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Good morning to our beloved audiences and televiewers!
Yesterday, we have Shelly in our show. Today we will going to see our new guests who got the top
ratings in the Manga World this year. Now, let's enjoy another morning entertainment and Welcome to
the A-Studio!

Let us welcome our new guests, the people behind the Voltes Five. The AKB48,let us give them a big
warm of applause!
( Guests ) :

Thank you !

Please have a seat.


Welcome to the A-Studio. Thank you for accepting our invitation to be our guest today! How are you?
Guests :

We're fine! Thank you!

As the top raters this year, is there something new in your life right now?

Yes, There's a lot

What are they ?

Every time we passed the streets, people wants to get our autograph and wants to have a picture with

Aside from that, How it affects your daily life?

We can now live comfortably and buy anything we want and to help our family!


Congratulations to all of you! How did you created your group? Who among you composed the
themesong of Voltes V? How did you reach the concept of Voltes V? By the way, Why have you decided
to give a title of Voltes V? Before you answer those questions, let's have a break! Okay people, we'll be
right back.


Here we go again! Were back to the A-Studio ! Lets get back to our questions so how did you created
your group?


Aika Ota:
AKB48 was founded based on the "idols you can meet" concept.[15] The group's producer Yasushi
Akimoto decided to create an idol group that, unlike a regular idol group that gives occasional concerts
and that is mostly seen on TV, would have its own theater and perform there on a daily basis; the fans
would always be able to go and see the girls live.
Who among you composed the themesong of Voltes V?

Ayaka Kikuchi:
Actually it was composed by our producers friend named Kobayashi Aso.

How did you reach the concept of Voltes V?

Sayaka Akimoto:
Its funny to say that we just mix our ideas and it suddenly complement to each other and these ideas
are the following:
1. The Five Man Concept
2.The Gattai or Combining Concept

3. The Giant Sword/Final Weapon Concept

4.The Volt in Voltes Vs name.
Final question girls, why did you gave it a title of Voltes V?

Yuko Oshima:
Its just the word Volte sounds good and since they have 5 members, we named it Voltes V.

So girls, before we end this program,Can you sing the theme song of voltes five ?
do you want to thank your sponsors, televiewers or to promote any shows?


We would like to thank our sponsors and our televiewers who keep on supporting us! By the way, we
want you to watch our new show this coming Saturday! Please watch Battle Royale!

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