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Praise the Lord Praise the Lord with your voice.

Praise the Lord with songs and anthems that convert Oppressed & burdened souls. Praise the Lord with dance and music and all the wonders That come from unmistakable melody. Praise the Lord with your mind and your memory. With thoughts and musings, with joy & pain. When in the midst of hell or on the mountain tops, praise the Lord. When youre dying, praise, when youre living, praise. Praise the Lord with the written word, with fine art. Praise the Lord when going forth to the market for some Milk & eggs. Praise the Lord with bread & wine. There is the living and the dead and everything on the other side. There is the flesh and the bone and the blood, and there beyond the Darkness, lies the Light of the Cross. Praise the Lord with excursions and road trips, with Assemblies in the deserts, mountains, valleys, and all the Major cities & districts of the world. Let the biker praise as he sips his coffee in the diner. May the woman at the well find peace & comfort. Let David dance continually before the Lord. Let us all fall On our face. Let us all become fools, and may we endure derision For Christ and Christ alone. And may we become inoculated from the deceptive wonders that are Coming soon to tempt the world and those Whose hearts have become stone and only know Of hard & cold love. And when you think its over or when you think youve lost it, Or your vices have cast you out, or the end is coming and all Misery is falling all around you, do not give up. Be therefore broken before your Lord & Creator. Let all manner of healing begin with a broken heart. Confess, repent, and be ready to rejoice for you are a forgiven Child of the living God! With your strength, with your mind, with your soul, with your heart! Praise, praise the Lord!

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