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Classroom Rules and Procedures

1. We will treat each other and ourselves with respect at all times. As a class we will develop our own definition of respect.

2. Listen to fellow students and the teacher, and follow directions promptly. When whole class instruction is taking place, students will raise their hands to speak or ask permission to get out of their seats.

3. Everyone will come to class prepared. Each student will bring a pen or pencil, paper, and a folder or binder and be in his/ her assigned seat when the bell rings. All homework assignments are also to be finished at the start of class on the day which they are due.

4. Unless otherwise specified as group work, all assignments, quizzes, and tests will be completed as original work by each individual student. Cheating, copying, or plagiarizing will not be tolerated.

5. All school handbook rules will be followed at all times while in Mr. Bakers classroom.

Any violation of these rules will result in Responsibility Card strikes.

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