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GROSS HUMAN ANATOMY EXAM 1 REVIEW Outline 1: Anatomical Position = Form of reference Positional Terms I Dont Know: Palmar/Plantar

r = relating to palm of hand/sole of feet Terms of Movement I Dont Know: Inversion/Eversion: refers to ankle exclusively Inversion = sole of foot faces medially Eversion = sole of foot faces laterally Connective Tissues compose of: Cells, that are similar across all forms of connective tissue, in a: Matrix, that differs between different CT, composed of: Ground Substance Thin gel in proper CT --> Fascia, ligaments, Tendons. Firm gel in specialized CT --> Cartilage and Bone Bones ground substance is IMPREGNATED with inorganic salts Fibers: Collagen, seen everywhere, is tough, somewhat exible, with bers organized into parallel bundles Elastin (Less Abundant): Strong and can be stretched due to branching ber pattern ex. 1: ligamentum ava in vetebral column ex. 2 External nose and ear Proper CT - tough but compliant: Loose CT: connects but does not support Least strong form of CT Only one form: Supercial Fascia Supercial fascia is renamed as adipose tissue if lots of adipocytes are present Fine lm Immediately subcutaneous with lots of space between bers Space is lled with adipocytes for adipose tissue Dense CT: Fibers dominate structure Resist pull Includes Deep Fascia, ligaments, and Tendons Lots of collagen Deep Fascia: Shiny tough later -> part of epimyseum of muscles Can also serve to separate muscles

MOAR ON FASCIA: Fascia = sheets of Connective Tissue Stores water and fat Serves as a pathway for nerve/blood supply Protects shit. Deep Fascia blends with the periosteum of bone Periosteum = deep fascia of bone Medial and lateral deep fascia in limbs are called septa Septa serve to separate anterior/exor muscles from posterior/extensor muscles Referred to as medial or lateral INTRAMUSCULAR SEPTUM Ligaments = densely packed parallel collagen bers one exception = ligamenta ava of veterbral column contains elastic bers Deep bers of ligaments fuse with joint capsules to ensure security Connect Bone to BONE Tendons = densely packed EVEN MOAR parallel collagen bers Aponeurosis: Flattened Tendon Sheath Bursae exible CT sac lled with synovial uid When muscles rub across bone, Bursae serve to reduce friction Bursitis = irritation of bursa Tendon Sheaths = elongated Bursae that envelop entire tendons Also have Synovial Fluid ex. Tendons of nger exors are surrounded by tendon sheaths on the ngers Specialized Connective Tissue (cartilage/bone) differs from proper CT in that it is SOLID Resists tension and compression Cartilage: most bones begin as hyaline cartilage No blood/nerve supply, does not regenerate Hyaline: decreases friction between articulating surfaces of joints Found at anterior ends of ribs Tracheal Rings At ends of longs bones during the growing process Large amount of ground substance Fibrocartilage: denser than hyaline, fxns as a shock absorber ex. Knee Menisci Lots of parallel collagen bers Intervetebral discs Blood supply on surface but deep damage dont heal so well Elastic Cartilage: External Ear and NOSE Contain elastin bers, bers show a criss cross pattern on microscopes

Bones: 206 bones in the human body Living tissue with blood, lymph and nerve supply Matrix is ossied with minerals, especially hydrated calcium phosphate Collagen bers provide tensile strength and TUFFNESS Minerals provide compressive strength and rigidity Surrounded by periosteum Periosteal bers continue into bone to become bone bers creates pathway for blood, nerve, and lymph bers to enter bone Contains osteogenic cells for fracture repair Cortex = hard outer surface supplied by periosteal arteries Spongy Bone on inside Contains marrow --> RBC production Supplied by NUTRIENT ARTERY Nutrient artery and periosteal arteries are interconnected eh Epiphyseal lines = originally hyaline cartilage. NOW OSSIFIED Location = site of original growth, then known as an epiphyseal plate Fracture Repair Mechanism: 1. Formation of Hematoma (blood clot) 1.1. fractures break open arteries in bone 1.2. Forms 6-8 hours after fracture 2. Fibrocartilaginous callus formation (3 weeks) 2.1. Capillary regrowth 2.2. Phagocytes clean up hematomic debris 2.3. Osteoblasts from periosteum and endosteum start repairing fracture 2.3.1. Osteoblasts come mainly from the periosteum 2.3.2. Endosteum = later between spongy bone and cortex 3. Bony Callus formation (3-4 months) 3.1. More osteoblasts and osteocytes begin replacing cartilage 3.2. OSSIFICATION!!!!!! 4. Remodelling 4.1. Removing excess bone tissue and replacing trabecular spaces with compact bone Mineral storage and release within bone is controlled via parathyroid hormones Bone Classication by shape: Long Bone ex: Humerus Metacarpals Phalanges Short Bone ex: Carpal Bones

Flat Bones ex Some bones of the skull, ie parietal bone Irregular bones ex: Calcaneus vertebrae Sesamoid: 5 in total Patella Bone Classication by location: Axial = skull, vertebral column, sternum, and ribs Appendicular (relating to appendages) = everything else


OUTLINE 2: Arthroses = referring to joints, arthritis = inammation of joints Synarthroses Not very much movement Bones are connected directly via cartilage Fibrous or cartilaginous Diarthroses (Synovial) Bones indirectly connected via a joint capsule Allows for more movement There are 3 dimensions for movement Fibrous Synarthroses: very little movement Suture joints Occurs only in connecting at bones of the skull Short bers Gomphosis joints short bers occurs only between tooth and its socket, know as the alveolar process Syndesmosis: Longer bers, so somewhat more movement ex 1. distal end of tibia and bular ex 2. joint between radius and ulna Interosseus membrane connects the two long bones

Synarthroses Cartilaginous: Synchondrosis: Primary involves hyaline cartilage between bones ex. joint between rib bone and costal cartilages (Cartilage that projects from the sternum) = Costachondral joint ex 2. costal cartilage of 1st rib and sternum = synchondroses 1st sternal costal joint The other sternal costal joints = diarthroses Epiphyseal plates are technically synchondroses Symphysis: Secondary joints Involves brocartilaginous joints: lots of collagen bers ex. 1 pubic symphysis ex. 2 intervetebral discs Diarthroses: synovial joints involve: space between articulating bones (joint cavity) articulating surfaces are lined with hyaline cartilage joint capsule is made of brous tissue and continuous with aforementioned hyaline cartilage lined by synovial membrane secretes synovial uid to reduce friction secretes synovial uid in combo with movement to replenish hyaline cartilage as HC does not have a blood supply Ex. Knee Bending hyaline cartilage has similar properties to that of a sponge HC is squished and released via movement, equalling absorption and subsequent release of synovial uid synovial uid - form of maintenance and cleaning Without movement, cartilage can deteriorate Bunions: articulating surfaces are misaligned between the metatarsal and phalanx of the big toe synovial uid is not effectively utilized due to misaligned between articulating surfaces Joint deterioration Accessory structures of Diarthroses: Fibrocartilaginous discs, plates, or menisci, especially common for uneven surfaces Labrums (raised lip) found in hip and glenohumeral joint makes joints more stable FAt pads for lubrication/reducing friction Ligaments and tendons both cross joints

Fibers of ligaments tend to blend with those of the joint capsule Nerve/blood supply everything within a diarthroses is innervated except for the hyaline cartilage Diarthroses classication: Uniaxial = 1 degree of freedom Hinge joints = exion/extension only ex. elbow joint Pivot Joints = only rotation ex. C1 spins on C2 (Atlas spins on the Axis) Biaxial = 2 degrees of freedom Condyloid = convex surface and concave surface exion/extension Adduction/Abduction ex. metacarpal-phalangeal joints (KNUCKELS) Saddle Joint Only one in the human body the 1st carpometacarpal joint CMC (thumb knuckle) Think of as saddle on a horse and legs of the rider -----> scissoring! Flexion/extension Adduction/Abduction Triaxial = 3 degrees of freedom Ball and socket ex. hip and glenohumeral joints ONLY ex/extend abduct/adduct circumduction Plane joints = very common ex. acromioclavicular joint Small irregular surfaces generates small movements involves gliding or articulating surfaces Gliding can take the form of: opening/closing sliding spinning Joint Motions generally involve some form of combination between spinning rolling and sliding these motions in isolation would cause joints to collapse. There are exceptions however happens via articulating surfaces and action of the muscles involved ex. motion of femoral condyles over tibia during knee exion involve posterior rolling and anterior sliding Extension = anterior rolling and posterior sliding

Joints can be in close and loose packed positions: close packed = joint surfaces are as close as possible and ligaments are at their tightest close packed positions create the most stability no room for any accessory movements ex. Knee in full extension = close packed position when the knee is slightly exed, it is loose packed and allows for rotation of the tibia Joint Stability

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