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Flow of the session: Introduction to Hacking. Types Of Hackers. Cyber Terrorist. Attack Method For Web Server. Attack With Trojans. Website Hacking. [Include Demo].

Introduction To Hacking:There are many definitions of hacking, as well as varying ideas of what a hacker is or does. Simply stated a hacker is any programming specialist who has the expertise to enter a computer or network without proper authorization.

Types Of Hackers:There are six types of hackers: 1) CODERS 2) ADMINS 3) SCRIPT KIDDIES 4) WHITE HAT HACKER 5) BLACK HAT HACKER 6) GREY HAT HACKER.

Cyber Terrorist:They are Hackers, who attack government computers or public utility infrastructures, such as power stations and air-traffic-control towers.

Attack Method For Web Server:1) Web Ripping 2) Google Hacking 3) Cross Site Scripting (XSS) 4) SQL Injection 5) PHP Remote Code Execution 6) Directory Access controls.

Attack With Trojans:A Trojan is a malicious program misguided as some very important application. Some Famous Trojans:- 1) Pro Rate 2) Girl Friend 3) Netbus 4) Beast 5) Back Orifice 6) Sub Seven

Hacking. [Include Demo]:SQL Injection, Website Defacement, Phishing, Flood With Trojans. Dhiral Patel 110500116024 Darshna Mam Brijesha Kathiriya - 110500116007

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