go over and introduce yourself to them. Mention how you know the host of the party and ask how they know him/her. As soon as you see a woman you find attractive, your goal is to interact with her in a series of short chats over the course of the night, which include some flirting and humor from you. The impression you want to create in her mind is that youre a fun, confident, sociable guy who is going to be a challenge for her to get. Between interactions with the woman you want to be chatting with your friends and most importantly - other women. Every now and then you can glance over and see what shes up to. As the night goes on the sexual tension should build and build until something happens and youll have a relatively easy chance to get her phone number or, perhaps, take it even further that same night. That part is up to you.

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Attend a party. Meet up with people who you know and chat with them. Start an initial interaction with a woman you like. Have several short interactions with her over the course of the night, while also chatting with friends and other women. Build up the sexual tension through flirting. Get her phone number at the end of the night (or take things to a sexual level).
Take an active interest in quite a few people there that you actually dont know. Ben You are part of the party there and youve got to accept that and get involved. Dan Its important not to become a spectatoryou slow the party down and people have to go out of their wayto come and talk to you. Stu Throughout interacting with her you will get some of the details about her, about her life and share some of the unique things about you, so you can actually have a small connection there which can serve as a basis for moving things forward later in the party Ben

Day 20 Make New Friends in New Places

The Challenge Arrange to go on a short holiday by yourself, or with a couple of friends to build relationships in a new place. Background This can be a short weekend away or a week off to a neighboring country to party or trek around its up to you and your budget. Like with the cultural event Challenge later on, the goal is to meet women in a scenario you might not be used to. As well as providing a new place to meet women, this Challenge also gives you the opportunity to have some adventures and have interesting things to talk about when chatting to the new people in your rapidly increasing social network. Preparation Obviously it takes time to book a holiday so to complete this Challenge you only need to book the holiday, but bear in mind that you do still have to do all the other parts listed below. The aim of this Challenge is to get you making new friends in new places, as well as having sex with women you meet. When women are on holidays, they are more open to having sex on the first day/night they meet you so go somewhere where there will be tourists. One of the main things you should do on this holiday is ensure that you turn as many transactions into interactions as possible. That means talking and having interactions with every receptionist, waitress, store assistant, hotel clerk. You will be surprised at how it often leads to you partying or meeting up with the women working in these jobs.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
People in general and especially women are in a different frame of mind when they go on holidays. Ben It doesnt really get any easier to start a conversation than talking about the holiday that youre on. Ben You dont really have the luxury of getting a phone numberand going through that whole processYou cant get lazy with the situation, you do need to move things forward. Ben

Book in a short holiday for yourself, or with a few friends. Go to a tourist destination, so you will meet women who are more open to casual sex. Use your social skills to meet lots of new people and have a great time. Turn as many transactions into interactions as possible. Meet and get to know at least 2 people who you will contact when you get back home.

Day 21 Take Stock

Day Off Well done on making it through the first 21 Days of the Challenge. Youll now be getting into your stride when it comes to chatting with women, and you will no doubt have noticed that its getting easier and easier. This will stand you in good stead as you continue through the 30 Day Challenge, because the final part is the hardest. Continuing to take small steps in line with this Challenge will get you success far quicker than trying to do too much and falling on your face. Take stock today and count: How many women youve chatted to. How many women youve approached on your own. How many phone numbers you could have got. How many phone numbers you actually got. How many dates youve been on. How many kisses youve got. How many new women youve had sex with.

Day 22 Hi, Can I Help You?

The Challenge Make an attractive first impression with 3 receptionists in different places and break them out of transaction mode on each occasion. Background Have you ever sat in a reception room waiting for a meeting or an appointment and wished you could go and start flirting with the receptionist? Well, in this Challenge youre not just going to do it once, but 3 times! After this Challenge youll never have to sit there wishing you would do something, because youll know how to make the right impression and get chatting. Note: If you dont find the receptionist attractive, we recommend that you still use it as an opportunity to practice your skills and see if you can make her attracted to you. Then, just enjoy the special treatment she gives you from then on. Preparation This is another example of a scenario where you need to get the girl to see you as a fun guy rather than just a customer. By now you should have developed some different ways of doing this and know a bit about which approach works better. The point of this Challenge is to introduce variety try a different approach with each receptionist and see where your skills need improving, what works for you and what doesnt work for you.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
Not all receptionists can stand there chatting to a customer who is chatting them up youve got to be careful that youre not going to get her in trouble. Dan Use transactioninteractionYou also want to make sure that youre being attractive. Dan With the receptionist you can be playfully demandingit sets up the right dynamic between you and her. Ben

Created a strong first impression with a receptionist. Engage her in a fun, relaxed conversation. Get her to start flirting with you, instead of just treating you like a customer. Repeat all of the above with 2 more receptionists.

Day 23 Coffee Addict

The Challenge Get chatting with a waitress in a caf and get her phone number. Background This is really the follow up to the Challenge on Day 6 and continues your streak of getting phone numbers in places outside the norm. By now youve got at least 2 phone numbers, but if all the Challenges have gone well you will have gotten more. Once youve completed the 30-Day Challenge, youll find that the skills youve developed along the way will allow you to enjoy every month of the year just as much as this one. Your social life will certainly never be the same again and youll find one key difference is that when someone asks you whether youre available on a particular day, you wont be lying when you say you have to check your diary. Now its time to get that 3rd phone number (if not the 10th!). Preparation Take a look back at the Challenge on Day 6 to refresh your memory of how you went about chatting to the waitress. Done? The focus today is on following through and getting her phone number. Remember to be discreet; you dont want to get the girl into trouble with her boss for spending more time socializing than serving coffee. There are plenty of napkins in the caf so the girl can write her number down on one without it being too obvious. If you want to help her out, try making it look like youre ordering something so she could just be taking an order to anyone observing her. Just make sure that youre ordering something to go, because you dont want to get her number and then continue to sit in the caf itll make things awkward.

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Engage a waitress in conversation. Break her out of waitress to customer mode. Make her feel comfortable by being comfortable yourself. Chat for at least five minutes, depending how busy the caf is. Discreetly get her phone number so you can arrange to meet elsewhere.
Women tend to respond to guys that are a little bit demanding and a little bit difficult in a fun way. Ben One of the reasons that women are attracted to guys who are a little more demandingis that it can translate into the guys ability and behavior in the bedroom. Dan

Day 24 Party Time!

The Challenge Arrange a house party for all of your friends (new and old) and spend the time making sure everyone has a great time. Background Everyone enjoys a good house party and these days there arent enough of them being held. If you can be the guy who has great house parties, youll have a waiting list of people wanting to be your friend and youll have women offering themselves to you. At this party, youre the host. In the previous 23 days of the 30-Day Challenge, youve met lots of great new people so now its time to invite them all over for some fun. Remember to invite all of your friends from before you started the 30-Day Challenge. Preparation When organizing the party, take care of these essentials: 1. Arrange the party at a time when youll get a good turnout, like a Friday or Saturday night. 2. Invite your neighbors so there wont be anyone to complain about the noise. 3. Tidy your place up. 4. Stock up your fridge with a few drinks and a bit of finger food if you can afford it. 5. Get a good mix of music to play and have someone take care of making sure music is playing all night. The goal of this Challenge is to get you circulating, chatting to everyone and getting everyone involved. By the end of the night, you will be reaping the benefits as your increased social status will draw women to you. Take advantage and be sure to build up some sexual tension with attractive women during the night.

Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
In a house party environmentits a lot more relaxed and you can take more time to get to know each other. Dan Share yourself around amongst the group of people. Ben

Invite all your new and old friends over for a party. Set the party up for a good night. Ensure that you speak to everyone properly throughout the night. Ensure that everyone is having a great time. Getting a phone number, kiss or sex is optional during this Challenge.

Day 25 Lets Talk

The Challenge If youre a university student: Become an active member of your tutorial group and involve 3 people into the discussion who usually keep quiet. If youre not a university student: Start up a discussion at work and get everybody involved, including the people who usually keep quiet. Background A significant portion of your time each day is spent at work or, if you are a student, in lectures and tutorials. You should therefore be making use of this time to further your social development and to meet more women. Starting discussions in the office or in a tutorial is obviously something that everyone does, but bringing other people into the conversation is something few people do. Not only will it win you new friends and allies, but women will be impressed by your leadership ability. Preparation Establishing relationships with people in your work or study environments is one of the most important things youll ever work on to become more successful in life. Make a list of the people you interact with on a regular basis and decide that you will put in 20% more effort to getting to know them better. Decide also to take an active interest in who they are, without expecting anything else in return.

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Engage a number of people in your work/study environment in a lively, fun and interesting discussion. Involve at least 3 people who would not have otherwise contributed to the discussion. Put in 20% more effort getting to know people that you see or have the chance to interact with on a regular basis.
If youre sitting in the corner not talking, not being involved, then you become an outsider. Stu Be the guy whos not afraid to have peoples attention on him because he wants to contribute something to the group. Stu

Day 26 Cultured? Sure, Im Cultured...

The Challenge Attend a local cultural event and spend 20 to 60 minutes with a woman there. Get her number. Background Events celebrating peoples cultures are popular the world over and are a great place to meet women. This Challenge involves you going to an event that you might not have gone to otherwise and meeting women of a particular culture. What kind of event you go to is up to you but for the sake of this Challenge - the bigger, the better. To find out whats on in your area its back to the local newspapers, Google or just adverts around your town. Once youve found one you like, its time to get on with the Challenge. Preparation These events are all about being social and learning about other cultures, so your main focus on the day is to be interested in what is going on/being displayed. Use this opportunity to find out a few things you didnt know, while also meeting a new woman or two. Once youve found a woman and started chatting to her, take her with you to explore the rest of the event. In a way youre taking her on a mini-date that starts immediately, so this tends to help things move forward a lot faster. When its time to leave at the end of the day, youll have spent enough time with her that getting her phone number will be almost a certainty because she will feel comfortable around you. Remember to keep it relaxed and like its no big deal when you get the number. If possible, continue the date after the event by going somewhere relaxing nearby (e.g. a nearby caf for a coffee, or a restaurant for a bite to eat).

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Find a cultural event to attend. Go to the event alone or with a friend. Start chatting with a woman you find attractive. Explore the rest of the event with her, for about 20 to 60 minutes. Get her phone number. o Or, progress to a nearby caf or restaurant when youve both had enough of the event.
Immediately theres something in common; youre both there to learn a little bit more about the culture of whichever country youre looking at; simply chat and expand on that. Ben Find out what cool things will be happening on the dayif you do meet some women, then you can lead the way. Dan Talk about cool things youve seen at the event and ask the woman what shes liked the most. Dan

Day 27 Shop til They Drop

The Challenge Get a clothing store assistants phone number. Background Youre on the home straight now! Today, we come full circle and return back to where we started in a clothing store! The women in these places are often beautiful and open to dating, so get ready to move things forward to a phone number. By now you will have achieved many new things with women. After completing this Challenge, youll notice how much youve improved since Day 1. Preparation The same things are needed for this Challenge as were needed for the Challenge on Day 1. The only change is that weve moved the goalposts to match your improved skills with women. Youll need to be discreet about getting her phone number, so make sure you listen to the section on meeting women in clothing stores in 21 Great Ways to Meet Women to hear what to say. You may need to approach a few women in different stores today. Not because youll get rejected, but due to the fact that not all women are single. However, if you want to date, have sex and enjoy a relationship with hot women like these you need to actually meet them! Youre doing so well with this Challenge. Dont let yourself down today. Some of the hottest women are in these storesand many of them just need a few minutes of conversation before they hand over their number!

Completing the Challenge 21 Ways Quotes Enter the store with the goal of browsing for at least 10 minutes. o This may involve you buying a shirt, a pair of shoes or something similar. However, you shouldnt buy something if you dont want to. Take your time and be relaxed. o We sometimes spend 30 minutes or more in the store to get a phone number. So be prepared to do some serious browsing. Break the assistant out of transaction mode and into an interaction with you. Chat with her for a few minutes. o If she is busy in the store, keep browsing and have mini-conversations with her when shes not busy. o If she isnt busy, try to stand there and talk to her as long as possible. Find out something personal about her, unrelated to her work. Share something personal about you (e.g. what youve been up to lately). Get her phone number. Leave the store. Challenge complete!
She had a couple of work friends that were in hearing distance and it just put her on the spot and she felt awkward. Needless to say I didnt get the phone number This shows the importance of being discreet and being aware that she may have a manager or colleague there when youre trying to get the number.Ben You can get the phone numberby getting her to flip over the receipt and doing it or if you do get a quiet moment with heryou can pull her aside and ask her what the number isyoull have to experiment to see which one works the best. Ben Find out her name and use her name. Dan

Day 28 The Last Break

Take a Day Off Take this Day off to prepare for the 2 most difficult Challenges. With all the experience you have gained over the last 27 days, it should feel like a natural progression for you to take things to this level. Youll soon have the complete set of skills required to meet women and get their phone numbers in any scenario. You have now amassed a number of new friends, phone numbers and possibly dates with women you really like. As a result of completing the first 28 Days of the 30-Day Challenge, you will have reached the standard of a guy who is confident with women and can get a phone number from a woman most of the time. From here, its about being better than the rest finish the Challenge and you will have your pick of women from here on in your life. There simply wont be any more asking yourself Am I good enough? Who knows what will happen when you have the skills to get a womans phone number anywhere and at anytime? Complete the last two Challenges and youll have the opportunity to find out. Quit now and youll miss out on the level of success that entitles you to the best women, whatever they are to you.

Day 29 Wild Thing

The Challenge React to a girl as youre driving along and strike up a conversation. Background This Challenge adds to the skills youve developed for meeting a woman in a shopping mall. The only difference is that youre sitting down and have a few motoring laws to be aware of! This Challenge will also improve your ability to act on instinct, which is a key trait of alpha males. Preparation This Challenge can open your life up to a whole new way of meeting women. At the very least, you will get a few smiles and laughs from women, who feel flattered by the attention. The trick is to not come across as though youre yelling out obscenities from your car window, like a lot of young guys do for fun sometimes. Its about seeing women youre attracted to, then starting an interaction with them in a very unusual way. When done right, the woman will feel as though her life is like a romantic movie. The best way to do it is how Ben explains in 21 Ways. Variations of this include an approach where you see her, make eye contact, smile and wave and then drive off slightly. Then, put the car in reverse and roll back with your window down. Then, use one of the conversation starters provided in 21 Ways for this specific way of meeting women. For example, Look, I know this is really, really randombut, I just had to stop and say himy names __________ - how are you going? This Challenge is designed to be done on a quiet road, or a car park.

Remember: You are demonstrating a great deal of self-confidence just by carrying out the Challenge so you dont need to overdo it. Just be cool and upbeat and engage her in a quick interaction. Completing the Challenge
For this to work, you need to drive past the girl, stop, and reverse was actually quite funny, it wasnt stalkerlike. Ben You need to acknowledge the obstacle when youre talking to her almost immediately. Ben

21 Ways Quotes
Its a matter of seeing your opportunity to do something like this and taking advantage of it. Ben

Drive past an attractive woman. Make eye contact, smile and wave. Reverse back to talk to her. Acknowledge the obstacle. Strike up a conversation that last no more than 2-3 minutes. Explain that its time for you to be on your way. Optional: Get her phone number.

Day 30 The Final Challenge

The Challenge Go to a strip club and get a strippers phone number. Background To someone who hasnt gone through the Challenges youve completed, getting a strippers phone number will seem almost impossible. However, this is not how you are thinking you have got phone numbers off a host of different women, chatted to even more and you now have the self-confidence to pull it off. Strippers have to put up with guys acting in all kind of ways to impress them, so they are wary about giving out their phone numbers to guys who secretly see them as a big score. Like youve done in many of the previous Challenges, you need to break the woman out of transaction mode and get her into interaction mode. Preparation The key to this Challenge is showing that youre different from all the other guys who go into the strip club to get cheap thrills. This means no touching and no paying for lap dances. Both of these actions will solidify your image as a customer in the girls mind, which is the guaranteed path to not getting her phone number. Going to the strip club with some of your mates will make this Challenge far easier. To get you in the right mindset, just picture yourself as going to a regular bar with your mates and act appropriately for that scenario. Only in this scenario, the beautiful women will come up to you. It may also help to imagine her wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so youre not being blown away by her physical beauty and finding it hard to concentrate. From there its simply a matter of using the skills youve learnt to chat to her like any other girl.

Then, when its time to get her phone number, remember to be discreet. Most strippers get in trouble for handing out their phone numbers (the owners want them to be working and dancing for paying customers, not finding a boyfriend). Completing the Challenge

21 Ways Quotes
Be respectful but be bold at the same time. Stu If the stripper does start talking about sex, I would just start talking with her about it on an even keeljust be cool, calm and talk about it like youd talk about anything else. Stu Be genuine. Dont ever pretend to be something youre not. Stu

Visit a strip club. Chat with a stripper in a relaxed and casual way. Break her out of transaction mode, so she treats you as a guy she might date, rather than a customer she might get paid to lap dance for.

Get her phone number.

Youve reached the end of the 30 Day Challenge! By now you will have developed a wide range of skills for meeting, attracting and dating women, made plenty of new friends and become a more sociable, outgoing person. With the skills learnt, you can now strike up a conversation and get a phone number from women you find attractive in a wide variety of situations. Where to from here? Now that youve finished the 30 Day Challenge, youll no doubt be thinking What next? There are 3 options from here: 1. Continue using your newly acquired skills on a daily basis and perhaps work on any Challenges or scenarios that you werent completely comfortable with.

You may have skipped one or two Challenges for other reasons. Go back now and see if you can complete them.

2. Develop your skills even more by completing the 6 Advanced Missions.

You will notice that there is no help with the Advanced Missions, because you now have the skills and know-how to complete them all. If you get stuck, refer back to 21 Ways for more insights and inspiration.

3. Learn more from The Modern Man, by purchasing other products that will help you.

We have created a wide range of products to tackle the different areas that guys need help with. Each product contains new techniques, advice and insights in particular areas. When you get a Modern Man product, you are investing in yourself and your future with women.

Bonus - 6 Advanced Missions

When you have fully completed the 30-Day Challenge, you can attempt these 6 Advanced Missions. Attempting these before completing the 30-Day Challenge may result in failure and loss of confidence. If you havent completed at least 15 of the individual Challenges, go ahead and do so now. When youre ready to get started, have a go at these: 1. Hit the books hard Chat to 20 different women in bookstores and get at least 5 phone numbers. 2. Favorite regular Over the course of a few weeks, get to know the bar staff at your favorite bar well and get the phone number of the female bartender you like. 3. Playing favorites Use your favorite scenario and try to get a girls number in your fastest time yet. 4. Speed demon Attend another speed dating event and get at least 50% Yes matches. 5. Playboy Go to strip clubs and become known as a regular who doesnt pay for lap dances. Get a strippers phone number and start dating her. 6. Freestyle Take a risk and try and get a girls number in the most imaginative way you can think of.

Learn More
If youve enjoyed what youve learnt and would like to take things to the next level, go ahead and check out the range of product options we have for you here: We cant wait to teach you everything we know about success with women! Cheers Dan, Ben & Stu

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