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Late stage glute rehabilitation exercises: Further to our last newsletter here are 5 late stage rehabilitation exercises.

The use of elastic tubing adds resistance to the exercises. It is still important to perform these exercises slowly and controlled to ensure correct technique. You will also notice theses exercises are performed in a closed chain position as this is the functional position for the gluteal muscles. 1) heel slides. stand on a tiled or wooden floor. slowly bend one knee and slide the other leg out to the side. stand up and return the leg to the starting position. You can now repeat this sliding the leg backwards as well 2) Bridges with hip abduction: lay on your back with knees bent and tubing tied around knees. Keep back long, lift your low back and buttocks. Hold this and take your knees apart so you pull against the tubing. Repeat knee movement 15 times before lowering trunk and buttocks to the floor. 3) standing hip rotation: stand on one leg with standing leg slightly bent. Keep leg still and rotate your pelvis and trunk away from the standing leg. Ensure trunk and pelvis move simultaneously, and standing knee stays directly over the foot. Repeat 15 reps

4) Small knee bend on 1 leg: stand on one leg with your standing leg slightly bent. Squat down 5 cm and return to start position. Ensure back remains vertical, pelvis remains level and knee slightly bent at start position Repeat 15 reps 5) lunges: stand feet hip width apart. Take a large step forward and bend both knee so your trunk lowers towards floor. Using front leg drive back to start position. Ensure both knees bend and the front knee does not go in advance of the toes. Repeat 15 each leg These exercises will develop the skills and strength required to perform the advanced, functional glute exercises in our next article.

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