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source: NSCA httpd prior to and including 1.5 and Apache Web Server prior to 1.

0 contain a bug in the ScriptAlias function that allows remote users to view the source o f CGI programs on the web server, if a ScriptAlias directory is defined under Do cumentRoot. A full listing of the CGI-BIN directory can be obtained if indexing is turned on, as well. This is accomplished by adding multiple forward slashes i n the URL (see exploit). The web server fails to recognize that a ScriptAlias di rectory is actually redirected to a CGI directory when this syntax is used, and returns the text of the script instead of properly executing it. This may allow an attacker to audit scripts for vulnerabilities, retrieve proprietary informati on, etc. To retrieve the contents of http://targethost/cgi-bin/script.cgi an attacker wou ld use the following URL, provided the directory cgi-bin is redirected using Scr iptAlias: http://targethost///cgi-bin/script.cgi

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