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Java Assement 1. Which is not a Keyword i. Exception 2. Thread Priority i. 1~10 3. Thread priorty method i. Setpriority() 4.

Process based multitasking i. All the above 5. Thread Syncronization i. Monitor 6. Stored Procedures i. Callable Statement 7. Parameterized query i. Prepared statement 8. Class.forName i. Class not found Exaception 9. Commit and rollback in which interface i. Connection 10. Which package is used for JDBC connection i. Java.sql; 11. Which Package is used for db connection i. Java.sql.*; 12. object is made duplicates i. Assigment 13. Which is used for making xerox object i. Clone 14. Which is static block method i. System.error(); 15. Which of the following is not a string method i. Reverse(); 16. Class s{ Psvm{ String x; SOP(x); }} Null

17. Class ms{ Psvm{ Mys ms = new mys(); Ms.amethod(){ } Public void amethod(){ Char k=10; Switch(k){ Daefault: sop(default);break; Case(10): sop(ten);break; Case(11):sop(eleven)break; } Ans--------------- ten 18. Psvm{ Byte b = new byte(20); Byte b1 = b.bytevalue(); B1 += 20; Sop(b1);} Ans------------------------- puts 25

19. public static void main() note that parameters are not given then run time error 20. hot java browser
21. inside final class not intialzised error 22. byte b = 127; b <<=2; sop(b); prints: -4 23. psvm{ byte b1 =10, b2=20; byte ans = b1 +b2; sop(ans); Complition error 24. psvm{ arthematicexpression e = new arthematicexpression(); Eoe e1 = new Eoe(); Sop(e);

Sop(e1); } Prints true true same like above question bit different, it prints true false psvm{ int a[] = new int[5]; sop(a[5]); } Complation Error class B{ public satic final int x; psvm{ sop(B.x); } } Prints 0 class x{ psvm{ a= \f; b=\n; c= \r; d = \l; e=\\; ans------------------- d=\l same like above question one more it is also ans having d int count[] = new int[20]; create a pointer------------------ ans bit doubt try catch block question finally block sure executes one on class a exteds class b ans------------------- two one onn java bean: bean false on jsp implict object <% out.println.getparameter() %> web application scope servlet context Super class Object Multiple choice question didt rember qs 3&4 Byte min and max value 127 ~ -128 Odd man out . Char

25. 26.



29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

40. Odd man out . Char 41.

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