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Visionary Christian Ministries

September 2013

Prayer for the Month

Dear Heavenly Father
We thank you for all you have done in our lives! Thank, you most of all for your Dear Son, Jesus the Christ, who sacrificed His life so we can live. Father help us to remember that you have a plan and purpose for our lives and that we belong to you Lord. n Psalm 37, verse 23, we are reminded that The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his way. So let us not be anxious or lose our peace because we think we are not where should be in our lives. We thank you Father for being the Author and Finisher of our faith. WE love you! In Jesus name, we ask all these things; Amen! D.O.R.Ms mission is to work with young girls from the ages of 1016 years of age. We want to love them and show them Gods love as well as teach them Self Respect, Self-Esteem, and ways to handle Peer Pressure, while providing a safe environment that encourages growing and godly friendships. We meet every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday from 9am to 11am at 827 Oyster Park Drive, Suite B, Edisto Island, SC 29438. We can be reached by phone at 843-321-3399

Sponsorship Opportunities
Everyone Deserves an Education!
The Edisto Island Missionary Alzheimers Support is sponsoring a Scholarship for Students on the island. If you are interested in helping, you may contact Visionary Gazette at P.O. Box 704, Edisto Island, SC 29438

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