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Activity Hand clapping Rhymes

One Potato, Two Potato (Handclapping Rhyme) Author: Unknown One potato, two potato, three potato, four, five potato, six potato, seven potato more. Icha bacha, soda cracker, Icha bacha boo. Icha bacha, soda cracker, out goes Y-O-U!

(This chant is used to find the first person to be "It" when beginning a game. All players put their fisted hands together in a circle and one person starts the chant by tapping each fist in succession. When "Y-O-U" is said, the person whose fist is tapped puts that fist behind their back. Then the chant starts again with the chanter starting with the fist of someone else. As soon as one person has both hands out of the circle they are "It". )

One Bright Day

True Lies
Author: Unknown One bright day in the middle of the night Two young boys got up to fight Back to back they faced each other Drew their swords and shot each other The deaf policeman who heard the noise Came and shot the two dead boys If you don't believe my lie is true Ask the blind man he saw it too.

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