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Experimental Design

1. variable: any part of an experiment that can vary (change). Variable = able to vary. 2. controlled variable: the parts (variables) which are not being tested. These variables must stay the same. 3. independent variable (experimental variable): the part (variable) which is being tested. The variable which is changed by the scientist or person performing experiment. 4. dependent variable: the part of the experiment that is affected by the variable (independent variable) which is changed. 6. controlled experiment: an experiment in which two subjects or groups have all variables in common except one, which is the one variable being tested. 7. control group: the group which does not have the variable being tested. 8. experimental group: the group which has the variable being tested. 9. The Lab Report Format (Scientific Method) 1) Ask a question: What would happen if? 2) Hypothesis: A short statement that says what is going to happen and why. The more specific the better! 3) Procedure: Instructions on how to perform the experiment. 4) Observations: Record what you observe. 5) Conclusions: Analyze what you observed. Answer whether or not your observations proved or disproved the hypothesis and why.

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