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80120 Rule
' , pr ,
The 80/20 by

A htgh percentag-. of eflects tn any arge system are t,^t -^ ,_, , r.oi1'e ..

e asserts that approx mate y gO percent of the effects generatecl


A so

afy large system

'80 0,.e

caused by 20 percent of the var ab es n thatsvstem


kfowr as Parei, s prnctpte Junns ple and Vtal Fe,,\, an.l T,riat A,tany R!)le

d dgoc ra.,

.o g.o.

: The lrsr
recogN tior oi the 80/20 ru e s buted to V fredo Pareto an tarrar econorn st who observed trat 20 perceniof

management, user ntedace deslgn, qualty control. and eng neeing. to name a few. Thespecfc percentages are not lrnportant as measures ofactual svstems rnd cate that the proportion of criitca variab es ,/,ri e. between lO per.ent and l0 percent The un versa ty of the 80/20 ru e suggests |k to norrnal y d str buted


mitsttsapplicatontovar ablesthatare rrtLten.ed by nianl srnall and unreated effects .g., systems that are used by arge fumbers of peop e if a lar ety of [rays. A few examp es of the gO/20 ru]e inc Ltder,
B0 percent of a product s usage tnvolves 20 percent of ts features. B0 percent of a towf 's traff c is on 20 Dercent of ts roads



wea th. The sem

the ia an people possessed E0 percent ot the fa work on ihe 80/20 rr e s QualiV Cantrct Handbcok by loseph lM luran


[/]cGra,'! H


60 perceft of a compafy,s revenue comes from 20 percent of its products. 80 percent of ifnovat on comes fTom 20 percent of the peop e. B0 percent of progress comes from 20 percent of the effort B0 perceft of errors are caused by 20 perceft of the components
The 80/20 rule is useful lor focusing resources and. tn tL_trf, realizing greater efficiefcies in design For example, if the crtcai 20 percent of a oroduct,s

.,.0 BO o.. e1- o . a -a. oe g. d.o ia., .rg.o.o.. . .,to_.o focus prirnar y on those features The remalningB0 percent ofthe featuresshoud be reevaiuated to verify their va ue in the des gn. S rnilarly, when gning



ra o

the crt cal 20 percent qu ck y yie ds clim n sh ng returns; improvements beyond the critical 20 perceft result in less substantia gains that are often offset hv 'h" .t,Oo L O ol a ,o,! o. rF^

,,g0, d pp L o r. ,*"l- o",o


Al eements rn a destgn are not createcl equal Use the 80/20 ru e to assess the va ue of elements, target ateas of redes gn and opt mtzatton, and

the crltica 20 percent, as such efforts yleld dim nish ng returns. Cenera lv. timlf ..doD,.d-0, O' r, - 90 20 , . o .0 .d. dot6. , a.,.t6-,tL,a da ., oo or mafy srnal and unrelated effects

ofthe ess rnoodant 80 , O.CJ 0..'1,.'n per " l.C' 0..6r o.6dditogo.o. I.o, reOd.g, Wr6r o and TesoltTces are limlted resist eflorts to correct afd opt rn ze desrgns beyond

af effcient Tnanfet Noncrtica functons thatare

focus TesouTces


ler,,r!.r Cost,Benefit, Forrn Fo ows Function, High ghting, Most Advanced yet a dodod. ono No.. a, D - o rLon.


i:, ., I L,. r,r,r ,r t,:r s,

Online Loyout


Poge Loyoui L)utl ne

Moster Docunrenl Formotling Poletie

Heoder cnd Footer
Foolnotes Comnrenis Reveo Formotting

Stondord Formohing

Bockground Contoct DotoBose

Ful Screen

Forms Picture


Thealslhuiar rsabi tycll(lrl descrbesa filreiomenon

wllich peope perceve motc neslhet c cle5 g|s a5 easerto !5r Lhan ess aesthcL c des gns whether llrcy arlorr'rat lre effeci lrns treef observcd tn seveTa erlar rr'rents. : id has s gn I ara rt rrlt aal ans regard ng the aaceptart|u. Lrse. and perlair nanare of a des grl

ir.i.r iir

l..rr the .!irir.i !i. r rL: Lr I .r-,iiireii. irll' ./irTi l:.r .frvEr'!rl rflIr.lurl
I rL'r


.lof: rrt !p!i]:r

b:i,.t.r:rt re:e.r.

5:rr rr. i,trrk


gns ook eas er to Lrse afd hav-' a h glt.r pr.rbabi ty of be rlg !sed, lvlretlrer or not lhcy actla ly are eas er to Ltse. N4ora !5able bLrt es5 alesLhet a

des ay


s!llcr a ack

of acL:cplarae that rerlda]15 sstles of usaLi Ly moat

bas subseqLrent fteractorls arral ar-' resstarll lar clrange. For eram!e. n a shrdyaf lro\r1,r ptopl-. lse cairrtpltleas TeseaTcher5 lollndthaleary mDrels 0f:r rf Lefaed Otg ltm atttldes allutrl therqLaltyarrd!s-'.Asmar plref0rrir'rarn s\re docrmented \,i/ th rcgad to f!rnan atlrac[!"l-'ss f rst f rLirels ons al peop e r rl ltf ae e1t tLlde llrr rat o I a id mea5Lrrab y affect ho\'! leop ar rri: p-.[e ved arx] treateal
lhese perrarpiror'rs Aarsllr|l s LLscd Aesthetc designsare .g pcs des gis arld nlake than urlaesLhetLa t ve atl luaies rfore effeat ve al lostlrr iorpeop-' prlbems it rsaornmorl Forexarrlpc afdesgf ii_ar:e tir.etant Daarr -.

Tle i! r 'r flli .i thE .:.,1 rel!r trr) ry i'e.r s rtpr.rfrtlhrb lr"!t rf.rfft tlilr r!: txper rEr'1.r A r:ly:i:. ire DEt:nf f ir ! .l l r. A ,p.rEIt Ll5.l lJ' tr! [r]: rir..l.i K!,o:Lr.i rl [.i:'r Ki:'mLrr. airi tf

llrrrirrirr.. i-irirr/r.rrrir I !.r1. Ir 2!? :93

F fr ri:



.1 P?':f.f:r



S,r.rr.r E A:irl ./.lrrrtri.i lr,r.rln.ri riitl Sr..i.rr I'st.], ,.i.r.,'i l9lri v! .11 :i,8 2{lil

asr:yar rfplrtartrae


[r;! a desgr]

'rrrl! r& ll.!irr At'irri li.lTir by ior:ra l'h rrr


Th rrgs lrlo


rr3 : lil:

devcoptee ngs tr[/arC deagrsthal llavc fosterec] postvcalltLrdes lo: peopetodothesamewth de5gnsihal have Iostared feEaiv|attttrdes. SLcit persana arrd'JoslLvcreatonshpsWLlr adesgn evana fee fEsoi alleaior. oya ly and paierlce a 5gnfaantfaclarrs nire ong Terfr Lrsab :y afd oleTa lLrLrarc5s ofa de5grt Tlrc5e pas tlve reatonsr ps have mp aral !ri! lor ro\,1/ effecl vc y p-.op e nteracl wlih des gns Pos L ve re ai onsll ps !,1 th a ill: !lr TesLr t I iirr rrleTact oi tltaL hc ls aata yze craal ve tr nk ng arld pro!ertso!nE Negiil va reationsh ps rc5Lrt n.l'tnteraarlorr that narro\,\rs rirrk rgandstfescrcaIvTy.Ths se5paal y mporlarll n !ir-'ssfu envron ncnts sfcl Stres: ra ease! lalglre itnd redrrcs aogntve perl0rnarce
Lt nnrne:nal

(eg. ramnga cnr) aid

uay5 asir r-. to c'eal! iesi ret a ales gnS Aesthetia des llfs are perceived as ea!r'to rse are rfinr '-oaal l/ atccelilcal aral Llsed ovar llre. afd prorrlolc lr"ative :l nk ng and prlir air solv rg Aelllrii a ales gns a so loSter pos i ve re alionsh ps _reop r,,i th e mak fg the n rnore Lal cra rt of prolr arfs w th a des gr].


lrress B a! ConLo!r B as. Forrrt FaJ ows FLlnct on Go den Rat o. !a\,! 0l Pragnanz O.khanr s Razor afd R! e .rf Th rLl!.



Afforda nce
A property n which the pltysroai character stics ol an oblect or environment rnfluence its func:tron.

for cltmbing; therefore, stairs are sa d to better afford climbing. Thls s not to sav that souarl whee s cannot be rollecl or fences clirnbed. ralher that the physrcal , haracteIst r s of round wheels and stairs better afford the functions of rolling and cl mbing l
When the affordafce of an oblect or environment corresponds with ts intende.l functiof, the desgn wil perforr. more eff cientyandw beeasertouse.

Objects and environrnents are better su ted for some funct ons than others. Rouncl whee s are better su ted than square whee s for rol ng; therefore, round whee s are said to better afford ro ng. Stairs are better suited than fences

The semr/ra work on afiordances The Theory of Affordances by Jemes cibson n Pe.ceiving. AchnE, and Knowingby R.

E Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds) Lawrence balm Assoc ates, I9tj; ant The Ecolagicat Apptaach la Visuat perceptlo, by lames G bson, Houghton l\4 fi n 1979 A popLr ar treatment of affordafces ca| be found n l/re Desgn af Everylay Thi)gs by Dora.l Norman, Do!beday, 1990.

hafdles are desigfed to open on y by pushtng_the afforda|ce of the handle conf cts wth the doofs functon. Repace ihe ha|d e with a flat plate, and it now affords pushing-the affordance of the flat p ate corresponds io the wav in which .I . ooo' d, b. ,..0 ,rF d^ gn,q,n pto.oo

Conversey, when the aflordance of an object or environment conf icts wth ts intended functiof, the design perform less efficlef|y and be more dlfficult to use. For example, a door wth a hand e afforcls pulling. Somet mes, doors


Note that the term afordarce reJers to the propedes of a physical oblect or nv rofmnt only Whei images of phys ca oblects or env ronments are used (e g.. nrage of a bLrilon), the mages themse ves, do not afford anyth ng The knowdge of bltton atfordances

rd r, - ne u\db v I, dr ootF. dno F t. o . o.'rp'..,o nn,ne o . rn,ooo.o.t. ono o.,0, ono,oan,,,", Ioa I'o.o dge. O. tlOIrFogd 0, . p. ,st. d fd.o .dr.\r q o, OLlhOn dno ' -. oooFd oonodo". ig inFoopt,d d.\, loo n.loD,or. -do, o ddo I
compLrter operating systems s based on th s idea_images of common terns like trash cans and fo ders everage our know eclge of how those itemsfuncton in the real wor d and, thus, suggest iheir funct on in the software env Tonment.:

'mdg" o omn o or .

exsts n th rn/nd o{ the perce ver basecj on experence wth phvstca buttons-i s nol a propedy ol the imase Ttrerefore. the
atfordance s sa d to be perceryed Se, for examp, "Affordances afd Design, by Dona
!,,",!1v c,

lnd org

Whefever possib e, you should design objects and envtronments to afford their rntended lunct on, and negatively afford mproper use. Forexampe, stackable chairs shoLt d on y stack one way. lVimlc fam ar objects and env ronTnents n
mply the way n which new systems it wi seem incofce vable that the design could lunc|on or be used otherw se. abstract contexts (e.g , software interfaces)


caf be lsed. When afforda|ces are successfully emp oyed in a design,

Se-" a

lio Constraint, Des re Llne, l\/lapp ng, and Nudge.



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;r' ;r ,- .l'rr,l I.;!: t: riir



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rt:r .r:r l.i.r r' ll r 'l : :,r. rl


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Conf irmation
A tei:lrl qLre [Ll prevlrtl lg, r.l:l ;lil:lldeii :lit lll: lly ri:r1u Tlirl ver l clt ol ol th' ;rr:l ott:; ilellri: tll+v arc lletll-r'rr rrl
kno(n as !.Jli..rlr,j,

Coflrmaton Satechniqueusedforcrtca actofs



A sc


prov des a Tneans for verlylng that ai acton or nput is ntenllona and corlect before t s performed. Conl rmatiorls are prjmar y used to pTcvent a c ass of errors ca ed silps. wr ch are un ntended act ons. Conl rmations s ow task pedormance. and shoLrid be reseTved ior Ltse wth crtca or rreversib e operatons only When

the consequences of an act on are not ser ous, or when acL ons are comp eie y afd eas y rer/eas b e, conllrmat ons aTe not needed ThereaTe two basccoffrmation






See for examp e. Tne Dcstgi :if Everyda\, //rrrgs by Dofa a Ncnran D.rbeday. l99L) aud Ia En ]s Huntan, BLlildtq a salat Healttr S-rsie/x !,drtc.l try L nd; T .lant lvl CcrrLgaf ano lllo e S Donadsof. Nanona A..detrLV Press 200!

Conf rmat on us ng a .i alog nvoves estab shngavelba nteracton wth the person using the systern. t s most common y represented as a dia og box of a f es? ) ln th s rnethod. software d sp ay (e.g., 'ATe yoLl sLlre you want to de ete

d a og boxes drrectly ask the lser if lhe action was ntended and ftheywoud earn to like to procee,:j. Con|rnralions shoL d be used spar ngly. or peop e

gnor-. them anal becor|e frustrated at the frequent nterrupl on D a og messages sh.Lr d be con.lse but cleta ed efough to accLrrate y cofvey the mplicat ofs of the actlor. The rnessage shoLl d end wth one qlest of that s structLrred to be answered fe-sor A/o orwth an acton verb tlrat conveys the act of to be performed (the use of O( and Crr.eishou d be avo ded for coflirtfat ons) Forlesscrtca conf nnatrons that act more as rem ndeTs an opt of to d sable ihe conflrrnat on shou d be provided.

Cofl rmation using a

b,vo step operat


nvo ves a


m nary step that must occLlr

pr or to the actLra .ornrnand


nput. Thrs is mosL often used

wth hardwale

a.t arn/ftre ape.aliar firstyou arnl the controis. and soften refelrecl (execute) you it. FoT examp e, a swtch cover m ght have f re then component. and /o l.op. g rt ld.. o r' '^o oL,' to oe -o oro. o.
10 as
Ln order to launch a nLlc ear weapon, or a contro handle n a spacecraft rnlght have to be rolated and Lhen pushed down rl oTderto be acllvated The purpose ol the h{o sLep operation ls to pTevent acc dcntal act val on of a critica contro It the operat on works only when the bro step sequerlce has been completed occur acc denta y Two step ope.aiions aTe t s !n kely that the operat orl I aircraft, nucear power plants. and other operatons commonly Lrsed lorcrtcal



rofments nvolving dangero!s operat ons

Use coffLrmatlons to rnln mize errors in lhe pedortnance of cr t ca orirreversbe operat ons. Avo d overus fg confjrmat ons to efsure that tlley are unexpected and uncoffrrnofi othew se they may be gnored. Use a bro step operat on for hardware conf rmat orrs, and a dia og box fol Sott\rare coflirmat ons Perrn t ess

cfil ca conf rmatrons to be d sab ed after an in tia conl rmat on

'l , ,. Constra nt, Errors, FoTgveness,

and Garbage ln Garbage 0ut


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o User



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Re Enier Your Possword:

You hdve not entered o subie.r. h i5 re.ommended lhor dll me5soge5 hove subie.ts. would you like to send rhe mesroge onywoy?


rch Ro.kel


,h"- lhn





lLrdge books by

tle I .over5

bu drirg:s 5y lhe

obb es. Tll

s n tla

nternet slles by lhc r f rst !ag"s. arld rllpTess.lrl ol a sysLcrlr cr erlv T'rnTnerlI

grcaty nilLrrf.ess!bseqlilntpecepto-sarral etttLd.s. '\ lhen 'flcctsthe qLra ty of sLrbseqLefi 'leractLans Tlrls mprass o r 5 arge y fonned at lhl efiry po nt to a s!'stefir 0r en! rllrlmeit [a]r exrmp e efter ng mary nt"rfel 5 tes

S-.: I!' rt;rip e ,r'l rf llt Brf, i/re Sir.Ir. il r/ sl,rrIi,rr tr,, P..o ll rr).,'f Tr!r -rtLrr: Boiik. :Li!!:r H'-,].i !i-qit/i rrilrrlrr- .r!r.r


bv \/\/! llrr

A R!t.5 il



L.{tri,:. A:i. f! !',

r,'/ l'.lrri.r &


gaLr'rg throLtgh


oaC ng sp

nsfl sareef


Lowed liy a s

ow !a'i


paJc.fa o!\rud by selalra pLip Llpu/rltlows\r'''lhad'/edsan"nts all th5to lr'rter a r le thai tnay or nray fot llave the nlarmalon the Lrerson \lras ook ng ilr S!ch irrrars I entry po rll Ces grl an_oyvl5torsr,flrlll nreke ilhro!gh ordeier ! sitrr5 a togelhilr Etllcr,\ray ii daes rlail prornolc addtorla ntera'1" Thckey
eenrcrtsoigo0al entr-! parntdcsLgn aTa
lr'r n

Ci-ri& ,,,. zira1. ina Tre :lti'r trr: l'irr rr'rr lyetr..k rg Str.v :ry ria'.r L!r,Jr: e r Grlrg !d!'r. l!. l)e[or.l l.];rr .rd A r.r.r Lr:V eii rl !,'/r"1,!!r iri'rr.1ereri .r .rq

Ila ba(ers ponts0l

prospeLl and



[/l n] Barr ers




r ai no1

iltrartlmbar -'ntry

pa)lft: Erarn I es ol ililrr ers t! eniry

Lrall akeal

rarkng ois Ioisy (llspaJ/5wtli rf'ny Llrn'ccssary clemefts saes

al llre aloors ai relal stores or.lrythrlgllratlrlp"'lespcopefrorrl
rrl-r! ng thrLrtlgt


h gh y


e st.i ral rg


5 a


' Forrxan'pe.apoorynl;rntarl{ldbLrlldLngfrcflorandscape

aI iintry porrt

Barr crs aan bar aestheL



r arslhet a barr er to cntry.

opt!rrs l'cftsilprospcd nc llale storc antrancilS that plovlde a Lrear !ewol starir ayoLrt arral a 5 e s ljis rjr lnteriel pagesthal pravd{l good or entatiorl cll"s on oot ons. Po rrL5 of prOs leal shoLr d prov dal sufilL cfT t nie and aral ia!

Po nts of Prospect Ertry pr rt5 slroLral a 0\'! peopc




and L:aary slr'/ey avaiabe


e ilersorl lo reveu' i)ptons\'/itlr mif rr'ral dstraatonordsr!pt0n pe!reslrlLrrlnai1ci-'hLl'radoratutldeCbylheIsLrrloundngs'rrotherpeope


belsed toatlractarld ptrl lealp e throlgh the eftry po fl Progress 're gr"etels LT-osaan becarrrle ngllcaC ies lrom the lrant page ofa rlc"lspaper restroorns] ai Te5ta rra':s iirtheals[iaVofLro]trarprldLrctsordestnata)rs(eg get peope t! ln'rementally I rst bey!.d the cntry po it oi a 5lore Progr"s5 !e L!res
LLrres 5lrLrrrd

Progress ve Lurcs

approairlr. enter. and llla]ve thro!gh the errlr! po rll

llr/L] the clieat vlalSs of tll! -'ntry Lir nt n a des gn by redLc ig barr erS r: aar pa rr15 of pro5f,ect and Llsrglngressvc llres Provde :Lrff c cnt t ri,c it rd space for peop e t0 r-'v e't/ oppodLlrl l es i'r lLe"lct0rl atthe .ftry r. nt Cons deT progress ve Llres I k-' h gh ght fg cit"v p! nt greeLcrs and poLr! ,,rr oiler ngs v sLbLy ocalc.l beyond t re errlry po fL to get paop e to cnt" arld

estab slr rg tlllor]gh.


r-oTs or..

Prcspcit ReiLge and Wayf id fg


.Li I i,



Appe Reta lStore


Thc A large po nt of prospect s prov ded aft-.r eflry to slpport onentat on


of gtass

rim lcs visua ba(iers





lL, i




A srnall set ol g ass stai.s al the entry pornl acts as a !ac creatrgthe iipresson of enter ng a spec a p arc.

ProducLs ne th-. pcr phery ol lhe space. clear opi ons lrom the po nl of prospect.

arge gass sta rcase aats as a sOcondary

Lrre. creaL

rg the mpresson of ,.nlerfg

I otlter sp-.c



Flexi bi I ity- U sabi I itY Trad eoff


thc fex bj tv of a systelr trrcreases thc usab ity of the



ecr ea scs.

well known maxt.rl' jack af all trades' The flexlbility-usabillty tracleofl s re ated io the luncijons than specia lzed perform more maslet of none. F exlble designs can F ex ble des gns are' by ciently less etf des gns but they perform the functions a Tesult are geneTa y more gns' as and des b e def n"rtion, more comp ex than nflex attached tools that has many fe Kn Army Swlss a rlitficu t to use. For example,
lncrease lis flex

, See lor examp e. Ihe /rvlsibie Campuler by Dona d A Norman lvlT Press 1999

and'The Visbe Probems of the nvsrbe

ConrpLrter A Skeptcal Look at nformaton AppLrancs by Aidrew 0d yzko. F rst N4ond,v 1999. vo 4 {9). http:/Ar vr'\r f rstnrondav org

provde a flexb tyof corresponding ndlvdual tools that are more spec alized but ity tradeoff ex sts because Lty usabi use not availJ e from any s ngle too . The flex b gn requirements' of des flexibllity ental s satisfying a arger set
complexity ln the design wh ch invatiably means more compTorrlses and accornmodatlng

ty. Thesetoolstakef together are less usable and etficentthan

always be made as flex b e as It ls a common assumpt on that designs should of com plex ty' usab ty time' ln terms costs tyhasrea flexib posslbe. However audlence cannot c early and rnoney it generally pays dividends only when an personal corlputeTs are flexib e devlces anticipate its future needs For example,


aJout how t can and u/ I be used: purchase persona computers purchase vl{leo game piayers to play garnes, but they at the t me of purchase are unknown wh ch of many needs to sausly a var ety of

is that it addresses uncertainty However, the pr tnary va ue of a persona computer word process ng tax preparaton emall People

ploduct s a key ndicator of Ihe ab lty of an aud ence to anticjpate luture uses of a an audiencecan cLearlv When design fro*if,ey wi vaLue flex bllity versus usability in needs wlll be favored those thai target deslgns un,o,puL needs, more specia zed ble des gns that enah e fLex more its needs' ne def when an audience cannot c early be favore{l The degree to which an future contingencies

d correspond to the degree of aud en.e .un o, cannot def ne fuiure needs sho! understand the on or tlexlf,ility in the desigf' As an aud ence comes to

people to address

become better def ned ,unge of porsiOl" needs that can be sat sfied, their needs zed Thsshftfron'l specia rnole andi consequenty lhe designs need to becorfe n the evohrtion pattern observed general fexib lity toward spec alization over time s a products of lfe cycle the ln of a systerns and should be considered
The f exib lty

usab ty tradeoff has implicat ons lor welgfr ng ihe re ative gn When an audience has a clear lmportance of flex b lty versls usablllty n a des

that target those needs as understanding of its needs, favor spec alized designs poor understand ngof its needs' eff. enty as possib e When an aLrdience hasa possible set of fulure applications tavor f exib e des gns to address the broadest the genela shift toward prod!cts, consider generat of ons When des gning mu tip e more defined becorne needs spec a zat on as audience Lile Cycle' l\ilodularlty and Ser :'r,, 80/20 Rule, Convergence' Hlerarchy of Needs' Progressive
D sc osuTe




' I rl'1r I :r-l li'r ll A ft a- l l:.-l ir balfirall ( irilirir'l " lll ".: ciie!i:.. il(ri)iJ tla f,rtl l .!l il'tit,,ilr,'- ,;irrilr... , . .111 :.ii, l l: te5t i.t tl grlal:tr ' :r're ,tl It5i':
Turn a wh,.e, flip a swtch, or plsh a button and you expe.t s.rnlc k fd of effect. When the effecl cofesponds to expcctation the rnapp ng s cons dered to be good or natLrral. When the effect does not correspofd to cxpectat on, the mappLng s consrdered to be poor. For examp -', an electr c w ndov\r contro on a car {ioOr can be or erted so that ra s ng the aontrol switch corresponds to ra s ng the\,!ndow, afd o[rer ng the .ontrol switch lowers the wndow. The relatofsh p between the conlto and rars ng or ower ng the window is obvious L,ompare lhls to an or entat of ol the aontroL 5w Lch on the surlacc ol an arrnrest. sLlch tlrat the contro motion s forward and backward. The relationsh p between the contro afd the ra sing and ou/er ng of the w ndow s no ongeT obv ousi does pLrshing the coirtro swtch forward correspond to ra s fg or ower ng ihe w fdow?'
Good napping s primar y a funct on of s m ar ty of ayout, behav or or rnean ng. Whenthe ayoLrt of stovetop contro s corTesponds to the ayoLlt ol b!rners, th s s s rniarty of ayouti wlren tLrrnlng a sleenng whee eft turfs the .ar eft, this s s m ar ty of behav or: lvhen an eTneTgency shLtloff tlLrtton s colored red th s s s m ar tv of rneaning (e.g. rnost people assoc ate red !a/ th stop). n eacll case.

Aso knrrn .s .rr/rlro/ c,st)lay teldttoishtp atrd snrr,!/rs rcsp.nse .rnrp.rilb/ll),

The sem

n. !.'k.r

nrapp ng s

Ire tesrgn


frydrr Ihrrgs

by t-loiz a Nornan



F.r. re!e(.1 th.s.

.Sr;ra/ a,ri

k nds

Absir.l l/roirr


[r1rccir Gats (ed ). f/]lT Press 2001


ty makes the contro'effect re at onsh p pred ctab e, and therefore easy to


of .oniro s so that the r ocat ons and behav ors corr-'spond to the ayolt and beha! or of the dev ce. S mple coftro effect re at onsh ps work best Avoid Llslng a singe coftrc lor rn!tjple fLfctrons whenever poss be t s d ffcLr I to achleve I cases where th s good nrapp ngs for a ofe contro muLt p e eflect reatlonsh
Pos t

s not poss ble,

lse v sualy


rnodes (e

g. dfferentcoorsl tolndlcateactve


as d flerent

colventons to attach mean ng to cortro 5, pop! at 0n gro!ps may ntelprettreconveftiofsdfferenty(eg n Erg and. fl pp ng a |ghtsw l.h up turfs t off and f pp ng t dora/t tlrns t or)
Be carefu when re y ng on

Scr:r:.,r Affordance. ntederence Eflccts. Nudge, ProxLity andVsb ty




ir\[\(gljr,] il[it9,[' ,.-:j1a

iifl@llilr \\=1;.








to tr.vel

backvrard folwar.l




ilfrFljii; ./,,.:\iir. gl \= (|) @ ao








itrr i:rt







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.r., !riLir.e

r::'rs r it rdllel At' ri i/e'irrir ili''rrri rrrt'f ll'l r i'rl !'ri5


l'r,..err'.r rr kr



i)-'|rsnrr15 .iirrrrrr,5s lrv ri

il;l ;; :I;t.l, ;

plosrarrr basl' pens ". 'n ;;ti";ee s ;t or 5 t0 error ;;;; lu--- r*'.u"' \"'r re' ihe dera! t lpr r'lics n'rease i.:. plan savLllgs pcn5of ,ln,niu",r, ur,o,",,t - -'/ rrto a bas' p airs or not lorr' u'" lrec lo joLf
s to f ol b'r rce' siered ror a

:: , liF,r

fiJirt; rr,rr f',r'rrr). r,1 tr. r. K'lr'cr'rl .riri l, r$ T!i: 5rr', a. rir'iig' tr'r'''r5tl

ljE r!lr,



lLr Lllrrrrrc'

;;i;;"'"t :',,l;Vt;t.];"; ''utlt

hLrl trlulligerlt delarults nudge are tnl,,t" ng


lmp oyeil! to nlakc the mcsl rr!dllifg techl qLles'



'harsri responS

ll e dec

s orl



Se i]cL



the ensl harrf and flrost g'od iii


Ve!.le1.5Ld!et.Ja.]k|]eolg.lndo.atllnS'irs|]oliagethatcouldbe opl Ln) th' defaL L errnilrneni lrom 'lpl oLrt lo ,,nir"a",i1,u t*"4


lc.d|eck ';;

,"i ,n"t*,t"t

I':e'iba'k for a'llons aid lad o'5_ Pr!! de v 5 b il an'l lnnleC ale thi'lt siay l'a"e ed lglrts or'r the daslrboard 'n ,U nrlile'n autonoLr es '
s 1i'siefreLl


lfcle'silg seatbilt rlsagc)

nceftivcs lc pr(lferred _ jriacrllrve5 A\r' I n'e li !i i:oilrilLl5 arld allgn I the unilec slaLcs tltt cirsl j'r ll !ri'ers legsatorr pasjcd _' ;i;;;;("g iol nuw


"ilsh .,"' ,,",.. ,., .., ".. lhe . "r L:ur sll rrat on arld ltjiui'fl)


der'aTs l nilent \re 1or to'stlrf ers lo lrade llg lotaj L]nergy re.]U. .nd ndUst|y Ve llot ng .lt]ti]

p :^,l."L,lCh.x]esPro']1di]thelleaisios]mplLiyandirlier.omplexLtyto choice! for rtlstoners Lo lre


tata alcc


'rrilk ng (e

Netlllx strtlcjLlles

C r-"alar5.

of othcr .qei|{]5 illal llic r{r'ilrlllllrl(latiorls [/li']ke :'lilro

:nrirrrgthcttr trseat'lrarrdbr0!'/5eb'sedoirlIes




,"" ,i i.,,



,o ci:rt











,' ,.



s'l tir:lt


, i,-, .n


rrarcase prcd!L'11!'Lyi

gr 'lrlll In'rLrorllrel]ts'r'ihere ilatrider rlLldgus n lhe ocs 'llJecis il'rlrcsl)ond to thi: rlro5t gellelaly 'i ll'tt state5 I S't moiilaairn s kel.



co belrt'r o|s b': rrg 'r'r ri-'tu 1: :l:]:.'.'t::]' 0r5 A|gjr r ..r{1r LLr,.s \frlh des wIeri cec s on n'akrfg !afarfeLefs 'rrci'q i."'i.i i ,,,oitu arr'l :rtrtrcLLrre 'ho slnt's illearly \'ls iJ e ao" n,"r' t"U"'t-'t "ld fefiorflarl'r'l


Alior.lance Conj

lfaj of



Frarilirg ard [4apping




Performance Versus Preference

trct Th,. des,grts ihai he p people pedotrn cpl iraly a ':cl rflcrl lhe sarre ,,:s tltc dr:signs that ;leople Iitrc nr:'i deslriiir e
See for example. _Pcdornance verslrs

max m "ihe customer is Designers and rnanagers often confuse the business confusion' slnce aLwis rght" with "the user s always ls righi " Th s s a dangerous same thlng' notthe often peop like s e rnainelf. peopte perform well and what by efficiency typing improve to For examp e the Dvorak keyboard is estirnated prefer people the popularity because n rise ed to more than 30 percent, but has fa

Prefere.ce' by RobertW Batlev Pnr'eedrngs of tltc HunBn Factars and EEonotntcs S]cilty 37th Annual L4eenng,1993 P 282 2db
Se for exanpc. l'"'leasLrr.g ll$b ty Preferen.e vs Pe ormance bv Jakob N e scn and lonathan Levy. ComlntnicaLons Dl lh'" ACM 199,1 vo 37(4), p 6G75.

wou d answeT in the aff rmative to type 30 percent faster wlth fewer errors' most passed the lntroducl on of the Dvorak since years have 50 than more Despite th s, praciical alternative ' keyboard, and it s still rnore of a noveLty item than a reasons people prefer This underscores an irnportant esson for deslgners: the rnay have noth ng and factors' many of one design lo another ls a combination t cornpete !'vlth Does look at? pleaslng to design ls the to do witi perlormance. to ihe weL-being 0r contribute t Does of use? gns standards or ong stancling des careluly balanced in the seliesteem of the user? These are a factors that must be deslgn is never y peforming deve oprnent of the deslgn lequ rements' lf a superb prefer it to alternatves not (for whatever reason) do bought or used because people does nothelp desgn ked if aweLthe performance beneflts are moot ConveTsey moot' are preference benefiis peop e perform at the leve requ red' the preference in des gn is to The best way to correctly ba ance pedolmance and veTSUS prelerence Wh e accurate y determ ne the irnportance of performance peopLe want or ike' surveys rfterviews, and focus groups try to llnd out what do especialy for new peop will actually e they are unre iab e indicators of what beh^/een poor minating at discr peopLe are or unfamL ar designs Addjtonally' they performance; y lheir enhance actua leatures they ke ancl leatures that and alternatves' able thanava perform esswell that commonly irefer designs performance best the achieve them gns helped des those incorrect y believe that

morefami ar OWERTY keyboard. lfyou asked people

if they

would ketobeable

ThebestmethodofobtainingaccUrateperformanceandprefeTencereqUiremenis (ora sffrllardeslgn) lnreal lstoobserve people nteracting with the deslgn tasks that approxlrnate ng structured us contexts. When this is not feas b e' test to obta n prefelence mpodant lt is be used of the way the deslgn
key aspects
re y

p anning to do on reports of what people say Lhey have done' wiLl do' or are are unre lable the luture regarrl ng the use of a design; such repods

performed and not afterward Do not nformat on in context wh e the task is being


^.-l el U Fexb ty Llsability

.do ,r .

lp ol lro D"rop 1" HerarchyofNeeds and Tradeoff,




Progres5 v{t

alsao5rrlc nlolves 5-'p:raL rlg lrformatlon ntorrlLllple ayerSand

aycr5 that arc necessary aT re evanl t

lhe rem

y prescntlng

s prlmar ly used lo preverl

| !.


re r tlre

rii i,t,ir.d Lrork !r [.gres:!e !nr' rterf..,. rr l,r Xerfr

lnfornralor oleroad. and is crnployed n aompLlLca tlser rlLcdaces' rlsLrLr'ilonal rnaierla s andlhcdesignitl physca
d sclos|re kecps .l splays c -'an arld Lln. Llttercd and heLps peop e rnairage compcxlty withoLrL beconl rrgcon lscd. fr!straLed ardsorcnt-'d For


.i| lrri.. Sle Tlr lL:rr.r St.r A R.irospefl!f :r! leii lolr r.rn :nd rer*:r
L Rfi)rrt.

\f .nrV,]ltnr!
lVl.rr.n rrjr


Dii!a a Sm.'l Ke!n Nl.fkly


exafipe. lnlr{Irreftly Ltsed aoftro5 Ln sofiware nterfaccS are oftcn corceaed n d a 0g boxes lhat are |voked by c .k ng a Mole bLllLon P-'op e wlro do noL ne"d to lsethe rarntro s rtatluT see thLrm For lllotu: advarlLcd l]sers thcoptonsarc rcad y ala ab,.. lr . lh-'r casc. lhe desigrr s s mp (cd by showing on y Lflc most lfeqleft y feq! rell carftrols b-v alefau t. and rnaklng addjt orla aontrols ava able
on requcst.

I HrlnJr ar"ri,r/i.r /rr/.r.rr.'rr, Lr,,,ard i]' :t.lil b! Rorr. rl L/l Sre.ker lrn.ilran llr!. n Wl .rm r'r S Bullr SaLr Grei]'ib.rn
['].rg._ KrLl rr,ri P.rir :lre,5 l9il5 p



.r:r :,r.i' n . ir pr:5! r: . .r!.r ,b .r.d lpt!,r!.1 .n.e' t I tlxl

fg -.ff c errcy oenef ls llreat y fnm t re Llsll ol progressive d sa osLrre. lffirr rai L.n prasented i0 a persof !!har s nail fterested or ready to ploaess t s ellcct ve y r0 5e. f lormaT of ihal 15 gradua y and progresslve y di5c osed t0 a caaner a5 ihi:y need or r-'qLlesl I s better processea] and perce vcd as morc rerevant The f !mber ol errors s 5 gn f cirrlly redtlced !s ng th s lrlclhod, arld aof:reqreniy he aIroLrnt oftmc ana] frLrstrat on spelll rear:rver rlg lron errors s
.r :ro realucLrd

i.rretrriiL..r.d 5 rr| . s. o!r. .;if..ts orr y rilr.fLrertv L -red eef r,ft: :nd !e'flr l! irrTrrr. r. 0(r!.r m.! rlt b. re,:r. \r t !r' gcr-'r. ! I .!(



progr.r,! ve

nr rtrLj e'fert

orr k rrr]Lll;t1r

o.a il(xrrer:e



ng.1 o .e '"'r ''r*rse rot r i!1r .ad


SeE lir: .xiimr

rsrrc : a sal lsed n the physLcal world to managethe pLr[epton ty arrll aat v ty. lor exan]p c progress ve d sc osLrrc s foufd n tlre of aonp tr po gr nts for rrroderi therrlc park r dcs Exceed fgly ong nes rot ol ent.y des oiyfrlstratepeopelniine but also dl5coLlrage nev! peopctrom the rlcle Thelllc ne (somet rnes paik das gners plOgress !ey d sc o5e d screte salgrrents 01
PragressivLr ai sc

'r rcrfrre [ ]ilrr M C.r | .rrd aaro fr i.rtr crs all]lrr J,.rrti.rrs .i i/ i. l all ]!8,] io :li8t. p 8L.Lr 81lli .'rr:. Iire r\lilril]'rli tilrr.i lr,r l! r r [/ aano i/ T P'es5 1!]!ll

TI.l n ng

r'/fe! 5

'r llser

s!ppcrnented \,! tlr -.rtedalfnent). so that no one the ne n lt! ert rety.

ih" lfor0!lofthe rlc eveT sees

Usc Dngaess!a alLsa os!re to redlle niorlllaLon corllpcx]Ty, espella y \r\iherl pear I e nteract ng ur tit Lhe des gf aT-a no! res or nfreqLlent lsers Hde fllla]refty Lsed coftros or flormaton. but nake ihcn read y avaiabe tllrougtr

sonresmpcOp-aratotr.suchaspresslrlgaMtrebLrLLoN F'rogrll5s ve d sc osLrr-' is al:! af elle.trve irrcLhod for lad ng pco[r e th roLLgh .om pjex pr..edures. ard
sho! d be considered when slah proccdlrres ar'o a part of a alcs g r'


Lrrors Layer rlg lnal Periolllrnnae Load

.: i:r,r,. ti .t r ',.i. ,iir,r 1:,1 ..:..i r. ,r!:r 't ti: I . ll ail i . , r,t )L t. .:,:r l,i I:l t:, ,r,ri:L rr r: i F:!lr;rri. ,lr' i rr ,.r )t: | .':', rl; i:,,. r. ll rlLr .l , r-, iri. 'i'l,II,'


More Choices




::. ..


olJ disks


Seorch: on


Fewer Choices

tE;Low wa s a low visitors near th end of the line to se tl-rey ar gett ig c ose to the end.


i ,.\ i .,, ri,:1i1,-./, ':r '.)'. ',: i il lr. ', t ' " i.. 'r -r t. rli !,,,,i, i I . ii ,,i..,r I .t
lll] l jl i!: iil. ].' l',']i. .]l:.

. rrrr t,:rl 'l ,. ri,,1:rr.:r!'.' . ,. .r:rt L.,r ( .:r r, 1|i, ._ ., t, .,,tr li,r,ir,i:lt, tr ,.r I.r.l I lrrlLr t i , r, ,.t , ,., i r .rr I l' ,lir ',. ; ' !r , .,=til:i;L .,ir ,. r. ..(,. ,. .i,1.. ,1ltr, ,.i.

Video screens eiterta n v s tors wh e they waii.

. lo, ^" eo " '" "-i"o"c from see ng the leigth of the ine. I
h sn
o e.enl

w,.do^ dro^

' enr f L" ina ro 6d Lo d

.,s, o..

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