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INSTALLING THE SIC LOADER The only installation required is to place the object code for the loader

(from file SICLDR.OBJ) into the file DEVF1 for use by the simulator. The source code for the loader (SICLDR.ASM) is included in case you wish to make modifications to the loader. To modify the loader, make the desired changes and assemble the source code. The resulting object program must then be edited so that it is in the proper form to be loaded by the bootstrap. To do this, remove the Header and End records, and the first 9 characters of each Text record (the 'T', address, and length). In making modifications to the loader, note that the object code must occupy contiguous memory locations, beginning at address 80. Thus, any statements which do not generate object code (such as RESB and RESW) must appear at the end of the loader. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW TO USE THE SIC LOADER This is an absolute loader that loads object programs in the format that is described in Section 2.1 of "System Software." The object program is read from file DEVF2. After the program is loaded, the loader jumps to the indicated starting address to begin execution. To run the loader, place the object program to be loaded in file DEVF2, the object code for the loader in file DEVF1, and the object code for the SIC bootstrap in file DEV00. Then run the SIC simulator and execute the S(TART command. Errors in the object program being loaded will result in an error halt by the loader (on an illegal instruction trap).

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