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A client is admitted to the nursing unit after a left belowthe-knee amputation following a crush injury to the foot and lower leg. The priority of the nurse during endorsement should be? a. Replacement of soiled drapes and gauze. b. Inhibits 2 watchers during night time. c. Allowing expression of clients feelings. d. Explaining to the client alternative ways of walking.

2. The nurse is preparing a plan of care for the client in skin traction. The nurse includes in the plan that a priority intervention is to? a. Giving of pain medications. b. Cleaning of pins and tractions. c. Position the clients body in a neutral position. d. Determine signs of skin breakdown.

3. A client with possible rib fracture has never had a chest x-ray. The nurse would plan to tell the client which of the following items before the procedure? a. The x-rays simulate a small amount of pain. b. The client needs to be placed in cast for stabilization. c. The client will be asked to breathe in and out as the radiograph is taken. d. The patient need to lie flat on bed 4-6 hours post procedure.

4. A nurse is talking to the client who underwent a belowthe-knee amputation 2 days earlier. The client says to the nurse, I hate looking at this; I feel that I am not even myself anymore. The nurse formulates which nursing diagnosis based on the statement by this client? a. Ineffective health maintenance. c.Disturbed body image. b. Self-care deficit. d. Ineffective coping.

5. A nurse is caring for a client with a fractured tibia and fibula. Eight hours after a long leg cast was applied, the client began to report an increase in pain level even after administration of the prescribed dose of narcotic analgesic. The most appropriate initial nursing action would be to _________. a. Contact the physician. b. Administer another dose of pain medication. c. Elevate the casted leg. d. Check the neurovascular status of the toes on the casted leg.

6. A patient with pulmonary tuberculosis has been taking anti-kochs medication for 3 months. One day prior to consultation, she complained of muscle cramps in the lower extremities characterized as pin prick sensation with loss of sensation due to peripheral nerve damage. The patient is experiencing what adverse effect related to her anti-kochs medication? a. Optic neuritis c. Hyperuricemia b. Ototoxicity d. Peripheral neuropathy

7. The nurse is administering ethambutol for a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. What symptom should the nurse instruct the patient to report to minimize potential complication? a. Difficulty in urination. b. Difficulty of swallowing solid foods. c. Difficulty discriminating the color red from green. d. Difficulty discriminating the color black from white

8. DOTS is an internationally recommended TB control strategy and combines five elements. Which of the following is an element of the said strategy? A. Sustained political commitment. B. Access to quality-assured chest xray. C. Standardized long-course chemotherapy for all cases of TB under proper case management conditions. D. interrupted supply of quality-assured drugs.

9. A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who is beginning O2 therapy asks the nurse why the flow rate cannot be increased to more than 2 liter per minute. The nurse responds that this would be harmful because it could ____________. A. Increased the risk of pneumonia from drier air passages. B. Be drying to nasal passages. C. Decrease the clients oxygen-based respiratory drive. D. Decrease the clients carbon dioxide-based respiratory drive.

10. A nurse who is participating in a client care conference with other health team member is discussing the condition of a client with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The physician states that because of fluid in the alveoli, surfactant production is falling. The nurse interprets that the natural consequence of insufficient surfactant would eventually lead into ____________. A. Collapse of alveoli B. Decreased compliance C. Atelectasis D. Pleural friction rub

11. COPD is defined by all of the following, EXCEPT _______. A. Characterized by reversible airway obstruction B. Occurs in all patients under the age of 55. C. In which symptoms rarely vary between days. D. And is linked to a chronic productive cough.

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