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Apocalypse 1


Exposing Satan’s Network

By ~ Teddy Lee
Apocalypse 2

Acknowledgments: the author acknowledges the Eternal One, who

created the universe! YHWH - the Ancient of Days, and also, that,
He revealed to me the historical method of understanding the
prophecies of the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Dedications: this book is dedicated to my fiancé Patsy Smith.

Special Notes:
Note 1: The sacred tetragrammation - YHWH, and Yahweh, which
is the Hebrew personal name for God, is used about 75% of the
time throughout this book! The pronouns god, and lord, do not
correctly specify the GOD of Israel! They were placed in our
English version, as very weak substitutes, and others like Messiah,
Most High, Ancient of Days, Eternal One, and Christ, are much
more accurate!

Note 2: It is of value to realize, that the futurists method of

prophecy interpretation, was devised in the middle ages, by the
Roman Catholic Jesuit Priests! It was in an effort to cast a veil over
the character of the papacy, and place the final week of Daniel way
off in the future, so as to hide the abominations of a pagan
liturgical system!

Copyright - 2008, by T-C-P, and BMI

Written, processed, and edited by Teddy Lee Pugh
Apocalypse 3


Chapter one ~ Captivity’s Sword

Chapter two ~ Yahweh’s Servant
Chapter three ~ Test of Worship
Chapter four ~ To Convert A King
Chapter five ~ Deadly Mixture
Chapter six ~ Darius’ Decree
Chapter seven ~ Little Horn Power
Chapter eight ~ Abomination Of Desolation
Chapter nine ~ Prophetic Framework
Chapter ten ~ Seal Of YHWH
Chapter Eleven ~ 7 Angels - 3 Angels
Chapter Twelve ~ Michael Stand Up
Chapter Thirteen ~ By Craft
Chapter Fourteen~ Retribution

Mini - Bio
{Teddy Lee has been a student of the holy scriptures
ever since he was old enough to walk inside his
daddy’s church! Raised in a Pentecostal home, he
learned the true meaning of the concepts of Love,
serenity, and genuine concern for fellow humans. He
cherishes all the revivals with his Dad, and all those
late night bible studies. His main goal is to spread the
message of the 3 angels of Revelation chapter 14!}
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The year is 2008, date is the 27th of March, and the place is my little mountain home

in Leslie county Kentucky. The author is sitting, writing, and contemplating on, just what

in the world, or out the world, could happen next in the land of the free and the home of

the brave. Things are happening so fast, and there is so much going on, that, good ole’

American citizens just can’t keep track of it all anymore! In the past decade there has an

unprecedented amount of natural disasters, wars, drought, and more importantly political

and economical upheaval on a global scale. It seems with each passing day world events

unfold at a 7 fold speed, and that the countdown clock is moving faster toward the grand

climax of the ages. It’s just like someone has pulled the plug out of the drain of freedom

and morality, so that everything that people once loved and cherished is swiftly swirling

down the drain.

Spiritual desolation is the key element that thoroughly exposes our current situation.

As this book progresses one will see, that, Yahweh’s people flourished as long as they

kept his law of love, but when they began to tamper with pagan gods their crops failed,

and they were driven from the land Yahweh had given them. Righteousness exalts a

nation, but sin is a reproach to any people, proverbs, 14 and 34. The old testament

prophets spoke of Israel as an unfaithful bride, or she was described as playing the harlot.

She went a whoring after other gods! ( see Ezekiel chapter 23 )

Believe it or not, but this is exactly the reason why America is being flushed down the

drain! The same spiritual apostasy that brought about the destruction of Israel in 721
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B.C., and Judah in 606 B.C., is the same spiritual power, that has with time, brought us to

the brink of global catastrophe! For thousands of years this spiritual power has been

working hard to deceive the inhabitants of the earth, and bring about a final calamity!

This power has been clearly identified in the Holy Canon. Is this power secretly working

to bring about a new world order? The answer to that question is a dramatic yes!

Hold on to your seat, or if you’re standing grab on to something tight, because before

this book is done there will be no question to who the beast power of Revelation is, what

his mark is, and what the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation really mean. We will

totally expose Satan’s underground network of iniquity, and understand why this great

country is about to suffer the same fate as ancient Israel. It is all in the bible, so let us let

the bible interpret the prophecies, in a way that was once held by our American


Chapter One ~ Captivities Sword

(Study Daniel chapter one, & Jeremiah chapter 52)

A dark day cast no ray of hope, upon the walls, and the great city of Jerusalem.

Despite the repeated warnings from Yahweh’s prophets (Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel ),

Judah sank deep in apostasy due to the wickedness of their kings. All at once, over the

horizon, is seen a massive army. It is the armies of Babylon, along with their commander
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in chief, king Nebuchadnezzar. Most all the inhabitants of Jerusalem are taken captive,

and the entire city is the scene of the flames of perpetual devastation. The beautiful

temple, erected and finished under the supervision of Solomon, is laid waste! This was

the city and the site where Jehovah ( YHWH ), had intended through his people, to bring

salvation to the pagan heathen nations. However, instead of converting the heathen, it

was the heathen that corrupted, 1st Israel, and then Judah - even to the point of sacrificing

their children to the sun god Moloch. The very God that had nurtured them, delivered to

them sacred heavenly oracles, and fought hard to drive out the heathen from the land of

Canaan, has now called this Nebuchadnezzar His servant, and has allowed Babylon to

destroy what was once a light to the pagan world. Yahweh’s people are now in Babylon,

capitol city of the world’s dominating power.

However, Yahweh never starts anything he can’t finish! Along with the captives are 4 of

Yahweh’s soldiers; Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, and a strong prophet called Daniel.

After they are locked away in their quarters, there is presented to them a portion of the

king’s meat and wine, a mandatory diet for all the captives. The 4 Hebrews declined the

food, telling the captain of the guards, that it is offensive to the diet of Yahweh. They cut

a deal with him that if he would only serve them pulse (beans), and water to drink, that at

the end of 10 days, if they didn’t look healthier than all the rest in the kingdom, then do

as you please with us. The 4 Hebrews came out on top, making a deal that would set the

stage for a list of trials that would eventually allow God’s people to return and rebuild

their home, and also lead to the conversion of king Nebuchadnezzar himself.
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The diet test was already a strong witness to the captain and his guards, but the test

of worship and obedience to the law of Yahweh proves to be an amazement to both the

political rulers, and the entire kingdom.

Chapter Two ~ Yahweh’s Servant

(Study Daniel chapter two)

Another deal is made between the unseen forces of good and evil, only this time the

deal is made between Daniel and the king himself. King Nebuchadnezzar has conquered

the known world, but for some reason he has decided to hold all of Judah hostage. He

could have killed them, but he did not! Making it all look more and more like a divine

hand is behind a definite plan. Now, after all of the king’s military escapades the real

battle begins to surface taking the king captive in his spirit, and his thoughts trouble him.

For in a dream he sees a great image, the height and appearance thereof was terrible. It

had a head of pure gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and hips of brass, legs of iron,

and feet part of iron and miry clay. The king brings in the astrologers, sorcerers,

magicians, and soothsayers, for the king has totally forgotten the dream, and he somehow

knows that it is the most single significant event of his life. When the wise men of

Babylon could not make known the dream, let along the interpretation, the king

commanded that they all be slain. The diet test rings true to certain men of the kingdom,

and they make it known, that among the captives, Daniel is of an excellent spirit, so he is
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brought in before the king and briefed on the matter. Daniel, full of compassion for any

race of people, pleads with the king don’t kill any of your wise men, until I have had the

opportunity to consult with Yahweh. In other words, Daniel admitted that, right now

king, I don’t have a clue, but there is a God in heaven that reveals such secrets as these -

without error. Daniel returns to his quarters and ask of Yahweh to reveal to him the

dream, and the interpretation thereof. The results become overwhelmingly dramatic, and

envelopes the entire history of past kingdoms, from Nebuchadnezzar all the way up to

modern day Rome, and beyond.

Once Daniel rehearses the dream the king’s eyes open wide! Then when he gives

the interpretation of the thing, it is at this point, the king realizes just how important what

he had forgotten really was. The head of gold was king Nebuchadnezzar himself; the

breast and arms of silver was the Media-Persian Empire; the belly and hips of brass was

the Grecian empire; and the legs and feet of the image was the ancient Roman Empire -

the iron monarchy of Rome. The 2 legs speaks of the splitting of the empire, into the

eastern and western divisions, and the 10 toes of the image represents a further division

of the original kingdom into 10 fragments, or countries. Eventually, it became known as

the Holy Roman Empire, in which the papacy, or the Vatican, becomes the ruling power

over the entire world. Now keep this one thing in mind, it is this final ruling power that

comes forth out of the emperors of Rome that we will be focusing on during the course of

this book. For you see, the king beheld the image until a stone was hewn out of the

mountain without hands. This stone smote the image in the feet, and all the different
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grades of metal came crashing down, and became like chaff, or dust, driven away by the

wind. The stone however became a great mountain and sheltered the whole earth. (See

Appendix - A)

A ruler out of the 10 divisions of Rome, will be the very power that Christ is forced

to deal with at his 2nd advent. Meanwhile, because Daniel made the dream, and the

interpretation known unto the king, he is ornamented and made 2nd ruler over all the

province of Babylon.

Chapter Three ~ Test of Worship

(Study Daniel chapter Three)

The king had seen a great light, but at this point in his life he was still a rebellious

pagan. In the plain of Dura he erected an image of gold 90 feet tall, and 9 feet wide. He

commanded at the sound of the musicians, that all the inhabitants of Babylon bow down

and worship the image of gold. The king consolidated some of the spoil of conquered

kingdoms, and this scene was a demonstration of his great power. It was in fact a

representation of both power and a false system of worship. It represented a form of

worship that contradicted the law of YHWH, delivered to them after the exodus, on top

Mount Sinai. At the sound of the music every soul in the kingdom bowed down, all

except the 3 Hebrews who were tested at the beginning of captivity. According to chapter

2, Daniel is guarding the king’s gate. Now a decree had been made, that, if anyone fails
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to bow down, they will be cast into a furnace of fire. This didn’t cut no ice with the 3

Hebrews, even if Yahweh does not deliver, they still will not bow down. They were

determined to keep Yahweh’s law, remembering full well the consequences of breaking

it. Gee-Wiz that was the reason they were in Babylon to start with!

*In the book of revelation is repeated the same test of God’s people, with an emphasis

placed on modern day Babylon, and all who are caught up in her abominable form of

worship. In Revelation chapter 13, and verse 15, is mentioned an image made to the beast

power, and all who did not worship it was to be killed! Also, a mysterious mark of this

power comes into play, which as we shall see, is the mark of her form of worship.

Revelation chapter 14, and verse 12, plainly states; here is the patience of the saints: here

are they which keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus! Revelation

chapter 12, and verse 17, states the same conflict; they are either keeping the

commandments of Yahweh, or they bare the mark of the beast, and the conscience sign of

false worship.

Now as the story prevails, the 3 Hebrews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, are

cast into the furnace of fire, heated up 7 times, all the way up to max, and the kings eyes

open wide again. Daniel 3, verses 24 and 25, read something like this; didn’t we just

throw 3 Hebrews in the furnace of fire; behold, the king spoke, I see 4 men in the

furnace, they have no hurt, and one is like the son of God! They held true to the

commandments, and an angel of Yahweh quenched the heat of the fire, so that they were

not touched by the flames. However, the guards that reported their mutiny were
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consumed by the fire.

Thus far, it seems that Yahweh has big things in store for this ole’ pagan king. He is

using his faithful few to shine a light through the gruesome darkness of spiritual

desolation. Daniel has become 2nd in command, and now the 3 Hebrews are standing like

stone right in the midst of one of the most severe cases of pagan tyranny.

Chapter Four ~ To Convert a King

(Study Daniel chapter Four)

As a result of the persecution against the 3 Hebrews, Yahweh puts into play His plan

to bring the pagan king to his knees. It is so he may realize that Yahweh’s kingdom is an

everlasting kingdom, and He gives temporal power to whomsoever He chooses. By now

he realizes the power of the Hebrew God, and by now Daniel has been named the chief of

the wise men of Babylon. Before and after the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar, he gives

special praise to the Most High (YHWH), whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and

whose dominion is from generation to generation.

King Nebuchadnezzar dreams another dream, and calls in all the wise men of

Babylon, but they could not interpret it. He dreams of a tree planted in the midst of the

earth, whose height reached into heaven, and it’s branches were full of leaves and fruit.

The beast of the field shaded under it, and the fowls of the air resided in it’s branches. A

watcher, and a holy one, came down from heaven and hews down the tree, breaks off the
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branches, destroys the leaves, and scatters the fruit abroad. After hearing this, Daniel is

astonished and troubled for one hour. O king, the tree in the midst of the earth, that

reached unto heaven, and the fruit thereof being meat for all peoples, and it’s branches

shelter the fowl - is you O king! The holy one that came down and cut down the tree, is

speaking of a prophecy concerning your enemies. They shall drive you from among men;

your dwelling shall be with the beast of the field, until 7 times passes over, and you fully

realize that the Most High dwells in the kingdom of men, and gives power to

whomsoever He chooses.

Daniel suggest that the king do the right thing, and show mercy toward the poor of

the earth. At the end of 12 months the king spoke and said, is not this great Babylon that I

have built by my own power, and for the honor of my majesty? As a result, the kingdom

departed from him, and he was driven out of Babylon. He was given a heart like a beast,

and was driven out into the wild to live with them for 7 years. (Note a time in the bible

means one year.)

At the end of 7 years, it is recorded that he looked up to heaven, and his

understanding returned to him. He then praised, honored, and blessed, the Most High, and

in short his kingdom is restored to him, with even more glory. It must then be a fact, that,

he became a friend and a provider to the poor. As in Nebuchadnezzar’s own words, “….

and those who walk in pride He is able to abase.”

*The book of Revelation chapters 17 and 18, speaks of modern day Babylon as being

a very wealthy system of government, and religious worship. In the 18th chapter is
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recorded, that, the political rulers, and merchants of the earth, have been made rich

through the abundances of her delicacies. Then is recorded that she has fallen, and the

kings and merchants of the earth weep for her saying, O Babylon, how did you fall? How

did such great riches come to an end? For in one hour is her judgment come!

Here we have it! The prediction of the future fall of our present political, economical,

and religious system. The fall of ancient Babylon is a prelude, and is intertwined with the

future fall of modern day Babylon. She is right now, as we speak, oppressing the poor,

and deceiving the inhabitants of the earth with power, wealth, fame, and also false

worship. (see comment below)

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*(Recent scientific thought realizes that past, present, and future events, are

interconnected into some sort of 4th dimensional unseen web of cosmic information.

When one is studying prophecy, one must realize that all prophecies dealing with the

time of the end carry with them the insignia of a future fulfillment. This kind of prophetic

information is what the author refers to as the step ladder effect.)

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Chapter Five ~ Deadly Mixture

(Study Daniel chapter five)

After the death of king Nebuchadnezzar, his son Belshazzar ascends to the throne,

and the difference between these two individuals, was about like the difference between

Hezekiah and Ahaziah, kings of Judah. Belshazzar was a pagan to the bone, insomuch

that he deemed it a necessary business to throw himself a big party, and invite a thousand

of his lords, along with their wives. The agenda was to drink gallons of wine, and just flat

out get on a good one! While tasting the wine the king makes a terrible mistake that cost

him his throne and kingdom. He commands his servants to bring in the gold and silver

vessels that his father had locked away, so they could drink wine from them. These

vessels were brought from the temple in Jerusalem, and were consecrated solely for the

use of the high priest performing certain tasks in the sanctuary of Israel. This pattern of

sanctuary worship was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai, and is a earthly copy of the

heavenly temple. Nebuchadnezzar understood what they were used for, and would not

desecrate them, for you see, he had become acquainted with the God of Israel. However,

his son did not understand; he was not the converting type. They drank wine in Yahweh’s

sacred vessels, and praised the gods of gold, silver, brass, and stone. In the same hour

came fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote on the plaster of the wall. The king is so

terrified that the joints of his knees smote together! After conferring with the wise men of

Babylon, Daniel once again is called upon, this time to read and interpret the writing on
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the wall. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN! Daniel spoke, MENE, God hath

numbered thy kingdom and finished it. TEKEL, thou art weighed in the balance and been

found wanting. PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes, and the

Persians. There it is! The bible always explains itself! We have complete confirmation of

who the breast and the arms represent in Daniel chapter 2!

*In Revelation chapter 17, is seen a woman riding on a scarlet colored beast, full of

names of blasphemy, and she is referred to as the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of

the earth. In her hand is seen a golden cup full of a mysterious wine: she has made the

kings, and the inhabitants of the earth drunk on the wine of her fornication. This wine is

nothing more than a mixture of truth and paganism. The incorporating of pagan thought

and tradition, and doing it all in the name of Christ, is spiritually speaking, a most

DEADLY MIXTURE! Soon we will see just how deadly her brew really is. We will see,

that, this woman, which in the bible represents a clerical church system, has caused the

majority of the world to participate in a false form of worship. Revelation chapter 18 and

verse 10 states that her sins have reached unto heaven, and because of her abominations

future judgment is inevitable. We must place a difference between truth and error;

between consecrated and desecrated; between pagan tradition and truth; between Christ

church and the bride of Satan.

Please don’t stop reading now, for total exposure of the worlds political and religious

system is about to be made as plain as the hand writing on the wall.

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Chapter Six ~ Darius Decree

(Study Daniel chapter six)

By the time Darius the Mede assumes control of the former Babylonian empire,

Daniel is recognized by all as being both a leader, and the most faithful servant in the

kingdom. However, jealousy rages among the princes who are still holding positions of

authority. These leaders are plotting feverishly to find fault with Daniel in order to knock

him out of the saddle. As we shall continue to see, unseen forces are at play here, and

these fallen angels are continually influencing the minds of set leaders. Nothing could

please these forces more than to see Daniel graveyard dead.

Now certain of the princes, presidents, and counselors, who had been placed over the

kings affairs, come up with a strategic move, and again the test of worship takes center

stage in the grand cosmic conflict over the souls of planet earth. These princes approach

king Darius, saying, king live forever, and after they swell his head up real big, offer to

him a decree to sign, and the king not knowing what they were up to - signs the decree.

The decree stated that, for a period of 30 days, if anyone is found making a petition to

any other god, save you king, then that person is to be cast into the den of lions. This

particular cave was maintained for hardened criminals, who disobeyed the king, but not

for faithful servants like Daniel.

Now Daniel was faithful to Yahweh, and did his penitence every morning, noon, and

evening. The other leaders knew all about it, and stood by waiting to catch him in the act.
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This ploy of Satan did not sway Daniel from his normal schedule of supplication to the

God of Israel. When Daniel was informed of the kings decree, he went into his chambers,

and facing Jerusalem, prayed just like it was any other day. His accusers inform the king,

and the king was so saddened by the news, that, he labored to the going down of the sun,

to deliver the one whom he trusted the most. It seemed that Darius had unknowingly

passed the death sentence on the very man he was about to make ruler over the whole

realm of the kingdom. @Now the king desired to abolish the decree, but according to the

law of the Medes and Persians, once a document is signed by the king it is unchangeable.

When the time came the king commanded, and they escorted Daniel inside the cave, and

placed a stone upon it. The king sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his

lords, or other rulers, that the stone remain in place. The king spent the whole night

fasting, and his sleep left from him.

When early morning arrived, the king made hast to the den, and cried out loud with a

lamented voice, O Daniel, has the god you serve delivered thee? Daniel spoke, king live

forever, Yahweh has sent His angel and shut the mouth of the lions; I have not been hurt!

So the king commanded that Daniel be brought forth from the den, and then commanded

that his accusers be cast into the den, along with their wives and children. The lions had

mastery over them, and they were all destroyed.

Then king Darius makes another decree that in all the kingdom men tremble and fear

(pay homage), before the God of Daniel. He is the living God; His dominion and

kingdom shall be even to the end. So Daniel prospered greatly during the reigns of
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Darius, and Cyrus the Persian. (Compare this test of obedience with that of Revelation

chapters 13 & 14)

As the final scenes of earth transpire, we must place total trust in Christ and the

holy angels. Laws will be passed, with the presumption that they are in the people’s best

interest, and bring about a final, and most brutal, persecution on all those faithful to

God’s commandments.

* (Once the law was delivered to Israel, it was sealed with the signet of YHWH; written

by His own finger, and is therefore unchangeable. Regardless of traditions handed down

by churches, or men; this cannot change the celestial law that established the visible

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Chapter Seven ~ Little Horn Power

(Study Daniel chapter seven)

In Daniel chapter 2, the bible describes for us a linage of kingdoms, represented by

the different grades of metal that made up the image seen by king Nebuchadnezzar in a

dream. In this chapter, Daniel’s vision describes for us the same 4 world powers, but in

their beastlike character. @Daniel sees the 4 winds of heaven blowing upon the great sea,

and 4 beasts come up out of the sea diverse one from another. The 1st beast was like a

lion, and it had eagle’s wings. The wings were plucked; it was made to stand upright, and

a man’s heart was given to it. History is plain that the symbol for ancient Babylon was a

winged lion. A man’s heart was given to it; is describing the conversion of

Nebuchadnezzar. The next beast looked like a bear. It raises itself up on one side, and in

its mouth were 3 ribs. History states that the symbol of the Persian Empire was the bear.

It rose up on 1 side, represents king Darius, and the 3 ribs depict the 3 kings of Babylon,

Nebuchadnezzar 1 & 2, and Belshazzar. The next is a beast like a leopard, and it had 4

wings and 4 heads. This is the Grecian empire. After the death of Alexander the great, the

kingdom was divided between his 4 generals, with Ptolemy taking Egypt, Seleucus the

east, Cassander had Macedonia, and Lysimachus of Thrace - Asia Minor. The 4th beast is

dreadful, terrible, and very strong. It has iron teeth, and 10 horns. This is the iron legs of

Rome, and the 10 horns are synonymous with the 10 toes of Daniel chapter 2. As Daniel

considers the horns, another little horn rises up among the 10, and subdues 3 horns. In
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this little horn is the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. He studies the

kingdoms until the Ancient of days did set, whose garment is whiter than snow, and His

hair like pure wool. His throne is a consuming fire; and His wheels as burning fire; see

Ezekiel chapter 1. Daniel studies the great words of the little horn power, until the beast

is slain, and given to the fire of the Ancient of Days (YHWH). Then one like the son of

man is brought before the Ancient One, and is given an everlasting kingdom that will

never end.

The bible is plain about the fact that, Christ, the being that died for us, will at His 2nd

coming destroy the little horn power. Christ is the human connection to the Ancient of

Days, and the kingdom shall be given to the saints. Surely you have noticed that the little

horn power emerges out of the 4th beast, or the old Roman Empire, and surely you’ve

noticed that it is out of the 10 divisions of Rome, which is synonymous with the 10 horns,

and the 10 toes of the great image - smitten by the stone Christ?

Out of Roman chaos, when the kingdom split into eastern and western divisions,

around 476 A.D., existed 10 warring Germanic tribes, that threatened the unity of Rome.

These 10 tribes are known as the Alemani, Suevi, Franks, anglo Saxon, Vandals,

Lombards, Heruli, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and the Burgundians. The 3 main tribes that

threatened the papacy, were finally conquered, mainly through the military campaigns of

Charlemayne and Justinian-1, and were the Vandals, Heruli, and the Ostrogoths. *The

little horn power of Daniel 7 is the papacy, or the residing pope of Rome. This power

persecutes the saints of the Most High, and thinks to change times and laws, and he
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reigns for a time, times, and a dividing of time; which is 42 months, or 3 and a half years.

However, in prophecy Yahweh has given us a day for a year; Numbers 14 & 34, and

Ezekiel 4, 4-6. So then, 3 and a half years is equal to 1,260 days, or 1,260 years in

prophecy.*After the 3 remaining powers were uprooted, the kingdom of the emperors,

who were also persecutors of the saints, hand over the entire empire to the pope of Rome,

in 538 A.D., and his reign continues until the year 1798. It all ends when the Napoleon

general Berthier enters Rome and takes the pope captive. This is, by the way, the same

year America is born, and on February the 15th 1798, declares her freedom from the many

years of papal supremacy and persecution. During the dark ages of papal inquisitions

around 5,000,000 protestants were slain for opposing the doctrines of the Roman Catholic


* In Revelation chapter 13, is seen the same power rising up out of the sea, and saint

John is standing on the sand of the sea. The beast is described as having 7 heads and 10

horns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. John rehearses the 4 beast of Daniel 7,

and makes known that the dragon (Satan), gives him his seat and great authority. One

head is wounded to death, but is healed.

In 1929, the fascist leader Benito Mussolini restores papal sovereignty; the world

church organization is founded, and the Vatican is named the great mother church of all

protestant denominations. Verse 5 tells us that this power was given a mouth speaking

great things and blasphemies, and he was to continue 42 months. The pope, cardinals, and

bishops of Rome, claim the power to grant penitence, or forgive people of their sins.
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They claim to hold the office of Christ on earth. They also claim to be the sole

beneficiaries of the kingdom of heaven, and that they are infallible on faith and doctrinal


In the bible, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Jewish rulers, told Christ that He had

committed blasphemies by claiming the power to forgive sins, Luke 5 & 21, and also

because he claimed to be the son of God, or His equal, St. John 10, 30-33. Of course the

Savior did not commit blasphemy, but the papacy makes the same claims, and this my


Verse 6 reads, “and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God (notice this), to

blaspheme his name(this is the sacred tetragrammation-YHWH), and His tabernacle, and

them that dwell in heaven.” Notice verse 11; as the 1st beast is going into captivity,

another beast is rising up out of the earth. This one looks like a lamb, but speaks like a

dragon. To otherwise state, it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This lamb like beast exercises

all the power of the 1st beast before it, causing the earth and them that dwell therein to

worship falsely. This power performs great wonders, and even to bring fire down from

heaven in the midst of humans. This is a false Pentecost! Creating miracles to advance

their cults on peoples of the earth is deception most profound! It should be apparent by

now where I am headed with all this. The only power that arose after the papacy fell is

the good ole’ United States of America! We started out like a spiritual lamb, but there is a

hidden agenda - Satan is blooded well organized! He entered into the church liturgical

system; he has mixed paganism with sacred heavenly truths, and he is dead bent on the
Apocalypse 23

whole world worshiping him! He is the grand master of forgery!

In Daniel chapter 7, and verse 25, the bible tells us that he would think to change

times and laws!

The system of the early church is nothing like what the church world practices

today. Any reliable encyclopedia can relate to you, that, holidays like, Christmas, New

Years, and Easter, do not have their roots in either the old or new testaments, but in pagan

roots that date all the way back to the deification of Nimrod. The 7 heads of the beast

counts the 3 kingdoms, Sumerian, Egyptian, and Assyrian, prior to Babylon, and all 7 of

them practiced the religion of the age-long sun-cult, hence, all 7 heads carried the

insignia of blasphemy, and hence, the mysterious wine full of abominations of the mother

of harlots in Revelation chapter 17. Yahweh plainly states throughout the old testament

that all of the practices of those heathen nations were, and still are, an abomination unto

Him! All 7 heads of the beast bore the mark of blasphemy. The bible, in verse 3, tells us

that all the world wondered after the beast! How did he gain such popularity? He has

thought to change times and laws! Instead of Passover, the church world observes Easter.

Also, instead of the biblical 7th day Sabbath we observe Sunday which has no place in our

bible, but in the bible of the liturgical system of the Roman Catholic Church. Then we

have the mysterious number of his name. The official title of the pope of Rome is;

Vicarius Filii dei, which means Vicar of Christ. When we add up the Roman numerical

value of his name, presto, we have the number 666! (See Appendixes - B and C)

Now I know what you are thinking! What about the 7 years of great tribulation?

Does not the rapture come first, and then the last week of Daniel is fulfilled upon the

Jewish nation by a false Messiah? Also, just exactly what is the mark of the beast? Stick
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around and keep on reading - for the bible is about to reveal to us the real truth.

@(In the bible, waters, or seas, represents peoples, nations, multitudes, and tongues. The

sand of the sea depicts the people of America, or the new world. The beast comes out of

the old world, and John is standing in the middle of time’s porthole, bridging the gap

between old and new, the people of the lamb beast of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11.)

*(The donation of Constantine-1, to the pope Sylvester around 335 B. C.; marked the

conversion of the emperor over to Christianity. Control of the old empire gradually

settled in on the papacy until total power was assumed in 538 B.C.)
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Chapter Eight ~ Abomination of Desolation

(Study Daniel chapter eight )

In this chapter, Daniel’s vision describes for us the Mede-Persian empire, and is seen

in the form of a ram with 2 horns. Cyrus came up last, and was higher, because of his

humanitarian acts. Especially the kindness that he showed toward the Jews; for he set in

motion the conviction he felt over them returning to their own land, and rebuild their

temple, and city. Also, when one reads the 20th verse, it becomes apparent that the ram is

Darius and Cyrus. Daniel sees the Grecian empire in the form of a he goat. There is seen

a great horn between his eyes, which is the 1st king, or Alexander the great. The great

horn being broken, is the 4 generals that stood up after the death of Alexander.

Then Yahweh turns Daniels attention toward the little horn power of chapter 7! This

power waxed great, even to the host of heaven, and cast down some of the host of the

stars to the ground and stamped on them. He magnified himself even to the prince of

heavens host; by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the heavenly sanctuary was

cast down. An entire host was given to him, against the daily sacrifice. It cast down the

truth to the ground, and it practiced and prospered!

Then Daniel sees, and hears, 2 saints talking, and one asked the other; how long

would be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation; to

give both the host, and the sanctuary, to be trodden underfoot? He told Daniel, unto 2,300

days - then shall the sanctuary be cleansed!

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In the book of Matthew, chapter 25, and verse 15, Christ said, “when ye shall

therefore see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the

holy place, ( whosoever readeth let him understand: ). Christ is telling us here that this

power seen by Daniel is a very important issue. He wanted people in the future, in our

day, to properly understand the full scope of the vision. At that time the empire of the

emperors prevailed, and Christ knew that this power, would eventually come, and stand

in the holy place; the human body being now the temple of God. Daniel said it would

take away the daily sacrifice. Daniel prayed 3 times a day. Here this power is seen taking

the practice of prayer, to Christ, away from people of earth; incorporating a practice that

steals the worship that belongs to Yahweh, and places it in honor of other traditions, that,

are not a part of the liturgical system of YHWH, and or Christ.

The portable sanctuary in ancient times was cared for, and carried by, the Levites.

Only those consecrated were permitted to perform the work of the sanctuary and of the

ark of YHWH. The sanctuary had a court, for the acceptance of the sacrifice. The sin was

transferred from the individual to the sacrifice, say a lamb, then the high priest would

slay the sacrifice and present the blood, and as it flowed under the altar, the sin is

transferred to the mercy seat in the most holy place; were all the sins of Israel rested until

Day of Atonement. On the day of atonement, around mid-September, the high priest,

with the blood of a heifer, sprinkles it all over the mercy seat, the books, the tables of

stone, and cleanses a whole years worth of sins for all the house of Israel. Then he would

come forth from the sanctuary, and transfer the sins of the people, over to the scapegoat,
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Azazel. Then the scapegoat is lead out to roam in the wilderness. *This type of sanctuary

worship depicts the whole plan of salvation for humankind. Christ, the eternal sacrifice,

had to go away, because, He had a job to do in His father’s temple. His blood started the

plan, but it won’t be finished until He leaves the temple to deal with Babylon, and finally

the scapegoat, Satan! Notice it was rehearsed to Daniel that this power would practice

and PROSPER, until 2,300 days, or years in prophecy. After 2,300 years, Christ would

enter into the most holy place, to perform the final work of His ministry in the heavenly

temple, and that those days after, all the way up to at such time He leaves the heavenly

temple, would mark the time of the end. Remember, the sins of Babylon have reached

unto heaven. The worship system of the little horn power has effectively stained the

goodness of God’s mercy seat, under which the tables of stone in heaven reside. Just like

eons ago the issue at hand is over the law of YHWH. The fallen angels are determined to

cause as many souls as they can to transgress the commandments and worship falsely!

They transgressed 1st, and seek to magnify their original rebellion by gaining human


The vision then of the 2,300 days is of course 2,300 years, and as we shall clearly see

in the next chapter, covers the period from 457 B.C., up to 1844 A.D. It was this same

year that spiritual revivals sprang up all over the new world, and truths that had been lost

in the old world of papal persecution were rediscovered.

Now notice closely, that, this power walks on the truth; takes away the daily sacrifice

of prayer; and cast down some of the stars of heaven, and stamps on them. This allures to
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the scenario of Revelation chapter 12, and verses 3, 4, & 7. Here a 3rd part of the stars, or

angels, are cast down to the earth. These are the fallen angels that joined in the original

revolt of the dragon (Satan). It should be obvious to the reader that the original rebellion

was over the law of YHWH. This power cast the truth down to the ground, and even

magnified himself to the prince of the host, or Christ! Such a power that enters the realm

of the church, and changes the traditions of Christ and the apostles, is a MEGA

ABOMINATION! The Roman Catholic Church is guilty of all the above mentioned

items. She has taken the attention away from prayer to Christ, who is our heavenly

mediator, to an earthly power of spiritual hypocrisy. Christ is the only one that died for

earthlings, and He is the great eternal sacrifice! It is real sad that most of the world pay

more attention to earthly powers than to the one who dwells in the celestial sphere!

Once Christ leaves the heavenly temple, there is no more repentance! He comes and

places all the guilt on the head of the scapegoat (Satan), and he wonders aimlessly over a

desolate earth for 1,000 years. (We will study this topic in a later chapter.)

The apostle Paul spoke of this power, in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, and verses 3-10.

Paul tells us that he would set in the temple of God, deceiving the world into either

believing that he is god, or that is worshipped, so that he may be worshipped. Paul states

just as the author did in earlier chapters that he shall be consumed by the brightness of

Christ’s coming back to earth. In verse 5 Paul is warning us not to forget the power that

makes all those types of abominable claims. *In revelation chapter 18, and verses 4 & 5,

YAHWEH is heard calling for people to come out of Babylon, that we be not partakers of

her sins, and so we won’t suffer along with her the wrath of the 7 last plagues. Satan’s

counterfeit church system, with all its ceremonial rites, sacraments, and all their pagan
Apocalypse 29

worship days, is the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet in 553


From this point on, we shall see that the futurist views concerning prophecy is

nothing more than a ploy to lure the minds of humans away from the real issues. The real

issues are over worship, obedience, and the commandments of Yahweh! There is no way

anyone could have put all of it, into perspective, better than the prophet Isaiah - when he

wrote in Isaiah 24, and verses 1-5; here the prophet sees the world upside down, and laid

waste! Also verse 5 speaks that the earth itself (God’s creation) is defiled, because they

transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

“Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate”.

There we have it in a nutshell! The reason why the earth is made desolate and laid

waste! It’s all over thinking you can change and consecrate, doctrines, different than what

Yahweh has already formerly established in the celestial domain. This is the

Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet probably over 2,560 years

ago. The vision of the 2,300 days, or years, is Daniel’s longest time prophecy.
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Chapter Nine ~ Prophetic Framework

(Study Daniel chapter nine)

Thus far, Daniel’s faith has been tested, and he has seen many visions concerning the

rise and fall of earthly kingdoms. He has been shown the abominable works of the little

horn power, and the vision of the 2,300 days, or years. The full scope of the prophecies of

Daniel and Revelation, fit inside the framework of Daniel’s longest prophecy! The

question that remained in Daniel’s mind was - how does the future of Yahweh’s people

fit into this prophetic time frame? So Daniel, with prayer and fasting, seeks the wisdom

of the Ancient of Days for an answer.

At the time of the evening oblation, Gabriel, the one who appeared to him at the

beginning of the vision, flies swiftly, and gives him skill and understanding. Gabriel

informs him that 70 weeks are determined upon thy people, and thy holy city; to finish

the transgression (of the little horn power); to make reconciliation for sins; to usher in

everlasting righteousness; to seal up the prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.

Please notice this - the whole vision of the 70 weeks, or 490 years in prophecy, is

concerning Daniel and his people, and the Most Holy, or Christ! It is all to finish the

transgression of the false system of worship. To bring in everlasting righteousness, by

reconciliation of the cross of Christ, and to seal up the vision by anointing the Most

Holy. Verse 25 tells us, that, from the going forth of the commandment to restore or

rebuild Jerusalem, unto the Messiah the prince, would be 69 weeks, or 483 years. When
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one travels from 457 B.C., ahead 483 years, we arrive in the year of 26 A.D.; which,

according to history, is the year of the anointing of Christ, after His baptism, and the

beginning of His earthly ministry! Verse 26 tells us of the destruction of the temple

around 70 A.D., by the Roman armies. Now then, the he, in verse 27, is referring again to

Christ the Messiah, just as the prophecies did in the last 2 verses! It is a historical fact,

that, He preached 1st to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; “He came unto His own, and

His own received Him Not”. It is a fact that in the middle of the week, in and around 30

A.D., Christ hanging on the cross, cried out with a loud voice and gave up the ghost. The

veil rent in twain from top to bottom; the sacrifice and the oblation ceases! The one time

eternal sacrifice had been slain! The scripture states that for the overspreading of

abominations, He shall make it desolate, even to the consummation, and that determined

is poured upon the desolate!

The consummation is the end of the age, when Messiah deals with the little horn

power of Daniel chapter 7, and places guilt on the being (Lucifer),that, used and deceived

humans; thus furthering his assault on the law of YHWH! The remaining 3 and a half

years of the last prophetic week takes us up to the year 33 A.D., which is the year

Stephen was stoned, and then soon was the conversion of Paul. The gospel is officially

proclaimed among the gentile nations. This marked the end of the 70 weeks of

probationary time upon God’s once chosen people.

You see, there is no 7 years of great tribulation, but as we shall see, only the 7 last

plaques directed toward modern Babylon and her deceptive form of worship. There is no
Apocalypse 32

political ruler, who arises overnight to, set in the temple at Jerusalem, making a pact with

them, and then breaking it in the middle of the week; in order to instigate a mark in the

right hand, or forehead. This, my friend could not deceive an infant, for you see, this is

what everyone is waiting and looking for! In the meantime, Satan’s network secretly

incorporates pagan elements into the world’s church system, and it is these changes that

the majority of the church world overlooks! In Lucifer’s world deception is the name of

the game, and he’s the master of transgression and disobedience.

The so-called anti-Christ is actually the great whore of Revelation chapters 17-19! It

is a worldwide apostate church system, who is masquerading as, and in the name of

Christ, but in the face of the truth she has been found lacking. Remember the words of

the Savior; let no one DECIEVE YOU - BY ANYMEANS!

Chapter 10 ~ Seal of YHWH

(Study Daniel chapter 10 and revelation chapters 1-7)

In this chapter, Daniel is seen going on a 3 week hunger strike. From the beginning

of his supplication the commandment went forth, but Michael and Gabriel had been in a

confrontation with unseen forces, that were trying to prevent the message from ever

reaching Daniel. He has been given a lot of information, so then he turned his attention to

the house of Judah. At this point, he is starving for information concerning the sum of

the whole matter, and especially the future outcome of God’s people. After feeling the

full meaning of the word weak, he experiences a close encounter of the Hebrew kind! He

sees Michael, his prince, and the prince that stands for God’s people. As we have seen
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earlier, He is the one assigned to deal directly with Lucifer; He is seen fighting the

dragon (Lucifer), and his angels in Revelation chapter 12, and verses 7-10. He (Christ), is

the deliverer of the message to both Daniel, and to St. John! Daniel sees a being with the

appearance of lightning, eyes like fire, and His garment translucent white; His feet and

legs burned as brass; He was girded with fine gold of Uphaz, and His voice was as the

sound of a multitude!

This is the same description given to us by another beloved saint, around 96 A.D., St.

John the Divine. On the isle of Patmos, alone, destitute, with no friend, or food, John

finds himself in the spirit on the LORD’S DAY (the 7th day of the week - Sabbath). Both

Daniel and John, dealt straight with the main man, Michael; captain of the LORD’S host;

son of man; son of YHWH; prince of peace; most high; the great I AM, or Yahweh-

Elohim! Also Gabriel is the special messenger to aid in the arrival and the understanding

of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.

In Revelation chapters 1-4, is seen the deity of Daniel chapter 10! He is the Most

High Priest; the giver of the heavenly law to mankind! Christ gives to Saint John 7 letters

to deliver to the 7 known churches in Asia. The letters reveal the course the early church

would take after the death of the apostles. It all ends with Laodicea, which is a prelude to

more details of modern spiritual Babylon in later chapters.

Then a door is opened in heaven, and a throne is set. There is seen the 4 cherubim,

who are guardians of the heavenly oracles. These beings are connected with both the law,

and the transportation of the Ancient of Days. There is seen 24 elders on seats; clothed in

white raiment, and on their heads crowns of gold. These are probably the saints that

arose, after Christ arose (Matthew 27&verses 52&53), along with Enoch, Moses, and
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Elijah. Then there is seen a book in the right hand of the being sitting on the throne. The

book was written within, and on the back side, sealed with 7 seals. Also, there is seen

constant worship from the 4 beasts, and the 24 elders. In the midst of the heavenly family

stood a lamb slain from the foundation of the world, with 7 eyes and 7 horns, which stand

for the 7 spirits of Yahweh, or the 7 dispensations of church time! John is crying because

no one in heaven, earth, or under the earth, was found worthy to take the book, and loose

the 7 seals. One of the elders spoke to John and said, weep not, John, behold, the lion of

the tribe of Judah hath prevailed! The Pascal Lamb; the eternal sacrifice is worthy! Then

is seen the celebration of 10,000’s x 10,000’s, and 1,000’s of 1,000’s of angels,

constantly worshipping HIM; bestowing praise to the Lamb - our connection to the

Eternal One! The 7 seals are loosed, and John sees the course of church history, all the

way up to the 6th and 7th seals, which have their ultimate fulfillment in the final judgment

of the great whore!

In chapter 7 is seen 4 angels holding back the 4 winds of final judgment, and the

sealing of a token remnant. The sole mission of this remnant is to proclaim a special

message during the period marked by prophecy, as, the time of the end. After the sealing

process is seen a multitude of people which no man could number, and one of the elders

reveals to John that they came out of great tribulation! Here is seen the martyrs of the

early church, the middle ages of papal persecution, and the ones who whole heartedly

accept the message of Elijah during the time of the end. In 1st kings chapter 18, and

verses 17&18, Elijah meets with King Ahab on the road back from hiding out, and told

him that it was not him who troubles Israel, but that the drought was due to the king’s

evil. He had caused all Israel to forsake the law of YHWH, and worship Baal. On top
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mount Carmel the LORD answers him by fire, he slays all the prophets of Jezebel, and

turns all of Israel back to Yahweh! The message of Elijah is simple; forsake all pagan

days and gods; keep the commandments; and worship only Yahweh the eternal one! This

message dramatically unfolds, during our age, with a stern call to come out of Babylon,

keep the commandments, and worship the Creator of all things! So the seal of GOD, is

fundamentally speaking, to worship the creator, and keep His commandments, but can

one be more specific on exactly what the seal of Yahweh really is? Answer - YES!

We know that the Holy Ghost is the sealing agent, but to worship God in spirit

cannot be perfectly executed without the truth, or the 10 commandments. Christ said it

would be easier for heaven and earth to pass, than for one jot or title of the law to fail!

(Luke chapter 16 and verse 17)!

In Deuteronomy chapter 6, and verses 4-9, Yahweh tells Moses to bind His law upon his

hand(in ancient times the right hand represented work), and it shall be as frontlets

between thine eyes, and so speak of it, at your rising up, and your going down. Yahweh

goes on to say, that it will be a sign between me and my people forever! In Ezekiel

chapter 20, and verses 11-20, the fact rings clear, that, Yahweh gave us His Sabbaths to

be a sign between Him and humans, so we may understand what He has already

sanctified, or has hallowed! Remember in chapter 5, Belshazzar, failed to distinguish

between the consecrated and the desecrated, or between holy and unholy things. Just look

in Ezekiel chapter 22, and verses 25&26! It is a fact, that, God wants us to place a

difference between everything pagan, and everything that is solid truth! It is also a fact,

that, the 2 greatest abominations of Israel was to profane His Sabbaths, and to profane

His holy name among the pagan heathen (Ezekiel chapter 36, verses 20-23). Yahweh
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instituted 7 annual feasts, and a weekly memorial of His creative power, to separate His

people from the sun, and celestial stars, and from all their pagan rituals and set feasts!

(Deuteronomy chapter 4, verses 14-20)

Now try to go back with me to Daniel chapter 6. Once the king had signed the

decree, and sealed the cave with his own signet, and others, then the decree could not be

reversed. The king’s signet contained 3 things: his name, king Darius; his title, king of

the Mede-Persian empire; his territory was all the known world! In the heart of the 10

commandments is the Sabbath commandment! It’s a special day to commemorate

Yahweh’s creation, and time spent with Him to build a personal relationship. This

commandment starts with the word remember, and I want you to keep that word in mind,

for it is very important! Then it states, that, in 6 days Yahweh made heaven and earth,

and the seas, and the fountains of water, and on the 7th day He rested, and HALLOWED

IT! Yahweh sanctified, forever, the 7th day of the week, and this is His own personal

signet, or sign. It marks and separates His people from the sun-cult of the heathen! Notice

this: His name is YHWH Elohim; His title is creator; and he reigns over the universe, and

the earth! In any dictionary the word sign means a mark! In the bible is seen the seal, or

the mark of Yahweh, in contrast to, the mark of a corrupted church system. The 10

commandments, and the special one located in the heart of the sacred legal binding

document, is the seal of Yahweh! So now, let us take a look at this special message that is

to be proclaimed until the end. This will help us pin-point exactly what the mark of the

beast is, and further identify the exact nature of her abominations.
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Chapter Eleven ~ 7Angels - 3 Angels

(Study Revelation chapters 8 through 14)

In Revelation chapter 8, the lamb opens the 7th seal, and if there is anything

important to us humans, it is what transpires next in the heavenly sanctuary! Seven angels

stand before the Creator, and 7 trumpets are given to them. Then notice, that, another

angel is seen ministering in the temple, and He is offering up the prayers of all humans;

who did not worship falsely, and did not believe the lies of the mother church! After He

offers all the final prayers, of all believers, He takes the censer, fills it with fire from off

the altar, and then cast it down to earth! Mother nature is seen going on a rampage, and

the 7 angels prepare to sound!

There we have it! Christ is, at this point, preparing to leave the heavenly temple, and

judgment is about to be administered to the great whore; the little horn power, or modern

day Babylon. Notice that the trumpets are executing natural phenomenon. Hail, fire,

mingled with blood, is the result of a MEGA VOLCANIC ERUPTION! The mountain

burning with fire is a huge boulder from the eruption, and is hurled into the sea! As a

result, a 3rd part of all marine life dies! Another possibility, that holds good water, is, a

huge impact from an asteroid. The next trumpet is a star, burning like a lamp, striking

land, and polluting the fresh water supply of humans. This star represents a fairly large

comet strike! Then the 4th angel states, as a result of those calamities, the atmosphere of

planet earth, and the shift in relative orbits, has affected the normal cycle of things! A 3rd
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part of the day and night, that normally occurs, is not a part of earth’s cycles anymore.

The next trumpet, number 5, tells of that stars influence on our ecology; that the sun and

the air were darkened, due to the comets impact. The smoke is the debris expelled all the

way up into earth’s stratosphere, from the pit of the impact crater - or ground zero!

Notice that during these plagues (the 7 trumpets and the7 last plagues are synonymous),

demons are free to torment for 5 months, all those humans who do not have the seal of

God in their foreheads! Remember, Christ is through with His work in the heavenly

temple, and the fate of all humans is sealed! Intercession has ceased, and the door of

mercy, as it was in the days of Noah, is forever closed! The 6th trumpet exhorts, that,

armies will muster, and as a result of earth’s chaos, a third part of all humans are slain!

Now verse 20 states, that all the people who were not killed by these plagues -

REPENTED NOT! That is more solid evidence, that the work of intercession in heaven is

now complete. Verse 20 goes on to say, that, these people worshipped falsely. They

worshipped devils, or the way of the world; and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and

wood. These are the gods that people were seen praising at Belshazzar’s big party, in

Daniel chapter 5. This was the cause for the fall of ancient Babylon. Verse 21 continues

to expose all their transgressions. Then in Revelation chapter 10 is seen the mighty angel

who 1st delivered the prophecies to Daniel. This being is none other than Michael, the

great prince, and He is seen, by John, to be holding in His hand a little book. He had His

right foot on sea, and His left foot on the land. This represents the fact, that, the book of

Daniel bridges the prophetic gap between the old and new worlds. It is, without a doubt, a
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message from the Creator, and this is made very plain in verses 5&6. The days of the 7 th

angel, is the mystery of the prophets, specifically the decoding of the prophecies of

Daniel and Revelation! The little book, Michael is seen holding, is the book of Daniel,

and John’s Revelation is the reason, figuratively speaking, that John is seen eating up the

little book. John confirms the visions of Daniel, but with more detail on the false church,

the sins of Babylon, and the final restoration.

In the 11th chapter is seen the old and new testament saints, or His 2 candlesticks,

who have shined the light of truth into the darkness of apostasy. They separate

themselves from the system of error, and stand faithful to the commandments of God!

Then at the sound of the 7th woe, the stone, Christ, of Daniel chapter 2, subdues all

kingdoms of earth. He is seen given reward to the saints, and then He destroys the system

that defiled the earth.

Now pay close attention, because here it comes! In verse 19, is fully exposed what

the grand cosmic conflict is all about, and why the earthly sanctuary was such an

important part of Yahweh’s system of worship. The temple in heaven is opened, and

there is seen in His temple the ark of His testament (the 10 commandments) and Mother

Nature strikes with storms, great hail, and an earthquake! Remember the 7 trumpets are

the same as the 7 last plagues, and we will examine this step ladder effect in the next


In chapter 12 is seen the war in heaven, and then the war against God’s people. The

earth helps the woman, Christ’s bride, and temporally secures her from the flood of
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persecution during the time of the end! This power is thoroughly described in Revelation

chapter 13, along with the lamb beast, who aids the powers of the former world, into a

final finale! (See chapter 7)

In Revelation chapter 14, is seen a special message that comes in 3 parts, and is

symbolized by 3 angels. The 1st angel proclaims the hour of judgment against modern

Babylon, and exhorts all humans to worship Him, who made heaven and earth, and the

seas, and the fountains of waters. In other words, the whole ordeal has boiled down to -

who are you going to worship? Yahweh’s creatorship has been brought into question, due

to the original rebellion of the 3rd part of heavenly host. Now we know that the seal of

this sacred document is His creatorship in the 4th, or the Sabbath commandment. This

angel is telling us to worship the Creator, and only YHWH! The 2nd angel is proclaiming

the fall of Babylon, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her

fornication. The 3rd angel followed them saying with a loud voice; please don’t worship

the beast or his image (protestant America), or receive his mark in the forehead, or in the

hand. The same people will suffer the scourge of the 7 last plagues. Verse 12 teaches us,

that, here is the patience of the saints; here are the ones who keep the commandments of

God, and have the faith of Jesus.

So then, exactly what is this mark that this special message is telling people to avoid

at all cost? It is elementary my dear friend! The 1st angel proclaims that Yahweh is still

Creator, so worship Him, and keep His commandments. Then the 2nd announces the fall

of Babylon, because of her fornicating wine, and thirdly; as a result of being

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spiritually drunk on the wine; people have in effect worshipped falsely, and received the

mark of her power.

The mark of the beast is the exact opposite of the seal of God. The seal of Yahweh is

the office He holds as Creator of the seen and unseen universe! Then the mark of the

beast power, would indeed have to be a counterfeit sign, or mark of creatorship. Yahweh

instituted His Sabbaths for a sign between Him and His people forever! So then, all those

pagan institutions, that deceived ancient Israel, and that constitutes the wine of the

mother of harlots, such as, Sunday, Easter, New Years, and Christmas, must indeed be

the mark of the beast! These holidays are the exact opposite of the set feasts of Yahweh,

and the hallowed 7th day of the week!

In the book of Ezekiel, Yahweh said, that, Israel profaned His Sabbaths, and His holy

name (YHWH) among the heathen. Ezekiel is shown all the abominations of Israel. In

Ezekiel chapter 8, Yahweh shows him the image of jealousy, and even greater

abominations; for the 24 elders are seen with their backs turned to the altar of Yahweh

and their faces turned toward the sun, and they worshipped the sun in the east! Yahweh

exhorts him to see all the abominations that the children of Israel do here in my temple to

drive me from my sanctuary? Then in the court is seen the women of Israel weeping for

Tammuz! Tammuz is associated with Ashtoroth, Asherah, Ishtar, or Eostre, the goddess

of spring and fertility. This whole ritual evolves the sun-god Baal and the women

weeping for Tammuz is suppose to hasten his resurrection from the underworld. This

whole scenario is an ancient form of a modern Easter sun-rise service! The sun-goddess
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of fertility, symbolized by the colored eggs, and Easter rabbits, is still being honored as

the day of the resurrection of Christ; but the feast of Christ is Passover! Taking a pagan

ritual, and observing it in the name of Christ, is labeled by the Most High, as an

abomination. The wine of Babylon is full of abominations, and this power is seen drunk

on the blood of the martyrs of Jesus!

The date set aside for the birth of the Messiah, is a date that was set aside throughout

the reign of pagan kingdoms, and lastly papal Rome, for the birthday of the sun-god,

Baal, Mithra, Helios, Marduk, Moloch, & other names set by various cultures. The age-

long-sun-cult also has a weekly feast which commemorates the creative power of the sun.

This is the 1st day of the week, Sunday, and it is in direct defiance of the 4 th

commandment of YHWH; the seal of His Creatorship!

The special message of Revelation 14, is the message of Elijah. Malachi chapter 4,

and verses 4-6, exhorts us to REMEMBER the Law given to Moses, and that He would

send Elijah the prophet before final judgment of the little horn power. The message of

Elijah, during the days of king Ahab’s wickedness, is in our time, the 3 angels message of

Revelation chapter 14! ( see pagan gods, and fertility cults in any major encyclopedia, or

bible dictionary, such as the Holman bible dictionary; also see Appendix - D, and the

supplement material before the Bibliography)

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Chapter Twelve ~ Michael Stand Up

(Study Revelation chapters 15, 16, and 19)

Here, in chapter 15 of Revelation, is seen a great wonder of 7 angels having the 7 last

plagues, brewed up special for the power that stole away the human worship that

belonged to YHWH! Yahweh is a jealous God, and the 1st commandment tells us that His

wrath becomes kindled when His created people foolishly play the harlot. Here we see

the throne setting again, this is inside the space-city, John sees coming down out of

heaven in chapter 21! The 4 beast, the 24 elders, and the heavenly host are present. All

the people that prevailed over the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name,

stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of Yahweh, and singing the victory song of

Moses, and of the lamb. The deliverance of God’s people out of modern Babylon is

shown here, to be in essence, similar, to the deliverance of God’s people out of the pagan

Egyptian kingdom. Before the 7 angels pour out their vials, appears the same scene

revealed to him in chapter 11. The temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven

was opened. Here again is made plain the reason for the judgment of the plagues, it is

because of the outright blatant transgression of YHWH’S law!

The 7 last plagues are the same as the 7 trumpet plagues, it is just that here John

describes the full impact that these calamities are inflicting on the kingdom of the beast
Apocalypse 44

power. He is also vividly portraying what the full impact will be on the ecology, or the

natural life supporting elements of planet earth. Before the Exodus from Egypt, similar

plagues struck the land, and God’s people are present, but they are delivered from the

effects of the plagues - they were divinely separated. David recorded as long as one loves

Yahweh, and keeps his commandments, that no plague will come nigh to them. (See

Psalms chapter 91, and verse 7)

The 1st angel pours out his vial upon the earth, and a noisome and grievous sore fell

on all those people who followed in the worship of the beast, and his image. The

devastation of cosmic disasters, is starting to take it’s toll on all the ones who have not

the seal of God in their foreheads, but have the mark of the beast in their foreheads, or

conscience! Remember in chapter 14, the remnant of Yahweh, is seen having His name

written in their foreheads. The 2nd angel pours out his vial upon the sea, and it became the

blood of a dead man. The 2nd trumpet related to us that this is an oceanic impact, and here

John is showing us the full extent of the plague. Eventually, ever living thing in the seas

is dead. The 3rd angel pours out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of water, and they

became blood. The impact from the comet wormwood has both darkened and heated up

the atmosphere, and the raining down of hot ash, and bits of lava rock, has polluted

peoples fresh water supply with sulfur, and other contaminants. The word comes forth,

that, because the mother of harlots shed the blood of saints and prophets, it serves them

right to drink of the sulfur red bitter waters! The 4th angel pours out his vial upon the sun.

As a result of the comet’s collision with earth, the sun at this point is interacting with

actively hot particles, and is punishing all those people who condoned, in whatever form,

the practice of sun-worship!

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The 6th angel pours out his vial on the great river Euphrates, and the waters are dried

up, so the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. Since the full measure of these

plagues are directed toward Babylon, then this must mean the drying up of spiritual

Babylon, as seen in the 17th chapter, when the kings of the earth turn on her, and make

her desolate. The kings of the east would then be referring to the coming of Michael, and

the heavenly host! The whole scene is labeled to be the battle of the great day of GOD

ALMIGHTY, and is directed against the spirits of devils working miracles. We all know

who it is that wages war on this little horn power, or the great whore; it is Christ the

Messiah! John gives us more details of this battle in chapter 19.

The 7th angel pours out his vial into the air, and a voice sounds off - it is done! Then

is seen the same thing in chapter 8, and verse 5, but this time the full result of celestial

collisions is felt globally! Jerusalem is divided into 3 parts, and all the cities of the

nations fall from a mega quake that is clear off the Richter scale. The islands and the

mountains are no more, and with the soon coming of the armies of heaven, the judgment

of Babylon is about to be made complete.

* In Revelation chapter 19, we have the 2nd return of Christ back to this earth. Here we

see what Paul reveals to us in 2nd Thessalonians, and verses 8&9, about the wicked one,

with all his power and lying wonders, being consumed by the brightness of His coming!

In Luke chapter 17, and verses 34-37, Christ speaks of people being taken from the earth,

and of people who are left behind, and the disciples enquire of the condition of those left

behind. Christ told them, that, where so ever the body is, thither will the eagles (fowled
Apocalypse 46

predators) be gathered together. Here is seen a future celebration in heaven, because the

great whore has been judged, and the saints are partaking of the marriage supper of the

lamb. This is the long awaited honeymoon of the bride of Christ! Then we see all the host

of heaven, and all the armies of earth, mustered together, and the beast, the false

prophet(protestant America), who performed so-called miracles to deceive people, were

given to the fire of the Ancient of Days, and the fowls snack on the flesh of all the

wicked! The same fate of the wicked is seen in Jeremiah chapter 25, and verses 8-33!

Here is seen Jeremiah taking the cup of Yahweh’s fury, and causing all nations to drink

from it. Then verse 33 states, that, the slain of the LORD shall be in that day from one

end of earth even to the other end of earth; they will not be lamented over, neither buried,

they shall be dung upon the ground! The entire earth is laid waste, and it is now looking

like the scene of Jerusalem, at the beginning of our story! The final fate of earth is a huge

mirror image of the destruction of Jerusalem in 606 B.C. Next we shall see more drama

unfold, as we ohm in on the false signs and wonders of the false prophet of Revelation

chapter 19, and examine the day(1,000 years) of rest, as a result of the abominations of

Satan and his followers.

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Chapter Thirteen~ By Craft

(Study Daniel chapter 8 verses 24&25, and Genesis chapter 2)

In Daniel chapter 8, and verse 25, the prophet records that through craft the little

horn power would prosper! Lucifer, and his angels, are using the computer age to ensnare

the minds of people, to steal away personal time with Christ, and to degrade the words of

the bible. This places such people on a level of maximum vulnerability, and leads

individuals down the path to spiritual possession. The whole art of craft came straight

from the teachings of the renegade angels. The knowledge our race received in Genesis

chapter 3, stems from the message Satan relayed to them at a very early time for planet

earth. Satan told Eve, that, as a consequence of disobeying God, she would not surely

die! This is the 1st big lie Satan ever told to humans. Notice, Satan possessed the body of

the more subtle, and enticing of the beast of the field, the serpent. The forbidden tree

possessed the knowledge of good and evil. There was also the tree of life, now being

guarded by the cherubim, and a flaming shield. The 1st big lie told by the dragon proved

to be a major calamity to our race. This is the root element of Satan’s falsehood, and the

nucleus to all the modern craft demonstrated in today’s world. Game machines, game

discs, internet immorality, pornography, and television are rampant in today’s society,

and all these things steal away the time that belongs to Yahweh. These high-tech toys can

also steal away the simple world and possess the inner mind and soul.

Then we have the spiritual craft, and this is in association with the new age of

thought. The adornment of the natural created self, with chemicals and jewelry, has
Apocalypse 48

always accompanied the pagan kingdoms that ruled the world. The prophets of Jezebel

stole away the worship of Yahweh from most all of Israel. Recent archeology has proven

that she had a makeup kit, and a whole mess of priceless jewelry. Even the male priest of

Jezebel adorned themselves with ornamentations, and one could probably relate this to

the appearance of the mother church. The rulers of ancient kingdoms were constantly

consulting their wizards, witches, and astrologers, for, personal and military advice; (the

pope of Rome holds a set at the U.N. headquarters). Nonetheless, it was expressively

forbidden for Israel to ask advice of a witch, instead of Yahweh!

In 1st Samuel chapter 28, and verses 7-25, a disobedient king over Israel was being

tormented by an evil spirit. It was tormenting him so bad, that, he would call for David to

play on his harp, so the evil spirit would depart from him. The spirit of the LORD had left

Saul, and he consults a witch concerning the upcoming war with the Philistines. He asked

of the witch to resurrect Samuel. If this did happen, it was either an illusion of Satan, or

Yahweh demonstrating His power to frighten the witch, and blow Saul’s disguise.

Yahweh is not going to allow a witch to resurrect a devout holy man. Another possibility

is that, it was not Samuel the woman was speaking too, but a demon imposter.

Throughout the Old Testament the bible teaches us that the soul of humans is a

physical existence, and is subject to death and decay. Job tells us in chapter 7, and verses

7-15, that he would be buried just like the wicked, and would rise not till the heavens be

no more, so they will not be raised from their sleep. Then he holds out for us the only

hope he deemed relevant, and that was the resurrection of Christ. In Psalms chapter 6,

and verse 5, David tells us to praise Yahweh while we are alive, because in the grave no

one can praise him. In Ecclesiastes chapter 9, and verse 5, Solomon tells us, that, the
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living know that they shall die, but the dead no not anything! In chapter 8, and verses 18-

21, he tells us that in death we have no preeminence over the beast, for all die the same

death. The spirit of man goes back to God who gave it , but this is speaking of the breath

of life being absorbed, or accepted by the maker. This is Yahweh’s storage system, and

He can reactivate the file exclusively for a resurrection. The apostle Paul tells us that only

Yahweh is immortal, and dwells in the light no human can approach, or look thereon!

(1st Timothy 6&16)

For us to say that we can live on after death, without the resurrection of Christ, is a

mockery to the whole plan of God’s salvation for humans. This belief is also a cruel

mockery of the sufferings, and the cross of Christ. It is also rendering ridicule concerning

the resurrection. Paul said in, Philippians, and verses 10-21, that he labored abundantly

for the gospel, so that he may attain unto the resurrection of Christ. In the book of Acts

chapter 2, and verses 29-34, Peter exhorts us, that, David hath not ascended into the

heavens, but only Christ! It is most definitely true that some saints arose after Christ’s

resurrection, for the purpose of tasks in the heavenly temple; but the rest remain asleep

until the time appointed. The budding head of the craft is in our day and hour, and it

appears in multiple forms. The one that seems to concern Yahweh, and His people the

most, is in the form of false teachers, prophets, and all of their big stage healing

campaigns; which is only to gain money, power, and many followers.

In Isaiah chapter 8, and verses 19&20, is recorded not to seek advice of witches that

peep and mutter; to the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to these
Apocalypse 50

words, it is because there is no truth in them.

There we have it - if we don’t follow the way of the commandments, it is because

there is no truth in us. The emphasis placed on big churches, wealth, and the physical

appearance of the body, is a stench in the nostrils of Yahweh. Now, the bible tells us,

that, these harlot churches place a major emphasis on their church works, and miracles.

This is exactly why Christ echoes a stern warning against being deceived. The only true

anchor that we have is not in a feeling, but in the knowledge of a sure word of prophecy.

It is not in the big lie told by Satan, or in the high-tech gadgets of the system, but in all

the words of the prophets! The driving force behind the new age movements,

spiritualism, and all the occults, is the 1st lie told by Satan to our race. Please, let us take

note of the fact, that, these spiritual concepts have always been an integral part of the age-

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Chapter Fourteen ~ Retribution

(Study Revelation chapter 20)

In Revelation chapter 20, is seen an angel coming down from heaven with the key to

the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. He lays hold on Satan, and binds him for

a thousand years. Then verse 4 tells us of the martyrs of Christ, along with all the ones

who had gotten victory over the false system of worship. The bible tells us, that, they live

and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. The rest of the dead lived not again until the 1,000

years were finished - this is the 1st resurrection.

As we have already studied, Christ, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John, Paul, and others, all teach

us that the wicked are consumed by either the plagues, and or the brightness of His

coming back to earth. In the days of Noah, once the mercy door of the ark was secured,

then the rest of earth’s known population perished from the flood waters. The Egyptian

kingdom that oppressed the people of God, were either taken out by the plagues, or

perished from the attempt to cross the red sea in pursuit of Israel. It is a known fact of the

bible, that, when Christ returns back to earth, the 1st resurrection occurs, along with the

transformation of the living, and the wicked lie dead from one end of earth, even to the

other end of earth! So then, everyone who did not follow the law of Yahweh, but

followed instead Satan’s church, lie dead all over the planet. The bright light of Christ,

and all the holy angels, will either consume people, or it will transform them. Remember

the angel that came down and rolled away the stone for Christ? He caused the guards
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present to fall like dead men! When one considers that Christ is going to bring with him

all the heavenly host, that my friend is a incomprehensible amount of light. Whosesoever

does not go back with Christ, will lie dead until the 1,000 years have been fulfilled!

This seems to me to be a very discomfiting situation for Satan! Christ has come and

received His bride, fulfilling the hope of the promise in St. John chapter 14, and verses 1-

3, and the rest of the population is lying on, or under the ground! The fulfillment of Isaiah

chapter 24, and Jeremiah chapter 25, is now complete. It seems that Satan and his

helpers, are bound down to a desolate planet, and have no one to tempt or deceive for

1,000 years. The earth receives a Sabbath day of rest. Meanwhile, Satan has a lot of time

to contemplate the full results of his rebellion, and the assault on heaven’s eternal law.

The honeymoon of the bride of Christ, should prove interesting, it proved to be very

educational for Enoch, for he learned great secrets concerning the workings of the

heavens. In the books of Enoch 1&2, he describes the heavenly temple, in the exact same

way John does in Revelation chapter 21. During the 1,000 year honeymoon, many

questions are answered, about those loved ones who seem to be absent from the marriage

supper of the lamb. For a thousand years they enjoy the bliss of the celestial realm, and

with no more interference from Lucifer. Just like the scapegoat of Hebrew antiquity,

Satan roams through a desolate wilderness, and dead bound to planet earth.

After the 1,000 years, he is released out of prison, just long enough to round up all

his wicked rebels, and come against the heavenly Jerusalem! All the wicked dead, along

with mega military leaders, from the resurrection of the wicked dead, and fallen angels;
Apocalypse 53

encompass the city of Yahweh, but are consumed by fire. In Ezekiel chapter 28, and

verses 11-19, the bible tells us that Satan, and his host, are given to the flame of the

Ancient of Days, and neither shall they be anymore. Daniel stated - he beheld the great

words which the horn spoke, until the beast was slain, and his body given to the burning

flame of Yahweh.

All of this battle is seen in Revelation chapter 19, but in the 20th chapter, verse 9,

makes clear the fact, that, they are devoured by fire from heaven. *The whole planet is

now a lake of fire, and thus is fulfilled the words of Malachi chapter 4, and verses 1-3,

that the wicked would be ashes under the soles of the feet of the righteous.

It is now apparent, to the resurrected wicked dead, and all of Satan’s host, just how

horrible a situation it is to reject the love of Christ, and His law of LOVE.

After the 1,000 years, and the judgment of the wicked dead, John sees a new heaven

and a new earth! The 1st heaven and the 1st earth are passed away, and there is no more

sea. Christ said, that, He went away to prepare a place for the righteous, and at His next

appearance, He would take them there to enjoy eternity! It is very possible that the

righteous will be transported to another planet during the 1,000 years, and this could be

their permanent home, while they are helping YHWH renovate the desolate earth. The

righteous will probably be trained in multiple tasks, but a simple humble chore would suit

the author just fine. At this point in earth’s history, the universe is at peace, and the sin

element has vanished forever!

*(In the bible, the words forever and ever, are representing that the full result of a disaster

is complete and permanent! The result of the lake of fire is permanent! Jude recorded that
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Sodom and Gomorrah, suffered the vengeance of eternal fire, but they are not still

burning today! The effect of the fires was however permanent!

In the book of Daniel, continually the statement is made, O king live forever, but we

know that they are not still alive today. Also, Christ told us that the worm dies not, and

their fire is not quenched. The original Hebrew does not relate this passage the same.

Christ is speaking of the fires of Jerusalem’s Gehenna, and the biological cycles of the

larvae worm, from flies, is virtually an endless cycle. The fire never quenched; the fires

of Gehenna, outside Jerusalem, were practically a 24-7 thing. The fact to remember is,

whenever a fire does go out, the effect is forever!)

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During the days of the Roman emperors, Satan gave up the ole’ frontal assault, and

moved his evil network inside the world church system. His major goal was to directly

assault the law of YHWH, and divert the worship of the Creator away from good ole’

Christian folk! He just flat out wants to steal away Yahweh’s identity, so that he may be

worshipped as the creator. Thousands of years ago he came up with a plan to attack the 7

feasts of YHWH, especially the weekly festival. He has instituted the sun-cult to bring

about the demise of the set feasts of YHWH. He has attacked the very day, hallowed by

Yahweh that is the seal, or sign, of His creative power. Also, the seal of YHWH is a sign

between Him and His people, and is a perpetual covenant. For one to deny these sacred

oracles is to follow the way of Baal. For one to blatantly ignore YHWH’S Sabbaths is for

a person to sign his own death warrant! Yahweh’s law of LOVE is a spiritual law that

brings people happiness, love, and genuine concern for fellow man. It is a living law that

is as old as the universe itself! If we love Him, then keep His commandments!

In Revelation chapter 22, and verses 14&15, the bible reads something like this:

blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life,

and may enter through the gates into the city of YHWH; for without are dogs, sorcerers,

whoremongers, adulterers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. St. John, in 1st John

chapters 2, and verse 4; chapter 5, and verses 2&3, tells us if one announces that he loves

Christ, and keeps not His commandments; he is a liar, and the truth is not in him!

Following traditions that scourges the law of Yahweh, is most definitely an abomination
Apocalypse 56

unto HIM! These pagan feasts are marked with the seal of falsehood. Sunday, Easter,

Christmas, and New Years, are all branded with the pagan mark of antiquity. The religion

of the sun-cult brought destruction to ancient Israel, and then to Judah, as we all

witnessed at the beginning of this book! Even Abraham was called out of Babel, the cities

of Nimrod, and Yahweh separated him from everything pagan, and made him the

forefather of genuine worship to the CREATOR! May we too, come out of Babylon,

before Christ leaves the heavenly temple, for then the time of penitence and prayer shall

be no more!

What is the real truth behind the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation? Will a diabolical

ruler suddenly arise, and begin a 7 year reign? Will this power stamp all his followers

with a mysterious mark, in their foreheads, and in their hands? The bible reveals for us

the real truth! The bible interprets for us the prophecies! Take a plunge with me deep

inside the truth, as we journey to expose the underground network of a power that has

most definitely deceived most of all the population of planet earth!

Apocalypse 57


Daddy’s old King James version of the English bible; Holman’s bible dictionary; the

encyclopedia Britannica; Webster’s universal dictionary; Nelson’s who was who in the


Copyright C@@ 2008, by T-C-P productions - a T-C-P fine arts work, and BMI

publishing; all rights reserved!


Teddy Lee was born in Hazard, Kentucky, and reared up in a genuine Christian home. He

greatly misses His Daddy, and cherishes greatly all those times of worship, in all those

long-road-revivals, singing and preaching, alongside his mom and dad. He enjoys writing

and recording original music on the books of the bible, (Ask about his C.D. inventory).

His greatest conviction in life is to spread the 3 angel’s message of Revelation chapter 14,

and merge sound scientific thought, with ancient documents!

Contact no. 606-374-4441

Apocalypse 58

Appendix - A

Below are the dates of the reigns of the 4 kingdoms - seen as a great metal image by king


1: The head of gold was the Babylonian kingdom, specifically Nebuchadnezzar, for he

was the one who seen the image in a dream. The prophecy begins in year of captivity,

606 B.C. through to 539 B.C.

2: The breast and arms of silver is the Mede-Persian empire; kings Darius and Cyrus,

their reign 538 B.C. to 331 B.C.

3: the belly and hips of brass is the Grecian empire under the direction of Alexander the

Great, and then later his 4 generals. Their reign was from 331 B.C. to about 200 B.C.

4: The legs of iron, and feet of iron and miry clay is 1st the empire of the Roman

Emperors, and then after the splitting into eastern and western worlds, it became known

as the Holy Roman Empire, or the empire of the popes of Rome! The emperors reigned

from 197 B.C. to about 331 A.D., and the papacy reigns from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D.

Special note: The 10 toes of the image, shows both the strength and the weakness of the

pagan system that is destroyed at the 2nd coming of Christ!

Apocalypse 59

Appendix - B

There are many identifying signs of the little horn power of Daniel 7, which is also the

beast power of Revelation 13!

1: He comes out of the legs of the image of Daniel 2, and out of the 4th beast of Daniel7!

2: He further comes up among the 10 toes of the image, or among the 10 warring

Germanic tribes, which also is the same as the 10 horns seen on the 4th beast!

3: He makes war on the saints. During the dark medieval ages, around 5,000,000

protestants were killed for opposing this power!

4: He thinks to change times and laws. The 10 commandments in the Catholic Catechism

of doctrine are much different than ours. They deleted the 2nd commandment forbidding

image worship; changed the solemnity of the Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day of

the week, and split the last commandment into 2 parts to make up for the one removed!

They also incorporated other pagan feasts into world church system!

5: He reigns for 3 and ½ years, or 42 months, or 1’260 days, or years in prophecy - the

papacy’s reign was from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D.

6: He uproots 3 of the horns - the 3 powers that threatened papal dominance were the

Vandals, Heruli, and the Ostrogoths!

7: He speaks great words and blasphemies - this can only be the abominable claims of the

papacy. He claims the power to forgive sins, and to hold the office of Christ on earth.

8: He receives a deadly wound, and is healed - in 1929 Benito Mussolini, restores

sovereignty back to the papacy, and the world wide church organization is founded, and

then soon after the united nations is formed, of which, the holy see holds his own seat!
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9: Also the number of his name is 666! The official title of the pope of Rome is ~ V-5, I-

1, C-100, A-0, R-0, I-1, U-0, S-0 ~ F-0, I-1, L-50, I-1, I-1 ~ D-500, E-0, and I-1. The title

means Vicar of Christ - or Christ on earth! Notice that the Roman numerical value adds

up to 666!
Apocalypse 61

Appendix - C

Before the donation of Constantine the great, around 335 B.C., he invoked many changes,

and established them at the council of Nicaea (321 B.C.)-better known as the Nicene

Creed. It eventually established, among other things, set feasts such as Easter, Good

Friday, lent, and Christmas. Sunday was also firmly established. It is recorded in history

that he saw a sign from god, and packed around a coin that had a cross on one side, and

an image of the sun on the other side. Thus pagan feasts of antiquity became set

celebrations of the church world!

After the division of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D., pope Vigilius, the 59th pope,

ascended to the throne. Under the emperor saint Justinian-1, 483-565 A.D., opposing

forces like the Arians, and the Ostrogoths, were put down. Beginning in 537 A.D.,

Justinian declares that the pontiff of Rome is the head of all churches, and the sole leader

of the affairs of all nations. The final decree was established in 538 A.D.

Around 1450 A.D. the Jesuit priests were founded to apprehend all those who defy the

laws and doctrinal principles of the Holy Roman Empire. This came to be known as the

counter-reformation, and during this dark ages 5,000,000 Protestants were killed and their

bibles burned.

In 1798, pope Pius the 6th is lead into captivity by French general Berthier, ending the

1,260 years of the reign of the beast, or the little horn power. However, in 1929,

Mussolini restores sovereignty, back to the Vatican. The bible tells us, that, the dark ages

will be rekindled by the aid of the lamb like beast of Revelation chapter 13! This is

protestant America that carried a picture of the Mother Church, in her back pocket, when
Apocalypse 62

they founded the new world! The picture they carried is in the form of pagan feasts that

are not hallowed by Yahweh, but are an abomination unto HIM. When it comes down to

the feasts of YHWH - we are lost! And when it comes down to pagan holidays the

churches today are the spitting image of the Mother Church!!

Apocalypse 63

Appendix D: liturgical changes in the 3rd and 4th centuries.

These notes are taken from the Holman Bible dictionary, a non-denominational work by

more than 100 text collaborators.

1: Under the heading of Sabbath, it had this to say. The day of rest, considered holy to

God by His rest on the 7th day after creation and viewed as a sign of the covenant relation

between God and His people and of the eternal rest He has promised them.

Paragraph 3 relates to us that unlike the lunar cycles of the pagans, Yahweh did not use

the celestial bodies to reckon feasts, and the weekly Sabbath, but by simple divisions of

sevens. It tells us that it was celebrated every 7 days and became basic to the worship of

Yahweh, the God of creation and redemption. The 2 reasons given for this hallowed day

is, God rested on the 7th day after creation, and made it holy! Secondly it is a reminder of

their redemption from slavery in Egypt. The penalty for ignoring the Sabbath was death.

Paragraph 5 tells us that the habit of Christ, and the early apostles, was to observe the

Sabbath as a day of worship.

The sacred name of God given to the Hebrews is seen to be a serious issue in all the texts

of the prophets. In Revelation 14&1 is seen a remnant having this name written in their


2: Under false worship: In paragraph 6, we find these words. The primary forms of false

worship are addressed in the law, or the writings of Moses. The 1st commandment calls

for exclusive worship of Yahweh. There we have it, the people that put together this

dictionary, are not to ashamed to correctly transcribe that beautiful name!

Under the heading of YHWH, we find these words. God’s name in Hebrew known by the
Apocalypse 64

technical term “Tetragrammation”, these are the 4 consonants which make up the divine

name (Exodus 3:15; found more than 6,000 times in the Old Testament). The vowels

were added later by scholars, and made it Yahweh.

3: Under the heading Church year we find this. In paragraph one we find that as the

church grew, and the need for ordered worship increased, that by the 5th century, the

basic elements of the church calendar were firmly established. In the 4th century, most

Christians began to celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas day.

Under the heading of Christmas we find these words. In the 3rd paragraph is this; there is

no evidence of the exact birth of the Messiah, in Rome, the feast of the unconquerable

sun, sol invictus: invincible sun, is December 25 in Roman Mithraism. When Christianity

became the religion of the empire, the church either had to suppress the festivals

(Christmas, New Years, and Easter), or transform them. Thus the festival of the sun

became the festival of the Son of Yahweh. In the bible Yahweh condemns the practice of

these pagan festivals, and these things are way up on God’s list of the abominations of

God’s people. These feasts, for over thousands of years, have embedded themselves

within the body of all protestant, and non-protestant churches. The 7 annual Sabbaths of

Yahweh, and His weekly Sabbath, cannot be compromised. It is these Sabbaths that have

all down through ages of time, separated Yahweh’s people from the abominable practices

of the sun-cult!

Our Roman calendar system fixes the date for Easter as the 1st Sunday, after the 1st full

moon, after the vernal equinox. It is a Roman system and uses Sundays, around the

winter solstice, and the spring equinox, thus the whole calendar system is based on the

rotations of heavenly bodies, that have been a part of sun worship for as long as history
Apocalypse 65

itself. The 7 heads (kingdoms)of the beast power, held these festivals holy to the gods of

fertility, and of the sun and moon. Yahweh’s year begins with Passover, and ends with

the Day of Atonement in the fall. His day begins at sundown, and ends at sundown. The

time of midnight to midnight is also a part of the Roman church calendar that we here in

America still use today!

The German word for Easter is Eostre, meaning the goddess of spring. In the bible it is

the Baals, and Ashtaroth, Anath, and Astarte.

Apocalypse 66

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